Monday, 23 January 2017

Steamroller with pThag & eeLylyth

Ah sorry for posting late this week, but after the tournament I was drained, and I started a Marine Medical Care course on Sunday which gives me little time to write...

Nonetheless, I manage to write it to the best of my memory.

My lists were:

Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight
- Typhon
- Carnivean
- Nephilim Protector
- Nephilim Soldier
Max. Blighted Swordmen
- Champion & Abbot
Blackfrost Shard
Obj: Effigy of Valour

Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight
- Archangel
- Typhon
- Nephilim Bolt Thrower
- Naga Nightlurker
Min. Blighted Raptors
Annyssa Ryvaal
The Forsaken
Obj: Armory

My first game was against... drum role... Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight ! Actually, there was 4 Legion players at the SR, and we were all paired against each others during the first round. The Scenario was Extraction.

RaVeNs Of WaR
Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight
- Angelius
- Angelius
- Neraph
- Nephilim Bolt Thrower
Max. Blighted Raptors
Scout Striders
- UA
Max. Blighted Grotesque
2x Deathstalker
Grotesque Assassin

My opponent chose his table edge, and so I went first. Of course, when doing a Lylyth3 vs Lylyth3, some might expect the game to finish by an assassination. First turn, I cast Battle Host, trampled forward and cast Snipe to kill the Strider Officer and a regular Strider, triggering Blood Boon for a Wind Wall, and moved back a little. I ran all my beasts forward too. On his turn, my opponent also moved forward, cast Battle Host and shoot twice into my Bolt Thrower, which did some damages and closed the Body, but was left camping one fury... Since both Lylyth and my Archangel where in range of his Lylyth, and she was not camping much, I went for the assassination. The Naga put Wraithbane on Lylyth, but my Archangel only had 2 shots (you know, it's always when you need them...), so Lylyth was left on 3 boxes and no Fury. My Lylyth was empty, since she wants before the Archangel, but he didn't have Wraithbane in his list, so all of his attacks were at -6 damages and my Lylyth only took 5-6 damages (admittedly, his Lylyth hit mine only once). Back to my turn, he was only camping one still, and he was in range off all my beasts... I won on assassination.


My second game was against Cryx and the Scenario was Entrenched.

Asphyxious the Hellbringer & Vociferon
- Barathrum
- Deathjack
Max. Satyxis Raiders
- Sea Witch
Darragh Wrathe
Machine Wraith
2x Pistol Wraith
Satyxis Raider Captain
Wrong Eye and Snapjaw

Since his other list had two units of Satyxis, I choose to drop Thagrosh since I felt like Lylyth could handle that much infantry.

It was a slow grind, like really slow. Some Swordmen charged his objective but left it on 1 box. He charged Deathjack into my Carnivean, but with Thagrosh aura and Spiny Growth, my Carni survived with a third of his life and all aspect, and the Carni closed both arms and Deathjack with Spiny Growth. Next turn, the Carni killed Deathjack both took all of his Fury. We were trading piece slowly... We also were going up on Scenario 1 by 1 each. Snapjaw tried to kill Typhon and failed, so Typhon killed him. At some point, he was 4-3 on Scenario, it was my turn, and we had both about 3 minutes left on clock... My Soldier had die some time ago, flying ever his zone to contest. My Carnivean had just come back the turn before but was knockdown. Typhon frenzied, but the Blackfrost shard killed Wrong Eye and Thagrosh killed both versions of Darragh to clear my zone and... the TO called dice down. So I didn't add the time to run over my opponent zone or breath into his objective (to give an extra point), and lost 5-4 in scenario on dice down. At the end, there was just about every other players in the tournament looking at our game, and it was pretty thigh.

For the record, he had left Barathrum, Asphyxious, both Pistol Wraith and 2-3 Satyxis. I had left Thagrosh, the Protector, Typhon, a feated Carnivean, the Hellmouth and the Blackfrost Shard.


My third game was against Trollblood. Once again, looking at my opponent list, one of them had a Mountain King, and the other had a Mountain King AND a Glacier King, and Lylyth just can deal with that, so I dropped Thagrosh, which was fine by me since I like Thagrosh into The Pit.

Dhunia Theme
Ragnor the Skysplitter
- Runebearer
- Mountain King
- Glacier King
Max. Krielstone
2x Runeshapers
Janissa Stonetide
Troll Whelps

I won the roll, and I choose the table edge, which was a huge deal since on one side the flag was in front of a house, and I didn't want to go around the house with my caster. Even if my opponent went first, I reached the zone on my first turn by running both Typhon and the Swordmen. On his second turn, the Mountain King was going around the famous house and a couple of Stone guy put a toe into the zone. Also, he feated ! On my turn, I know that I didn't have enough Swordmen to hurt the Mountain King, so I just flooded the zone with them and also charged the Krielstone to kill one of them. Thagrosh installed himself on the flag. 1-0 On his turn, the Mountain King was jam and bulldozed two inch into the zone, and his caster ran to his flag, while the Glacier King was a bit jammed behind the Krielstone. The Runeshapers were killing tentacles but the BFS was coming for them... 2-1 His feat is pass and I put some hurt into the Mountain King, killed a lot of the Krielstone and a couple of Runeshapers hit the dust. 3-2 My opponent did his best, but he didn't have nothing but a lonely Runeshaper to run and contest my flag, but for that he would need to survive about 2-3 free strike from Swordmen and BFS. So I went 4-3... The game was won for me, but for tie-breaker purpose, I mulched his army down to Ragnor, the Glacier King and the Mountain King, all the rest dead. I finish it there, 5-4.


My last game was against Mr Poupart from Hard7, a french-canadian podcast for Warmachine & Hordes, and hisTrollblood. He had Horgle in his pairing, so Lylyth was out of the picture. Also, Take and Hold.

- Runebearer
- Mountain King
- Bomber
- Blitzer
- Earthborn
- Pyre Troll
- Pyre Troll
Min. Krielstone
Troll Whelps

So, I not really use to play more than 3 games in a tournament, and even if I cheated by eating a yummy snack bar to chocolate and almonds to regain energy, my head was no longer into it. I still tried my best, but my opponent is a very good player and every turn it felt like I was starting again and needed to create a new strategy, but overall I had kind of none. I wanted to dominate my flag with Thagrosh, and I placed my Hellmouth in range of his flag, to drag his caster and always be able to create a tentacle to contest his. But he ran an ARM 24 Earthborn at 4 inches of my flag, and my Carni even under Draconic Blessing didn't kill it so I could start scoring, and after that he went downhill, as my Swordmen were blasted away by the Pyre Trolls and the Bomber, and my Carni was snacked by the Mountain King. I tried a crazy janky assassination, which needed Typhon to hit hard several time and throw on the last attack the Earthborn at 2 inches of his caster so that Thagrosh could mutagenate the Earthborn and try to kill Horgle. It went well, but Typhon only rolled 2 for the throw and my assassination failed there... I did kill two heavies overall, but Thagrosh die snacked by the Mountain King, after I lost everything except the Blackfrost Shard and the Hellmouth.


Afterthought, I really enjoyed my tournament. I finished 11 out of 30 persons (of which 4 dropped, but still). I really liked my Lylyth list and I will definitively play it again.

Next Saturday there is another smaller Steamroller at another store in town, and I might go to it, but I'm not sure. (They announce a great snow storm this week, so maybe I'll go skiing instead because I have many great hobbies.)

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