I would have love to post last weekend, but two things quite out of my control happened. First, it was that crazy holiday and I was with my family, and second, but drill broke... So I had to get a new one and as a general safety rule, I never go out shopping on the "after-Christmas" sale days, because I don't have enough patience to deal with so many plebeians at the same time.
Instead, I tried some pretty sick move with my airbrush, and once again my mind just blew away! Usually, I used GW paint and thin it down with thinner (not very original, I know...), and just spray it. But this time, I decided to use Vallejo AirModel paint, mainly because my colours scheme requires to mix several times the same two colours together, in different ratio (1-2, 1-1, 2-1), and I didn't want to juggle between my pots and try to mix it right with the thinner and all... Well, short story, it seemed overwhelming, so instead I used try Vallejo colours to achieve all my mixes since I only needed to add yellow. OH ME GAWD. I will never use that old crappy technic to mix GW paint with thinner, except maybe for metallic, because Vallejo doesn't have a great variety of metallic. It was just so much easier, and totally worth the newborn I had to give up just to buy 6 paint pots.
Back to our main topic, I did fill up holes on the Archangel, just not as much as I would have like, since I planned to recreate some of the neck's spikes that broke out by drilling them, pin a rod and place some Green Stuff around it, but my drill bits broke up on my when I was pinning Lylyth 3 body for easy painting.
First, let's start with the big nice gap between the chariot and the coupling:
Once we have acknowledged the gap, try to estimate how much Green Stuff you will need, so that you don't lose it (you can always do a Snowman Objective if you have overestimate like crazy).
Cut the blue and yellow (or whatever the colour yours are) equally, and if they were touching in the middle, remove the joint part. If you don't, you may end up with some stiff parts, just like if some bits of your Green Stuff was already dry, which is basically the case since they were already touching. Mix the parts well until you have a uniform colouration. Take the amount you need from your pellet and make a roll with it. Put it over the gap and check if it's going to be enough or not. Add some or remove some, as needed, but keep it in a roll form.
Now, with the dentist tools, you have the "Stabber", useful to protect your mini from the cat or, like me, unplug my glue pot. There is also the "Double-Pointy One". He's ok I guess. And lastly, you have the "Useful One", with both a point and the tiny shovel.
Of course, using the "Useful One", just push in the Green Stuff in the hole and spread it (just like mildly-cold butter) over the whole gap. Wet the tool before, so that the GS doesn't stick to it. Don't push too hard either, or you might break apart the two pieces. Once the gap is almost close, stop pushing in, end start smoothing the outside so that your GS look like a part of the model. I do it with the back of the shovel, using the same butter-spread motion. Don't be afraid to use water to help the tool, put be warned, if the tool has literally water drop on it, they will go on the GS and the edge will lift from the piece.
As you can see here, there is a part that is flat and follows the coupling curve, and the rest is on the chariot. The shiny effect is due to the water on the GS. You might need to try it out a couple of time before doing smooth result (even me, my result are not 100% smooth). Once it's dry enough, I like to pass over with the Liquid Green Stuff to smooth even more. Just take a very tiny pellet of it with the shovel part, quickly put it in and out of the water, then place on over the not-so-smooth part, on smooth it out with the butter manoeuver. There will be too much water, so use a tissue or a Q-tip to remove it, but keep enough so that you can still work the LGS.
Once everything is dry, prime and paints it like you wish.
This was done with my airbrush with a regular brush to finish on the highlights. As you can see, if you don't focus exactly on that part, it's pretty hard to see that there was a gap there.
Now you only have to repeat the proceed all over the place, on the Archangel preferably...
There you had the tail junction. It's very important to not use too much GS, because it will look like a hump if you do.
For the left knee, it's a multiple gap problem. You need to fill between the knee, along the leg a bit to make it look like he's flexing (Archangel are actually big show off), and for mine I also wanted to fill a bit under the chitin. Also, on the other side of the leg, there is a hole where the arm was supposed to rest (LOL, nice joke Everblight... you really mess up on that one). On the third image down, you can see that I also fill it up. Don't worry too much about that one, under the arm he will be pretty hard to spot, so just make it look smooth.
You see, pretty big roll, but I spread it all the way into the knee, under the metal part also, all from that roll.
Here you can actually see the LGS I put after the regular GS was dry.
Just another gap I filled. If you look closely, you will also see that between both photos, the metal piece on the tail seems to fit way better with the resin on the second photo. That's because Green Stuff is magical, and in no way related to the fact that the piece broke off during the filling and full of rage I take up my hobby knife to cut chunks of metal from the piece until she fits.
I played a game this week Well ok, it's not that exciting, but I got the chance to try out my Lylyth3 list against Haley3.
Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight
- Archangel
- Typhon
- Nephilim Bolt Thrower
- Naga Nightlurker
Min. Blighted Nyss Raptors
Annyssa Ryvaal
The Forsaken
Blighted Nyss Shepherd
Objective: Stockpile
Major Prime Victoria Haley
- Haley Past
- Haley Future
- Centurion
- Ironclad
Max. Storm Lances
Lieutenant Allison Jakes
- Gallant
Journeyman Warcaster
- Hunter
- Hunter
Harlan Versh, Illuminated One
Objective: Bunker
Scenario was Recon.
[Green is forest; red is a house; brown is rough terrain; yellow is a hill; grey is a trench and wall.]
I won the dice off and choose the table edge. I wanted to deny him to side with the trench, the forest and the hill, so that's the one I have chosen for myself. He deploys his cavalry behind the forest, in the centre, he places Haley and her battlegroup, with the Journeyman, Harlan and Jakes, while Gallant is more behind the rough ground. I deployed mainly my cavalry behind the trench with Annyssa (she choose his Storm Lances as Prey), the Archangel next to them to the right, with Lylyth behind my objective. My light warbeasts and the solos went between the two huge bases. His two Hunter advance deployed between the white zone and the rough terrain.
First turn:
Since I put Prey his cavalry, he decided to switch them to the other flank. First, he ran forward the three heavy jacks, but not too far out because he wanted all his army into the Temporal Distortion bubble. Haley moved up and summoned both Haley Past and Haley Future, plus cast the bubble. The cavalry ran between the jacks and the Haleys. His solos followed, and Arcane Shield is cast on the Centurion. The two Hunter moved up toward his flag, but not too far either.
On my turn, everything he has is out of range, except Haley Past that Lylyth kind of could try to kill with a super boosted Far Strike shot... But that would leave her too far ahead, alone and exposed, which is too risky. Instead, I moved toward the white zone, cast Wind Wall and reposition toward the left, just in front of the trench, since there is nothing moving toward that flag. The Archangel moved behind the forest, out of range of the Hunters. The Raptors and Annyssa moved between the table edge and the flank, looking toward the zone. Typhon ran into Lylyth Wind Wall bubble, overlooking the white zone, while my Bolt Thrower also ran into Lylyth bubble. The solos ran behind Lylyth into the trench and the Naga stay between Lylyth and the Archangel, because I don't know where I will need him.
Second turn:
My opponent decided to threaten the white zone. He ran the Ironclad between the Forest and his objective, but he doesn't touch the zone with him. The Centurion does his Imprint and ran between the wall and his objective. His Storm Lances for a line between the zone and the right flag. The Hunters shuffled next to the house, but they have no target. Jakes cast Side Kick on Gallant, who move left of the rough terrain. Harlan also put a toe into the zone. The Haleys ran behind the rough terrain, so they did nothing.
Since Major Prime Victoria wants to stay out of Lylyth reach and there a flag pretty close and open for business, I went for the scenario play. Lylyth moved forward, killed a Storm Lance with a boosted damage roll and also killed poor little Harlan. Then I triggered Blood Boon and cast Battle Host for free, and repositioned to touch the flag. The Raptors completed their pincer manoeuvre and walked to Ironclad (I could charge because of the forest) and hurt him a bit, and one of them cleverly repositioned next to the Centurion. Typhon gloriously charged across the field into the Ironclad, and killed it. In the need to protect Typhon from Gallant, the Bolt Thrower successfully pushed him back into the rough terrain. Now, to also stop the Storm Lances, the Archangel charged into them, killing the two he could engage, and repositioned to block any possibility to get to Typhon for the remaining two Storm Lances. The Naga did nothing apart from toeing the zone. The Shepherd take one of the Bolt Thrower and the Forsaken empties the Archangel, but I'm still two Fury in over.
1-0 for me on Scenario
Third turn:
The two last Storm Lances and a fully loaded Gallant charges the Archangel, but don't kill him. A Hunter shots the Archangel, but still don't kill him, although he's left with 5 health point. The Haleys moved toward the other flag, cast Ghostwalk on the Centurion and killed the Archangel with a boosted shot from Future Haley. Mean Haley, very mean bad Haley... The Centurion walk over his objective to get in melee with Typhon, but don't do much damage even with 3 focus. The last Hunter shoots into my Bolt Thrower, but don't close anything.
My opponent having only his objective and the Centurion in the zone, I have an opportunity to win on scenario right now, and it doesn't seem too hard. First, I leech from Typhon and succeeded the Threshold roll for my Bolt Thrower! I went first with Lylyth, who used her Feat and froze the Centurion, plus she casts Wraithbane on Typhon. The Shepherd take off one Fury from the Bolt Thrower, as did the Forsaken, having room for just one more. The Nage also casts Wraithbane on the Bolt Thrower. The Nephilim then moved sideways, and shoots into the jack, pushing him 3 inches, when I only needed 2. He's then out of the zone. Two of my raptors charged his objective, and funny enough, both mounts did 5 damage each! The riders quickly finish it off. I end my turn right here, scoring 1 for the objective destruction, 1 for controlling the zone and 1 last for Lylyth on the flag.
Scenario Win
(I promised people over the Facebook page that there would be fireworks...)
Happy new year !!

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