Saturday, 7 January 2017

Battle Report (with turn by turn photos !! )

Yeepee !! Youpoohpooh !!! After many much demands for photos in my battle report, here I take some, one each turn. Also, how super excited for the Theme Force coming out this Tuesday or Thursday! (I couldn't get those PPS to talk...) I'm hoping for a general Nyss Theme Force or a Beast Heavy Them Force. In both cases, the list I played today is the one I might change to accommodate the Theme Force.

Featuring Richard Gagné, from my local area, my opponent list:
Lord Arbiter Hexeris
- Mammoth
- Titan Gladiator
- Titan Cannoneeress [she's a lady, oh, whoa whoa, she's a lady, talkin' about that little lady..]
- Cyclops Brute
- Cyclops Shaman
- Razor Worm
Max Paingiver Beast Handlers
Extoller Soulward

Now featuring me, obviously, my list:
Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight
- Typhon
- Carnivean
- Nephilim Protector
- Nephilim Soldier (yes, I had a proxy model, big deal... I've taking picture and he's painted)
Max Blighted Nyss Swordmen
- Abbot & Champion
Blackfrost Shard
Blighted Nyss Warlord
Effigy of Valour

I won the roll off and I choose the side with a lot of forests, not because I wanted them, but because I didn't want my opponent to have them to hide behind. Then my opponent proceeded to deploy his army as such, from left to right: shaman, oliphaunt, Paingivers, Hexeris, Gladiator, Brute, Cannoneeress and Razor Worm in AD.

From my side, I strategically place the un-pathfinder models between the forests: Soldier, Protector, Thagrosh, Thagrosh, BFS, Typhon, half Swordmen & UA, Carnivean, Warlord (under Carni paw), half Swordmen and Hellmouth very forward.

For my opponent first turn most of his stock ran forward under Rush, except the Cannoneeress who shoot a tentacle. Oh well, see ya next turn I guess. He cast Banishing Ward on the Tusked-Giant, so no Kiss of Lyliss forme... :'( My opponent also placed his Razor Worm just outside of a 10" bubble from the Mouth but...

... he forgot the calculate the tentacles base size. So first thing, I create a new tentacle and charged the Razor with two, with scientific positioning so that the Worm could pass between them to reach the Maw whoever hits him. As you can see, the first tentacle hits the Worm and he got drag to the Maw The turn ran straight in front of the Mûmak, just to bug him. Typhon cast his animus and charged forward. From the picture, I think I made him do a "Run Move" from the distance, but that won't change the rest of the game, so I guess it's an acceptable mistake? Soldier and Protector ran, Thagrosh cast Spiny Growth on himself, Draconic Blessing on the Swordmen and Fog of War. I also dropped one Fury. BFS ran behind to keep up. The Swordmen issued a Press Forward order and one of them charged the Razor Worm to kill him and succeeded. The Carnivean cast Spiny Growth on himself and walked into the forest.

Pro-Tips: just because you think you're safe, don't leave your caster at 1 Fury for no reason. That Carni really didn't need SG and Thagrosh could have used 3 Fury...

On my opponent second turn, the tentacle does her job and the gargantuan is replaced by a proxy base. Good job tentacle! The Cannoneeress activated and killed two Swordmen with her blast. My opponent also went for the early assassination, with a Ghost Shot from the Shaman, that I take for 5 damages. The Huge Base also rolls 4 attacks, of which 3 hit Thagrosh, of which 1 is Shieldguarded for 8 damages, of which 1 is transferred to Typhon for 12 damages, so only 1 actually does damages. Hexeris also channel through the Shaman a Hellfire and leave Thagrosh on 3 boxes, but he doesn't have anything left to shoot with. Paingivers do their thing while the Gladiator and the Brute positioned themselves for future turns.

OUCH !! Here is why one shall not leave his caster on 1 Fury... At least, I'm still alive.

For my second turn, scenario is pretty much out of the window since Thagrosh needs to regenerate fast! I create a new tentacle, that will do nothing this turn. Thagrosh also lets go all his upkeep spells for healing, since only one Swordmen is in charge range of something. On the left flank, I want to get rid of the Shaman, so I first cast Ice Cage and Kiss of Lyliss with the BFS and I charge with the Soldier, who kill the Shaman with 3 attacks on average dice. Happily surprised here. The Hellmouth activates but has nothing to drag this turn... So I jam with one, lost one from a Free Strike and a turn just hang around. The Swordmen ran again, and one of them charged the Mammoth, for a solid hit to the Mind. The Carnivean touch my objective and cast Spiny Growth. Thagrosh activates and hid behind the objective and the Carnivean. He heals Typhon for 1 in the Spirit and himself for 4, plus he cast Spiny Growth.Typhon will have the opportunity to close the Mind of the Mammoth with a boosted spray, while he regenerates and with the Bond it's automatic 3 boxes for him and Thagrosh! He also cast Excessive Healing.

Pro-Tip: If you're about to hide your caster like that, you might want to keep some spell active instead of 1 more box. Just saying...

Still, impressive (not excessive) healing from Thagrosh here. Back to 10!

On his turn, the objective heals the Mammoth for 1, so he gets the Mind back. Since the Mammoth is engaged, he can't go kill Typhon nor moves without taking a free strike with Precision Strike. The Brute moves and tries to engage between the objective and another Swordman, but the Swordman his just a like bit too far. Out of rage, my opponent went wild, feated and cast like three Ashes-to-Ashes which killed a hell lot of Swordmen, including the Champion and the engaging one. The Cannoneeress killed a tentacle and some Swordmen, as also did the Gladiator. The Paingivers healed the Mammoth for a several damages, and he also got healed by each Swordmen killed because of the Vampiric ability on Hexeris. He's not back at full health, but he's "back online" and killed Typhon with only 2 Fury needed (for his defence, Typhon had already 10 damages on him).

Even if my opponent feated, Thagrosh being really awesome, replenished his Fury without losing a life! For this turn, I have two objectives: kills the Mammoth and neutralises the Gladiator. First off, since I can't cast Kiss of Lyliss because of Banishing Ward, my Warlord charges first and do 8 damages into the Mind. Now that the way his clear, the tentacle I made successfully hit the Gladiator and drag him all the way into the Maw very far away from anything important, and since he's looking the wrong direction, he will need to lose a turn to turn around. My last two Swordmen and the Abbot charge the Mammoth, and OH ME GAWD those guys knew what they were doing back there. Two of them scored 7 damages at dice minus 9, which isn't that impressive when thinking about it, but still! The beast lost her Mind and a good chunk of her Spirit. The Soldier charges next but I get double 1 to hit with his first attack... Well, he still but some damages with the second. Thagrosh activated, cast Draconic Blessing on the Carnivean, Spiny Growth on himself and bring back Thagrosh because playing with 125% army points his cool, k. Typhon activated, regenerated and cast Excessive Healing. The Carnivean walked up to the Mammoth and happily wreck the big thing with Fury to spare. Also, the BFS killed the Extoller with a well placed Ice Bolt.

On my opponent turn, the loss of the Mammoth he's a big deal since the other heavy hitter is in trouble with the Maw. Sadly for the Gladiator, because of Thagrosh aura and the Maw flesh, she's left on one box... The Brute kills the Swordman engaging him. The Paingivers got into the Zone but didn't do anything. The Cannoneeress did 7 damages on my objective though. Things start to look grim for the Skorne.

On my, what now, fourth turn? The Soldier succeeded his Frenzy test, but did nothing because he was full. Because things are going pretty well, the Warlord charges the objective. I did 30 damages on it. Yep, at dice minus 8, I still scored 23 on four dice. Bye objective, and also bye to the Paingiver next to it because Overtake-Cleave. The Swordmen also killed a couple of other Paingivers. The Carnivean walked to the Brute, but even with all his Fury he failed to kill him. Hard seven are a thing here. Thagrosh activated, cycled Draconic Blessing on Typhon, forgot to cast anything on himself, and walked around the safe side of the objective. The BFS entered into the Zone. Typhon charged the Gladiator and killed him, but the position is quickly filled by the Cannoneeress, which his also dragged by the Hellmouth.
1-0 for the Scenario

On his fifth turn, my opponent killed the Hellmouth and the Warlord. That's about it. Oh, Hexeris ran way after healing each aspect of the Brute, though.

My fifth and final turn! The Soldier frenzied and killed Sevryn... My Swordmen killed the last Paingivers. The Carnivean finally killed the Brute but still needed 3 Fury! Can't roll those 7... Typhon succeeded his Threshold check and missed two initials with 1-1, but score a double 5 on the fourth attack, and I choose to swing the Cannoneeress into the air... and she did 1 inch. Still, Knockdown is nice.
3-0 for dominating the Zone.

On his sixth turn, my opponent told me that he can't shake and run because if he forces the Shake he can't run afterwards and let my go to 5 for the win. I checked the rule at home and I don't see why he couldn't have shake and run, but I mean the came was sealed already with or without this run.
5-0 on scenario, and Thagrosh was also back to full boxes.

A nice victory, but some mistake were made, and I'm happy to have tried my Thagrosh list before the big Day because damn boy I am rusty with him. Discovery of the day: the Nephilim Soldier is legit. Moral of the day: painted models always win hehehe.

Hope you enjoyed the report! Don't forget to leave comment if there his stuff you would like to see on the blog or subject you would like my opinion about!

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