Hi folks,
For those of you that read last week article, I've finished my formation of Marine Medical Care and yes, I now know how to stop a nose bleed with a urinary catheter (I don't understand how I could have lived so long without that precious information).
Meanwhile, I still have that problem to choose which casters to bring, since I sometimes feel that most of them are underperforming. But, since this Steamroller was a small one, I felt more inclined to bring a new caster, so I left the caster choice for my second list up to the good will of the Legion facebook page, and the winner of a poll was the Twins. Now, I don't know if the Twins are supposed to be a bad warlock or not, since I didn't own before today 1 pm (Friday[sometimes I write my article in advance, much to my own surprise]), but when I looked at their cards, I patted my beard quite a bit. I wasn't impressed by their spell book, nor their abilities, to say the least. Nonetheless, I had to build a list with them. Having that in mind, the first beast I choose was Zuriel, because he greatly benefits from both of them, and when you have sub-par stuff, it's better if you can use some list-combo to make them better. Then, I needed a list strategy around them. Having two warlock models has the advantage that they can both use animus, so I wanted to add a couple of great beasts in there, also because they need 12 Fury to fully regenerate... Since they don't really play the attrition game, don't bring any damage buff, nor speed buff, and only a very circumstantial hitting debuff, the scenario seemed like the way to go. As such, there is the list I ended up with:
Saeryn & Rhyas, Talons of Everblight
- Zuriel
- Angelius
- Angelius
- Seraph
- Nephilim Soldier
Blackfrost Shard
Sorceress & Hellion
The Forsaken
Gremlin Swarm
The list is not the greatest thing out there, and if you want to play scenario, you might be better off with Ravens of War theme force (for the no AD), but since I don't own Grotesques, I went with Incorporeal models instead. The idea is quite simple but sadly requires you to actually play alone. Like, whatever your opponent brings, whatever he does, just ignore him, push him out the zone with 4+ Repulse a turn, cut key models, jam him out with the Incorporeals, contest him with the Incorporeals, and win on scenario. On paper, it works great. There is also an assassination threat with Flare, Kiss, Ice Cage, 3 Windy Blast from Saeryn and a charging Rhyas, so keep that in mind.
My other list is:
Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight
- Archangel
- Typhon
- Nephilim Protector
- Naga Nightlurker
Min. Raptors
Annyssa Ryvaal
The Forsaken
--- Tournament Underway ---
Hey, now my tourney is over ! And because I like to keep the suspense, you will need to wait until the end to now how it went down.
First game, Entrenched, against Circle of Orboros. Since he didn't has Una2, I didn't see the need to drop Lylyth3 and so I went straight for the Twins [go big or go home].
Baldur the Stonecleaver
- Megalith
- Ghetorix
- Feral Warpwolf
Max. Skinwalkers
- Alpha
Max. Bloodtrackers
Sentry Stone & Mannikins
Shifting Stones
Blackclad Wayfarer
The game began strongly with me forgetting to deploy the Nephilim Soldier ! I would realise it around turn 3, where I started to wonder why I felt that I had so little hitting power. My opponent chose his table edge and so I went first. The first few turn went according to plan, as I started to score on turn two and sent in his zone my Incorporeal one at a time to stop him from scoring in his own turn. I successfully killed Ghetorix on turn 3, with a combined charge from an Angelius and Zuriel. The other Angelius die holding the Skinwalkers at bay, and Rhyas would dispatch in a couple of Flashing Blade. Still, his Feral under Primal and Stone Skin managed to kill both Zuriel and the Angelius, with some good dice. But, I had managed to get the upper hand on Scenario by scoring once during his turn while he didn't during mine. So we were 4-4, on my turn, with Rhyas, Saeryn and a Seraph against Baldur, Megalith, the full Sentry Stone and the last Shifting Stone was contesting my zone. My Seraph did a big run in a loop around his force to toe his zone and Rhyas killed the Stone, taking me to 5-4.
Second game, Linebreaker, against Cryx. My opponent being a very good player, I didn't want to drop the Twins here, and besides he had Goreshade 3 and Lylyth couldn't be put Stationary.
Goreshade, Lord of Ruin
- Inflictor
- Slayer
- Stalker
- Arc-Node Chicken (don't know which one)
Max. Bane Warrior
- Officer & Standard
Max. Satyxis Raiders (am I the only one that can't pronounce their name and call them Statistic instead ?)
- Sea Witch
Darragh Wrathe
Bane Lord Tartarus
2x Machine Wraith
The won the roll off and choose the table edge with a wall in front of my objective. I was afraid of the number of infantry he had, and rightly so as he jammed me so hard that even if I managed to kill almost all of them (2-3 models left in both units), plus the Slayer and Stalker, I didn't have enough resources to protect Lylyth, and while I was mulching throw wave off infantry, trying to get in range off his caster, the Inflictor managed to reach her and take off about half her life away. That put me in a really awkward position, with Lylyth having to take a free strike to leave, and also upkeep Battle Host for the armour bonus. The next turn, he killed her with two syphons, because the spell steals Fury from the model hit. I did have one opening during the game to try the assassination on turn two, with Lylyth, the Archangel and maybe the Bolt Thrower, but he was camping 5 Focus and with his ARM 17 I decided to wait and it did pay off.
Third and last game for the tournament. Take and Hold against Cygnar. While I could have play the Twins, Lylyth is my Cygnar drop since I designed her list, so I still went with Lylyth (but stay tuned for a fourth game, with the Twins).
Striker 1
- Reinholdt
- Centurion
- Centurion
2x Arcane Tempest Rifleman
Harlan Versh, Illuminated One
Journeyman Warcaster
- Hunter
- Hunter
Lieutenant Allison Jakes
- Galant
Alten Ashley
Gobber Tinker
I won the roll and choose my table edge. I choose it so that my opponent had nothing to hide his caster behind early, especially if he wanted to go for the scenario. Turn one, he cast Blur on Striker and ran almost everything forward. My first turn, Lylyth went forward and killed both Alten and the Gobber Tinker, thus casting Wind Wall. The rest of my army ran forward, in position. Hi second turn, he moved forward again, upkeep Blur and placed his army in a loose formation near his flag (Striker wasn't on it), with no direct line of sight to Striker. Even if Striker was camping three, with only armour 15, I went for the kill, with an option for scenario. First, the Naga cast Wraithbane on Lylyth. She moved forward, killed Reinholdt thus opening the line of sight between the two Centurions to Stryker. With that kill, she cast Battlehost then used her Feat. I missed the first attack on Striker with even with Wraithbane and boosting, but hit with the second and did a great damage roll. Then she repositioned herself on my flag. My Archangel went next, moved up, and I rolled 4 shots. Needing anything but double one to hit, and boosting all damage rolls, I killed him with the third shot.
That also put me ex aequo (is that a word in English ? Google tell me yes, but I don't trust him) with the other Legion player in second place. We probably had the same SoS and CP, but I'm sure one of us had more Army point destroyed then the other. Anyway, worst case I was third.
My third game being very quick, we decided to play a fourth game, both using our other list. So the Twins faced Haley2.
Haley 2
- Squire
- Thorn
- Ironclad
- Ironclad
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages
- Officer
-- Hunter
Captain Arlan Strangewayes
Captain Maxwell Finn
Journeyman Warcaster
- Hunter
- Hunter
This game was a lot more intense than the first one. Without going too depth into the detail, my Warbeast were on very low health almost the entire game because of his Hunters (my Seraph did two turns on 3 health, one in each aspect). The Ironclad killed Zuriel, but in revenge, Rhyas, helped by the Gremlin Swarm, used Flashing blade to kill a Hunter and an Ironclad, while severely damaging the second. Once an almost dead Angelius killed the last Ironclad and the Soldier (this time I put him on the table) engaged the last Hunters, he only had left his Gun Mages (but the Officer was dead), Haley and the Squire. He want for the Assassination and killed Rhyas, which was camping nothing, used Telekinesis on the Soldier to disengage the Hunters and tried to kill Saeryn with them and the Gun Mages, but too few shots connected (only like 2 or 3) and she survived with 1 health and a transfer, who probably could have been lethal anyway since my beasts were pretty damaged. Still, she survived and Haley was not camping anything. With his Apparition move, the Seraph, on 3 health for the last two turn, but himself in Aim range. I don't remember if I did some Ice Cages and Kiss first or not, but the Seraph got two shots, hit with both, and with some good dice on the damage roll, killed Haley without my even needing to activate Saeryn. I was also at 3 on Scenario, and could have won by just placing my Soldier on his flag, but still.
So overall, the Twins weren't as bad as I expected, but they really need a list tailored for them, which mine was probably not. They do lack damage output, and while Rhyas can do some heavy lifting, you either need a Blightbringer or the cheaper Blackfrost Shard to try to level the field, because she doesn't go through heavy like butter as it was advertised. Their other thing is their Fury. Having 12 Fury is funny, but you need a bucketload of beasts to carry that, which leave little place for infantry to protect them from jam (I felt like my lines were too thin with them). On the plus side, the Incorporeals did a great job at flanking and contesting. I would probably play them again, but probably with a different beasts load-out (something like BB with Zuriel and an Angelius for Repulse)...
So, I hope you're all happy, I did try the Twins, and overall I would give them a 6,7/10. They are nice to play, but both games felt a bit too much like the battle of Helms Deep to my taste, were you just try to hold until something magical happen and you win.
Sunday, 29 January 2017
Monday, 23 January 2017
Steamroller with pThag & eeLylyth
Ah sorry for posting late this week, but after the tournament I was drained, and I started a Marine Medical Care course on Sunday which gives me little time to write...
Nonetheless, I manage to write it to the best of my memory.
My lists were:
Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight
- Typhon
- Carnivean
- Nephilim Protector
- Nephilim Soldier
Max. Blighted Swordmen
- Champion & Abbot
Blackfrost Shard
Obj: Effigy of Valour
Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight
- Archangel
- Typhon
- Nephilim Bolt Thrower
- Naga Nightlurker
Min. Blighted Raptors
Annyssa Ryvaal
The Forsaken
Obj: Armory
My first game was against... drum role... Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight ! Actually, there was 4 Legion players at the SR, and we were all paired against each others during the first round. The Scenario was Extraction.
RaVeNs Of WaR
Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight
- Angelius
- Angelius
- Neraph
- Nephilim Bolt Thrower
Max. Blighted Raptors
Scout Striders
- UA
Max. Blighted Grotesque
2x Deathstalker
Grotesque Assassin
My opponent chose his table edge, and so I went first. Of course, when doing a Lylyth3 vs Lylyth3, some might expect the game to finish by an assassination. First turn, I cast Battle Host, trampled forward and cast Snipe to kill the Strider Officer and a regular Strider, triggering Blood Boon for a Wind Wall, and moved back a little. I ran all my beasts forward too. On his turn, my opponent also moved forward, cast Battle Host and shoot twice into my Bolt Thrower, which did some damages and closed the Body, but was left camping one fury... Since both Lylyth and my Archangel where in range of his Lylyth, and she was not camping much, I went for the assassination. The Naga put Wraithbane on Lylyth, but my Archangel only had 2 shots (you know, it's always when you need them...), so Lylyth was left on 3 boxes and no Fury. My Lylyth was empty, since she wants before the Archangel, but he didn't have Wraithbane in his list, so all of his attacks were at -6 damages and my Lylyth only took 5-6 damages (admittedly, his Lylyth hit mine only once). Back to my turn, he was only camping one still, and he was in range off all my beasts... I won on assassination.
My second game was against Cryx and the Scenario was Entrenched.
Asphyxious the Hellbringer & Vociferon
- Barathrum
- Deathjack
Max. Satyxis Raiders
- Sea Witch
Darragh Wrathe
Machine Wraith
2x Pistol Wraith
Satyxis Raider Captain
Wrong Eye and Snapjaw
Since his other list had two units of Satyxis, I choose to drop Thagrosh since I felt like Lylyth could handle that much infantry.
It was a slow grind, like really slow. Some Swordmen charged his objective but left it on 1 box. He charged Deathjack into my Carnivean, but with Thagrosh aura and Spiny Growth, my Carni survived with a third of his life and all aspect, and the Carni closed both arms and Deathjack with Spiny Growth. Next turn, the Carni killed Deathjack both took all of his Fury. We were trading piece slowly... We also were going up on Scenario 1 by 1 each. Snapjaw tried to kill Typhon and failed, so Typhon killed him. At some point, he was 4-3 on Scenario, it was my turn, and we had both about 3 minutes left on clock... My Soldier had die some time ago, flying ever his zone to contest. My Carnivean had just come back the turn before but was knockdown. Typhon frenzied, but the Blackfrost shard killed Wrong Eye and Thagrosh killed both versions of Darragh to clear my zone and... the TO called dice down. So I didn't add the time to run over my opponent zone or breath into his objective (to give an extra point), and lost 5-4 in scenario on dice down. At the end, there was just about every other players in the tournament looking at our game, and it was pretty thigh.
For the record, he had left Barathrum, Asphyxious, both Pistol Wraith and 2-3 Satyxis. I had left Thagrosh, the Protector, Typhon, a feated Carnivean, the Hellmouth and the Blackfrost Shard.
My third game was against Trollblood. Once again, looking at my opponent list, one of them had a Mountain King, and the other had a Mountain King AND a Glacier King, and Lylyth just can deal with that, so I dropped Thagrosh, which was fine by me since I like Thagrosh into The Pit.
Dhunia Theme
Ragnor the Skysplitter
- Runebearer
- Mountain King
- Glacier King
Max. Krielstone
2x Runeshapers
Janissa Stonetide
Troll Whelps
I won the roll, and I choose the table edge, which was a huge deal since on one side the flag was in front of a house, and I didn't want to go around the house with my caster. Even if my opponent went first, I reached the zone on my first turn by running both Typhon and the Swordmen. On his second turn, the Mountain King was going around the famous house and a couple of Stone guy put a toe into the zone. Also, he feated ! On my turn, I know that I didn't have enough Swordmen to hurt the Mountain King, so I just flooded the zone with them and also charged the Krielstone to kill one of them. Thagrosh installed himself on the flag. 1-0 On his turn, the Mountain King was jam and bulldozed two inch into the zone, and his caster ran to his flag, while the Glacier King was a bit jammed behind the Krielstone. The Runeshapers were killing tentacles but the BFS was coming for them... 2-1 His feat is pass and I put some hurt into the Mountain King, killed a lot of the Krielstone and a couple of Runeshapers hit the dust. 3-2 My opponent did his best, but he didn't have nothing but a lonely Runeshaper to run and contest my flag, but for that he would need to survive about 2-3 free strike from Swordmen and BFS. So I went 4-3... The game was won for me, but for tie-breaker purpose, I mulched his army down to Ragnor, the Glacier King and the Mountain King, all the rest dead. I finish it there, 5-4.
My last game was against Mr Poupart from Hard7, a french-canadian podcast for Warmachine & Hordes, and hisTrollblood. He had Horgle in his pairing, so Lylyth was out of the picture. Also, Take and Hold.
- Runebearer
- Mountain King
- Bomber
- Blitzer
- Earthborn
- Pyre Troll
- Pyre Troll
Min. Krielstone
Troll Whelps
So, I not really use to play more than 3 games in a tournament, and even if I cheated by eating a yummy snack bar to chocolate and almonds to regain energy, my head was no longer into it. I still tried my best, but my opponent is a very good player and every turn it felt like I was starting again and needed to create a new strategy, but overall I had kind of none. I wanted to dominate my flag with Thagrosh, and I placed my Hellmouth in range of his flag, to drag his caster and always be able to create a tentacle to contest his. But he ran an ARM 24 Earthborn at 4 inches of my flag, and my Carni even under Draconic Blessing didn't kill it so I could start scoring, and after that he went downhill, as my Swordmen were blasted away by the Pyre Trolls and the Bomber, and my Carni was snacked by the Mountain King. I tried a crazy janky assassination, which needed Typhon to hit hard several time and throw on the last attack the Earthborn at 2 inches of his caster so that Thagrosh could mutagenate the Earthborn and try to kill Horgle. It went well, but Typhon only rolled 2 for the throw and my assassination failed there... I did kill two heavies overall, but Thagrosh die snacked by the Mountain King, after I lost everything except the Blackfrost Shard and the Hellmouth.
Afterthought, I really enjoyed my tournament. I finished 11 out of 30 persons (of which 4 dropped, but still). I really liked my Lylyth list and I will definitively play it again.
Next Saturday there is another smaller Steamroller at another store in town, and I might go to it, but I'm not sure. (They announce a great snow storm this week, so maybe I'll go skiing instead because I have many great hobbies.)
Nonetheless, I manage to write it to the best of my memory.
My lists were:
Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight
- Typhon
- Carnivean
- Nephilim Protector
- Nephilim Soldier
Max. Blighted Swordmen
- Champion & Abbot
Blackfrost Shard
Obj: Effigy of Valour
Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight
- Archangel
- Typhon
- Nephilim Bolt Thrower
- Naga Nightlurker
Min. Blighted Raptors
Annyssa Ryvaal
The Forsaken
Obj: Armory
My first game was against... drum role... Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight ! Actually, there was 4 Legion players at the SR, and we were all paired against each others during the first round. The Scenario was Extraction.
RaVeNs Of WaR
Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight
- Angelius
- Angelius
- Neraph
- Nephilim Bolt Thrower
Max. Blighted Raptors
Scout Striders
- UA
Max. Blighted Grotesque
2x Deathstalker
Grotesque Assassin
My opponent chose his table edge, and so I went first. Of course, when doing a Lylyth3 vs Lylyth3, some might expect the game to finish by an assassination. First turn, I cast Battle Host, trampled forward and cast Snipe to kill the Strider Officer and a regular Strider, triggering Blood Boon for a Wind Wall, and moved back a little. I ran all my beasts forward too. On his turn, my opponent also moved forward, cast Battle Host and shoot twice into my Bolt Thrower, which did some damages and closed the Body, but was left camping one fury... Since both Lylyth and my Archangel where in range of his Lylyth, and she was not camping much, I went for the assassination. The Naga put Wraithbane on Lylyth, but my Archangel only had 2 shots (you know, it's always when you need them...), so Lylyth was left on 3 boxes and no Fury. My Lylyth was empty, since she wants before the Archangel, but he didn't have Wraithbane in his list, so all of his attacks were at -6 damages and my Lylyth only took 5-6 damages (admittedly, his Lylyth hit mine only once). Back to my turn, he was only camping one still, and he was in range off all my beasts... I won on assassination.
My second game was against Cryx and the Scenario was Entrenched.
Asphyxious the Hellbringer & Vociferon
- Barathrum
- Deathjack
Max. Satyxis Raiders
- Sea Witch
Darragh Wrathe
Machine Wraith
2x Pistol Wraith
Satyxis Raider Captain
Wrong Eye and Snapjaw
Since his other list had two units of Satyxis, I choose to drop Thagrosh since I felt like Lylyth could handle that much infantry.
It was a slow grind, like really slow. Some Swordmen charged his objective but left it on 1 box. He charged Deathjack into my Carnivean, but with Thagrosh aura and Spiny Growth, my Carni survived with a third of his life and all aspect, and the Carni closed both arms and Deathjack with Spiny Growth. Next turn, the Carni killed Deathjack both took all of his Fury. We were trading piece slowly... We also were going up on Scenario 1 by 1 each. Snapjaw tried to kill Typhon and failed, so Typhon killed him. At some point, he was 4-3 on Scenario, it was my turn, and we had both about 3 minutes left on clock... My Soldier had die some time ago, flying ever his zone to contest. My Carnivean had just come back the turn before but was knockdown. Typhon frenzied, but the Blackfrost shard killed Wrong Eye and Thagrosh killed both versions of Darragh to clear my zone and... the TO called dice down. So I didn't add the time to run over my opponent zone or breath into his objective (to give an extra point), and lost 5-4 in scenario on dice down. At the end, there was just about every other players in the tournament looking at our game, and it was pretty thigh.
For the record, he had left Barathrum, Asphyxious, both Pistol Wraith and 2-3 Satyxis. I had left Thagrosh, the Protector, Typhon, a feated Carnivean, the Hellmouth and the Blackfrost Shard.
My third game was against Trollblood. Once again, looking at my opponent list, one of them had a Mountain King, and the other had a Mountain King AND a Glacier King, and Lylyth just can deal with that, so I dropped Thagrosh, which was fine by me since I like Thagrosh into The Pit.
Dhunia Theme
Ragnor the Skysplitter
- Runebearer
- Mountain King
- Glacier King
Max. Krielstone
2x Runeshapers
Janissa Stonetide
Troll Whelps
I won the roll, and I choose the table edge, which was a huge deal since on one side the flag was in front of a house, and I didn't want to go around the house with my caster. Even if my opponent went first, I reached the zone on my first turn by running both Typhon and the Swordmen. On his second turn, the Mountain King was going around the famous house and a couple of Stone guy put a toe into the zone. Also, he feated ! On my turn, I know that I didn't have enough Swordmen to hurt the Mountain King, so I just flooded the zone with them and also charged the Krielstone to kill one of them. Thagrosh installed himself on the flag. 1-0 On his turn, the Mountain King was jam and bulldozed two inch into the zone, and his caster ran to his flag, while the Glacier King was a bit jammed behind the Krielstone. The Runeshapers were killing tentacles but the BFS was coming for them... 2-1 His feat is pass and I put some hurt into the Mountain King, killed a lot of the Krielstone and a couple of Runeshapers hit the dust. 3-2 My opponent did his best, but he didn't have nothing but a lonely Runeshaper to run and contest my flag, but for that he would need to survive about 2-3 free strike from Swordmen and BFS. So I went 4-3... The game was won for me, but for tie-breaker purpose, I mulched his army down to Ragnor, the Glacier King and the Mountain King, all the rest dead. I finish it there, 5-4.
My last game was against Mr Poupart from Hard7, a french-canadian podcast for Warmachine & Hordes, and hisTrollblood. He had Horgle in his pairing, so Lylyth was out of the picture. Also, Take and Hold.
- Runebearer
- Mountain King
- Bomber
- Blitzer
- Earthborn
- Pyre Troll
- Pyre Troll
Min. Krielstone
Troll Whelps
So, I not really use to play more than 3 games in a tournament, and even if I cheated by eating a yummy snack bar to chocolate and almonds to regain energy, my head was no longer into it. I still tried my best, but my opponent is a very good player and every turn it felt like I was starting again and needed to create a new strategy, but overall I had kind of none. I wanted to dominate my flag with Thagrosh, and I placed my Hellmouth in range of his flag, to drag his caster and always be able to create a tentacle to contest his. But he ran an ARM 24 Earthborn at 4 inches of my flag, and my Carni even under Draconic Blessing didn't kill it so I could start scoring, and after that he went downhill, as my Swordmen were blasted away by the Pyre Trolls and the Bomber, and my Carni was snacked by the Mountain King. I tried a crazy janky assassination, which needed Typhon to hit hard several time and throw on the last attack the Earthborn at 2 inches of his caster so that Thagrosh could mutagenate the Earthborn and try to kill Horgle. It went well, but Typhon only rolled 2 for the throw and my assassination failed there... I did kill two heavies overall, but Thagrosh die snacked by the Mountain King, after I lost everything except the Blackfrost Shard and the Hellmouth.
Afterthought, I really enjoyed my tournament. I finished 11 out of 30 persons (of which 4 dropped, but still). I really liked my Lylyth list and I will definitively play it again.
Next Saturday there is another smaller Steamroller at another store in town, and I might go to it, but I'm not sure. (They announce a great snow storm this week, so maybe I'll go skiing instead because I have many great hobbies.)
Sunday, 15 January 2017
Theme Force and Guildball ??
Oh God, is it Sunday already ?
Time fly so fast these days...
Well, as we all know, earlier this week, the Theme Force hit the shelves (the virtual shelves). I would like to do a quick overview of them and also a not-so-new-but-new-for-me-anyway-that-weird-intro-is-fecking-too-long-just-shut-it-already game called Guildball.
Let start by the most important theme for me, the Legion one.
Ravens of War... More like Ravens of Underwhelming Guerrilla Style. Straight off, I will tell you that I don't like our Theme Force, for many reasons. First, there is a definitive lack of punch into it. There is no heavy hitters and the only buff we can get are from the Warlock. For those you that raise your hand and want to say that a Neraph with Fury is good, remember that you could be the same buff spell on Typhon or just a Carnivean, and wreck about any Heavy in the game, so no, a Neraph with buff spell and free charge and all you want won't change him suddenly in a Heavy hitter. Sure, you have access to Raptors, which are a very good unit, but when do you really take several units in Legion? Besides, while they have Weaponmaster, you need about 4 of them to kill a Heavy that cost less than them. Our Theme does have some fun ability, as cutting off opponent AD, but the second problem is relative power between the Themes...
Our Theme is very flavourful, but not that powerful. On the other side, you have Themes like the Khador Winter Guard's Theme, where they can just take Karchev or Harkevich or just about any Warcaster since Khadoran players already only play Winterguard, and suddenly all their slow jacks gain advance move and their casters are basically immune to all ranged attack, with just about no downside. It seems to me that there is a big difference in power between some of the Them Force, and Legion didn't end on the strong side of the stick (yes, sticks have a strong and a weak side, just ask any forest biologist).
Some others Themes are worth of mention, as the Cryx revenant one, which has so many limitations and that apparently no Cryx players want to play. Cygnar Theme, that finally confirms that double Stormlances is the legit and best way to play, although there is some limitation to it, so maybe people will still play out of theme. Also, Skorne Theme gives them a Wall, pretty neat ability right here, but without the Errata, we don't really know if it is good or not.
On the positive side, we might still have 2 Theme Force in the Legion Command Book, since some of them were not from the Command Book. But, if we consider that this Theme Force was for Fyanna, which is in the Command Book, we can expect a very hard hitting Theme Force for Kallus, Devastation of Everblight. Something like Ambushing shredders sounds very powerful...
Now about that Guildball's game. I split with a local player the Kick-Off box, with the Mason and the Brewer, and I kept the Mason. Today I played my first game, against my opponent who went a bit easy on me and bring the Brewer instead of his regular Mortician. (For those of you that don't now them, the guy chose not to bring Haley 2 in a demo game, wise choice.) Overall, the game is pretty fun and intuitive. The alternate play can really mess up with a plan, though. I would say it is like a mix of Warmachine and Bloodbowl. You can only play named character, but they all have very special ability and there is also a ball to carry around. While I do feel like a more extensive selection of players per team would help the game, it was a good experience.
I know this week post was short, but I didn't have much to talk about. Next week I have a big Steamroller, with 30+ people. I will bring my regular Thagrosh 1 and Lylyth 3 list.
Time fly so fast these days...
Well, as we all know, earlier this week, the Theme Force hit the shelves (the virtual shelves). I would like to do a quick overview of them and also a not-so-new-but-new-for-me-anyway-that-weird-intro-is-fecking-too-long-just-shut-it-already game called Guildball.
Let start by the most important theme for me, the Legion one.
Ravens of War... More like Ravens of Underwhelming Guerrilla Style. Straight off, I will tell you that I don't like our Theme Force, for many reasons. First, there is a definitive lack of punch into it. There is no heavy hitters and the only buff we can get are from the Warlock. For those you that raise your hand and want to say that a Neraph with Fury is good, remember that you could be the same buff spell on Typhon or just a Carnivean, and wreck about any Heavy in the game, so no, a Neraph with buff spell and free charge and all you want won't change him suddenly in a Heavy hitter. Sure, you have access to Raptors, which are a very good unit, but when do you really take several units in Legion? Besides, while they have Weaponmaster, you need about 4 of them to kill a Heavy that cost less than them. Our Theme does have some fun ability, as cutting off opponent AD, but the second problem is relative power between the Themes...
Our Theme is very flavourful, but not that powerful. On the other side, you have Themes like the Khador Winter Guard's Theme, where they can just take Karchev or Harkevich or just about any Warcaster since Khadoran players already only play Winterguard, and suddenly all their slow jacks gain advance move and their casters are basically immune to all ranged attack, with just about no downside. It seems to me that there is a big difference in power between some of the Them Force, and Legion didn't end on the strong side of the stick (yes, sticks have a strong and a weak side, just ask any forest biologist).
Some others Themes are worth of mention, as the Cryx revenant one, which has so many limitations and that apparently no Cryx players want to play. Cygnar Theme, that finally confirms that double Stormlances is the legit and best way to play, although there is some limitation to it, so maybe people will still play out of theme. Also, Skorne Theme gives them a Wall, pretty neat ability right here, but without the Errata, we don't really know if it is good or not.
On the positive side, we might still have 2 Theme Force in the Legion Command Book, since some of them were not from the Command Book. But, if we consider that this Theme Force was for Fyanna, which is in the Command Book, we can expect a very hard hitting Theme Force for Kallus, Devastation of Everblight. Something like Ambushing shredders sounds very powerful...
Now about that Guildball's game. I split with a local player the Kick-Off box, with the Mason and the Brewer, and I kept the Mason. Today I played my first game, against my opponent who went a bit easy on me and bring the Brewer instead of his regular Mortician. (For those of you that don't now them, the guy chose not to bring Haley 2 in a demo game, wise choice.) Overall, the game is pretty fun and intuitive. The alternate play can really mess up with a plan, though. I would say it is like a mix of Warmachine and Bloodbowl. You can only play named character, but they all have very special ability and there is also a ball to carry around. While I do feel like a more extensive selection of players per team would help the game, it was a good experience.
I know this week post was short, but I didn't have much to talk about. Next week I have a big Steamroller, with 30+ people. I will bring my regular Thagrosh 1 and Lylyth 3 list.
Saturday, 7 January 2017
Battle Report (with turn by turn photos !! )
Yeepee !! Youpoohpooh !!! After many much demands for photos in my battle report, here I take some, one each turn. Also, how super excited for the Theme Force coming out this Tuesday or Thursday! (I couldn't get those PPS to talk...) I'm hoping for a general Nyss Theme Force or a Beast Heavy Them Force. In both cases, the list I played today is the one I might change to accommodate the Theme Force.
Featuring Richard Gagné, from my local area, my opponent list:
Lord Arbiter Hexeris
- Mammoth
- Titan Gladiator
- Titan Cannoneeress [she's a lady, oh, whoa whoa, she's a lady, talkin' about that little lady..]
- Cyclops Brute
- Cyclops Shaman
- Razor Worm
Max Paingiver Beast Handlers
Extoller Soulward
Now featuring me, obviously, my list:
Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight
- Typhon
- Carnivean
- Nephilim Protector
- Nephilim Soldier (yes, I had a proxy model, big deal... I've taking picture and he's painted)
Max Blighted Nyss Swordmen
- Abbot & Champion
Blackfrost Shard
Blighted Nyss Warlord
Effigy of Valour
I won the roll off and I choose the side with a lot of forests, not because I wanted them, but because I didn't want my opponent to have them to hide behind. Then my opponent proceeded to deploy his army as such, from left to right: shaman, oliphaunt, Paingivers, Hexeris, Gladiator, Brute, Cannoneeress and Razor Worm in AD.
From my side, I strategically place the un-pathfinder models between the forests: Soldier, Protector, Thagrosh, Thagrosh, BFS, Typhon, half Swordmen & UA, Carnivean, Warlord (under Carni paw), half Swordmen and Hellmouth very forward.
For my opponent first turn most of his stock ran forward under Rush, except the Cannoneeress who shoot a tentacle. Oh well, see ya next turn I guess. He cast Banishing Ward on the Tusked-Giant, so no Kiss of Lyliss forme... :'( My opponent also placed his Razor Worm just outside of a 10" bubble from the Mouth but...
... he forgot the calculate the tentacles base size. So first thing, I create a new tentacle and charged the Razor with two, with scientific positioning so that the Worm could pass between them to reach the Maw whoever hits him. As you can see, the first tentacle hits the Worm and he got drag to the Maw The turn ran straight in front of the Mûmak, just to bug him. Typhon cast his animus and charged forward. From the picture, I think I made him do a "Run Move" from the distance, but that won't change the rest of the game, so I guess it's an acceptable mistake? Soldier and Protector ran, Thagrosh cast Spiny Growth on himself, Draconic Blessing on the Swordmen and Fog of War. I also dropped one Fury. BFS ran behind to keep up. The Swordmen issued a Press Forward order and one of them charged the Razor Worm to kill him and succeeded. The Carnivean cast Spiny Growth on himself and walked into the forest.
Pro-Tips: just because you think you're safe, don't leave your caster at 1 Fury for no reason. That Carni really didn't need SG and Thagrosh could have used 3 Fury...
On my opponent second turn, the tentacle does her job and the gargantuan is replaced by a proxy base. Good job tentacle! The Cannoneeress activated and killed two Swordmen with her blast. My opponent also went for the early assassination, with a Ghost Shot from the Shaman, that I take for 5 damages. The Huge Base also rolls 4 attacks, of which 3 hit Thagrosh, of which 1 is Shieldguarded for 8 damages, of which 1 is transferred to Typhon for 12 damages, so only 1 actually does damages. Hexeris also channel through the Shaman a Hellfire and leave Thagrosh on 3 boxes, but he doesn't have anything left to shoot with. Paingivers do their thing while the Gladiator and the Brute positioned themselves for future turns.
OUCH !! Here is why one shall not leave his caster on 1 Fury... At least, I'm still alive.
For my second turn, scenario is pretty much out of the window since Thagrosh needs to regenerate fast! I create a new tentacle, that will do nothing this turn. Thagrosh also lets go all his upkeep spells for healing, since only one Swordmen is in charge range of something. On the left flank, I want to get rid of the Shaman, so I first cast Ice Cage and Kiss of Lyliss with the BFS and I charge with the Soldier, who kill the Shaman with 3 attacks on average dice. Happily surprised here. The Hellmouth activates but has nothing to drag this turn... So I jam with one, lost one from a Free Strike and a turn just hang around. The Swordmen ran again, and one of them charged the Mammoth, for a solid hit to the Mind. The Carnivean touch my objective and cast Spiny Growth. Thagrosh activates and hid behind the objective and the Carnivean. He heals Typhon for 1 in the Spirit and himself for 4, plus he cast Spiny Growth.Typhon will have the opportunity to close the Mind of the Mammoth with a boosted spray, while he regenerates and with the Bond it's automatic 3 boxes for him and Thagrosh! He also cast Excessive Healing.
Pro-Tip: If you're about to hide your caster like that, you might want to keep some spell active instead of 1 more box. Just saying...
Still, impressive (not excessive) healing from Thagrosh here. Back to 10!
On his turn, the objective heals the Mammoth for 1, so he gets the Mind back. Since the Mammoth is engaged, he can't go kill Typhon nor moves without taking a free strike with Precision Strike. The Brute moves and tries to engage between the objective and another Swordman, but the Swordman his just a like bit too far. Out of rage, my opponent went wild, feated and cast like three Ashes-to-Ashes which killed a hell lot of Swordmen, including the Champion and the engaging one. The Cannoneeress killed a tentacle and some Swordmen, as also did the Gladiator. The Paingivers healed the Mammoth for a several damages, and he also got healed by each Swordmen killed because of the Vampiric ability on Hexeris. He's not back at full health, but he's "back online" and killed Typhon with only 2 Fury needed (for his defence, Typhon had already 10 damages on him).
Even if my opponent feated, Thagrosh being really awesome, replenished his Fury without losing a life! For this turn, I have two objectives: kills the Mammoth and neutralises the Gladiator. First off, since I can't cast Kiss of Lyliss because of Banishing Ward, my Warlord charges first and do 8 damages into the Mind. Now that the way his clear, the tentacle I made successfully hit the Gladiator and drag him all the way into the Maw very far away from anything important, and since he's looking the wrong direction, he will need to lose a turn to turn around. My last two Swordmen and the Abbot charge the Mammoth, and OH ME GAWD those guys knew what they were doing back there. Two of them scored 7 damages at dice minus 9, which isn't that impressive when thinking about it, but still! The beast lost her Mind and a good chunk of her Spirit. The Soldier charges next but I get double 1 to hit with his first attack... Well, he still but some damages with the second. Thagrosh activated, cast Draconic Blessing on the Carnivean, Spiny Growth on himself and bring back Thagrosh because playing with 125% army points his cool, k. Typhon activated, regenerated and cast Excessive Healing. The Carnivean walked up to the Mammoth and happily wreck the big thing with Fury to spare. Also, the BFS killed the Extoller with a well placed Ice Bolt.
On my opponent turn, the loss of the Mammoth he's a big deal since the other heavy hitter is in trouble with the Maw. Sadly for the Gladiator, because of Thagrosh aura and the Maw flesh, she's left on one box... The Brute kills the Swordman engaging him. The Paingivers got into the Zone but didn't do anything. The Cannoneeress did 7 damages on my objective though. Things start to look grim for the Skorne.
On my, what now, fourth turn? The Soldier succeeded his Frenzy test, but did nothing because he was full. Because things are going pretty well, the Warlord charges the objective. I did 30 damages on it. Yep, at dice minus 8, I still scored 23 on four dice. Bye objective, and also bye to the Paingiver next to it because Overtake-Cleave. The Swordmen also killed a couple of other Paingivers. The Carnivean walked to the Brute, but even with all his Fury he failed to kill him. Hard seven are a thing here. Thagrosh activated, cycled Draconic Blessing on Typhon, forgot to cast anything on himself, and walked around the safe side of the objective. The BFS entered into the Zone. Typhon charged the Gladiator and killed him, but the position is quickly filled by the Cannoneeress, which his also dragged by the Hellmouth.
1-0 for the Scenario
On his fifth turn, my opponent killed the Hellmouth and the Warlord. That's about it. Oh, Hexeris ran way after healing each aspect of the Brute, though.
My fifth and final turn! The Soldier frenzied and killed Sevryn... My Swordmen killed the last Paingivers. The Carnivean finally killed the Brute but still needed 3 Fury! Can't roll those 7... Typhon succeeded his Threshold check and missed two initials with 1-1, but score a double 5 on the fourth attack, and I choose to swing the Cannoneeress into the air... and she did 1 inch. Still, Knockdown is nice.
3-0 for dominating the Zone.
On his sixth turn, my opponent told me that he can't shake and run because if he forces the Shake he can't run afterwards and let my go to 5 for the win. I checked the rule at home and I don't see why he couldn't have shake and run, but I mean the came was sealed already with or without this run.
5-0 on scenario, and Thagrosh was also back to full boxes.
A nice victory, but some mistake were made, and I'm happy to have tried my Thagrosh list before the big Day because damn boy I am rusty with him. Discovery of the day: the Nephilim Soldier is legit. Moral of the day: painted models always win hehehe.
Hope you enjoyed the report! Don't forget to leave comment if there his stuff you would like to see on the blog or subject you would like my opinion about!
Sunday, 1 January 2017
Durgil goes down on Archangel and fills his holes
Hey everyone!
I would have love to post last weekend, but two things quite out of my control happened. First, it was that crazy holiday and I was with my family, and second, but drill broke... So I had to get a new one and as a general safety rule, I never go out shopping on the "after-Christmas" sale days, because I don't have enough patience to deal with so many plebeians at the same time.
Instead, I tried some pretty sick move with my airbrush, and once again my mind just blew away! Usually, I used GW paint and thin it down with thinner (not very original, I know...), and just spray it. But this time, I decided to use Vallejo AirModel paint, mainly because my colours scheme requires to mix several times the same two colours together, in different ratio (1-2, 1-1, 2-1), and I didn't want to juggle between my pots and try to mix it right with the thinner and all... Well, short story, it seemed overwhelming, so instead I used try Vallejo colours to achieve all my mixes since I only needed to add yellow. OH ME GAWD. I will never use that old crappy technic to mix GW paint with thinner, except maybe for metallic, because Vallejo doesn't have a great variety of metallic. It was just so much easier, and totally worth the newborn I had to give up just to buy 6 paint pots.
Back to our main topic, I did fill up holes on the Archangel, just not as much as I would have like, since I planned to recreate some of the neck's spikes that broke out by drilling them, pin a rod and place some Green Stuff around it, but my drill bits broke up on my when I was pinning Lylyth 3 body for easy painting.
First, let's start with the big nice gap between the chariot and the coupling:
Once we have acknowledged the gap, try to estimate how much Green Stuff you will need, so that you don't lose it (you can always do a Snowman Objective if you have overestimate like crazy).
Cut the blue and yellow (or whatever the colour yours are) equally, and if they were touching in the middle, remove the joint part. If you don't, you may end up with some stiff parts, just like if some bits of your Green Stuff was already dry, which is basically the case since they were already touching. Mix the parts well until you have a uniform colouration. Take the amount you need from your pellet and make a roll with it. Put it over the gap and check if it's going to be enough or not. Add some or remove some, as needed, but keep it in a roll form.
Now, with the dentist tools, you have the "Stabber", useful to protect your mini from the cat or, like me, unplug my glue pot. There is also the "Double-Pointy One". He's ok I guess. And lastly, you have the "Useful One", with both a point and the tiny shovel.
Of course, using the "Useful One", just push in the Green Stuff in the hole and spread it (just like mildly-cold butter) over the whole gap. Wet the tool before, so that the GS doesn't stick to it. Don't push too hard either, or you might break apart the two pieces. Once the gap is almost close, stop pushing in, end start smoothing the outside so that your GS look like a part of the model. I do it with the back of the shovel, using the same butter-spread motion. Don't be afraid to use water to help the tool, put be warned, if the tool has literally water drop on it, they will go on the GS and the edge will lift from the piece.
As you can see here, there is a part that is flat and follows the coupling curve, and the rest is on the chariot. The shiny effect is due to the water on the GS. You might need to try it out a couple of time before doing smooth result (even me, my result are not 100% smooth). Once it's dry enough, I like to pass over with the Liquid Green Stuff to smooth even more. Just take a very tiny pellet of it with the shovel part, quickly put it in and out of the water, then place on over the not-so-smooth part, on smooth it out with the butter manoeuver. There will be too much water, so use a tissue or a Q-tip to remove it, but keep enough so that you can still work the LGS.
Once everything is dry, prime and paints it like you wish.
This was done with my airbrush with a regular brush to finish on the highlights. As you can see, if you don't focus exactly on that part, it's pretty hard to see that there was a gap there.
Now you only have to repeat the proceed all over the place, on the Archangel preferably...
There you had the tail junction. It's very important to not use too much GS, because it will look like a hump if you do.
For the left knee, it's a multiple gap problem. You need to fill between the knee, along the leg a bit to make it look like he's flexing (Archangel are actually big show off), and for mine I also wanted to fill a bit under the chitin. Also, on the other side of the leg, there is a hole where the arm was supposed to rest (LOL, nice joke Everblight... you really mess up on that one). On the third image down, you can see that I also fill it up. Don't worry too much about that one, under the arm he will be pretty hard to spot, so just make it look smooth.
You see, pretty big roll, but I spread it all the way into the knee, under the metal part also, all from that roll.
Just another gap I filled. If you look closely, you will also see that between both photos, the metal piece on the tail seems to fit way better with the resin on the second photo. That's because Green Stuff is magical, and in no way related to the fact that the piece broke off during the filling and full of rage I take up my hobby knife to cut chunks of metal from the piece until she fits.
I played a game this week Well ok, it's not that exciting, but I got the chance to try out my Lylyth3 list against Haley3.
Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight
- Archangel
- Typhon
- Nephilim Bolt Thrower
- Naga Nightlurker
Min. Blighted Nyss Raptors
Annyssa Ryvaal
The Forsaken
Blighted Nyss Shepherd
Objective: Stockpile
Major Prime Victoria Haley
- Haley Past
- Haley Future
- Centurion
- Ironclad
Max. Storm Lances
Lieutenant Allison Jakes
- Gallant
Journeyman Warcaster
- Hunter
- Hunter
Harlan Versh, Illuminated One
Objective: Bunker
Scenario was Recon.
[Green is forest; red is a house; brown is rough terrain; yellow is a hill; grey is a trench and wall.]
I won the dice off and choose the table edge. I wanted to deny him to side with the trench, the forest and the hill, so that's the one I have chosen for myself. He deploys his cavalry behind the forest, in the centre, he places Haley and her battlegroup, with the Journeyman, Harlan and Jakes, while Gallant is more behind the rough ground. I deployed mainly my cavalry behind the trench with Annyssa (she choose his Storm Lances as Prey), the Archangel next to them to the right, with Lylyth behind my objective. My light warbeasts and the solos went between the two huge bases. His two Hunter advance deployed between the white zone and the rough terrain.
First turn:
Since I put Prey his cavalry, he decided to switch them to the other flank. First, he ran forward the three heavy jacks, but not too far out because he wanted all his army into the Temporal Distortion bubble. Haley moved up and summoned both Haley Past and Haley Future, plus cast the bubble. The cavalry ran between the jacks and the Haleys. His solos followed, and Arcane Shield is cast on the Centurion. The two Hunter moved up toward his flag, but not too far either.
On my turn, everything he has is out of range, except Haley Past that Lylyth kind of could try to kill with a super boosted Far Strike shot... But that would leave her too far ahead, alone and exposed, which is too risky. Instead, I moved toward the white zone, cast Wind Wall and reposition toward the left, just in front of the trench, since there is nothing moving toward that flag. The Archangel moved behind the forest, out of range of the Hunters. The Raptors and Annyssa moved between the table edge and the flank, looking toward the zone. Typhon ran into Lylyth Wind Wall bubble, overlooking the white zone, while my Bolt Thrower also ran into Lylyth bubble. The solos ran behind Lylyth into the trench and the Naga stay between Lylyth and the Archangel, because I don't know where I will need him.
Second turn:
My opponent decided to threaten the white zone. He ran the Ironclad between the Forest and his objective, but he doesn't touch the zone with him. The Centurion does his Imprint and ran between the wall and his objective. His Storm Lances for a line between the zone and the right flag. The Hunters shuffled next to the house, but they have no target. Jakes cast Side Kick on Gallant, who move left of the rough terrain. Harlan also put a toe into the zone. The Haleys ran behind the rough terrain, so they did nothing.
Since Major Prime Victoria wants to stay out of Lylyth reach and there a flag pretty close and open for business, I went for the scenario play. Lylyth moved forward, killed a Storm Lance with a boosted damage roll and also killed poor little Harlan. Then I triggered Blood Boon and cast Battle Host for free, and repositioned to touch the flag. The Raptors completed their pincer manoeuvre and walked to Ironclad (I could charge because of the forest) and hurt him a bit, and one of them cleverly repositioned next to the Centurion. Typhon gloriously charged across the field into the Ironclad, and killed it. In the need to protect Typhon from Gallant, the Bolt Thrower successfully pushed him back into the rough terrain. Now, to also stop the Storm Lances, the Archangel charged into them, killing the two he could engage, and repositioned to block any possibility to get to Typhon for the remaining two Storm Lances. The Naga did nothing apart from toeing the zone. The Shepherd take one of the Bolt Thrower and the Forsaken empties the Archangel, but I'm still two Fury in over.
1-0 for me on Scenario
Third turn:
The two last Storm Lances and a fully loaded Gallant charges the Archangel, but don't kill him. A Hunter shots the Archangel, but still don't kill him, although he's left with 5 health point. The Haleys moved toward the other flag, cast Ghostwalk on the Centurion and killed the Archangel with a boosted shot from Future Haley. Mean Haley, very mean bad Haley... The Centurion walk over his objective to get in melee with Typhon, but don't do much damage even with 3 focus. The last Hunter shoots into my Bolt Thrower, but don't close anything.
My opponent having only his objective and the Centurion in the zone, I have an opportunity to win on scenario right now, and it doesn't seem too hard. First, I leech from Typhon and succeeded the Threshold roll for my Bolt Thrower! I went first with Lylyth, who used her Feat and froze the Centurion, plus she casts Wraithbane on Typhon. The Shepherd take off one Fury from the Bolt Thrower, as did the Forsaken, having room for just one more. The Nage also casts Wraithbane on the Bolt Thrower. The Nephilim then moved sideways, and shoots into the jack, pushing him 3 inches, when I only needed 2. He's then out of the zone. Two of my raptors charged his objective, and funny enough, both mounts did 5 damage each! The riders quickly finish it off. I end my turn right here, scoring 1 for the objective destruction, 1 for controlling the zone and 1 last for Lylyth on the flag.
Scenario Win
(I promised people over the Facebook page that there would be fireworks...)
I would have love to post last weekend, but two things quite out of my control happened. First, it was that crazy holiday and I was with my family, and second, but drill broke... So I had to get a new one and as a general safety rule, I never go out shopping on the "after-Christmas" sale days, because I don't have enough patience to deal with so many plebeians at the same time.
Instead, I tried some pretty sick move with my airbrush, and once again my mind just blew away! Usually, I used GW paint and thin it down with thinner (not very original, I know...), and just spray it. But this time, I decided to use Vallejo AirModel paint, mainly because my colours scheme requires to mix several times the same two colours together, in different ratio (1-2, 1-1, 2-1), and I didn't want to juggle between my pots and try to mix it right with the thinner and all... Well, short story, it seemed overwhelming, so instead I used try Vallejo colours to achieve all my mixes since I only needed to add yellow. OH ME GAWD. I will never use that old crappy technic to mix GW paint with thinner, except maybe for metallic, because Vallejo doesn't have a great variety of metallic. It was just so much easier, and totally worth the newborn I had to give up just to buy 6 paint pots.
Back to our main topic, I did fill up holes on the Archangel, just not as much as I would have like, since I planned to recreate some of the neck's spikes that broke out by drilling them, pin a rod and place some Green Stuff around it, but my drill bits broke up on my when I was pinning Lylyth 3 body for easy painting.
First, let's start with the big nice gap between the chariot and the coupling:
Once we have acknowledged the gap, try to estimate how much Green Stuff you will need, so that you don't lose it (you can always do a Snowman Objective if you have overestimate like crazy).
Cut the blue and yellow (or whatever the colour yours are) equally, and if they were touching in the middle, remove the joint part. If you don't, you may end up with some stiff parts, just like if some bits of your Green Stuff was already dry, which is basically the case since they were already touching. Mix the parts well until you have a uniform colouration. Take the amount you need from your pellet and make a roll with it. Put it over the gap and check if it's going to be enough or not. Add some or remove some, as needed, but keep it in a roll form.
Now, with the dentist tools, you have the "Stabber", useful to protect your mini from the cat or, like me, unplug my glue pot. There is also the "Double-Pointy One". He's ok I guess. And lastly, you have the "Useful One", with both a point and the tiny shovel.
Of course, using the "Useful One", just push in the Green Stuff in the hole and spread it (just like mildly-cold butter) over the whole gap. Wet the tool before, so that the GS doesn't stick to it. Don't push too hard either, or you might break apart the two pieces. Once the gap is almost close, stop pushing in, end start smoothing the outside so that your GS look like a part of the model. I do it with the back of the shovel, using the same butter-spread motion. Don't be afraid to use water to help the tool, put be warned, if the tool has literally water drop on it, they will go on the GS and the edge will lift from the piece.
As you can see here, there is a part that is flat and follows the coupling curve, and the rest is on the chariot. The shiny effect is due to the water on the GS. You might need to try it out a couple of time before doing smooth result (even me, my result are not 100% smooth). Once it's dry enough, I like to pass over with the Liquid Green Stuff to smooth even more. Just take a very tiny pellet of it with the shovel part, quickly put it in and out of the water, then place on over the not-so-smooth part, on smooth it out with the butter manoeuver. There will be too much water, so use a tissue or a Q-tip to remove it, but keep enough so that you can still work the LGS.
Once everything is dry, prime and paints it like you wish.
This was done with my airbrush with a regular brush to finish on the highlights. As you can see, if you don't focus exactly on that part, it's pretty hard to see that there was a gap there.
Now you only have to repeat the proceed all over the place, on the Archangel preferably...
There you had the tail junction. It's very important to not use too much GS, because it will look like a hump if you do.
For the left knee, it's a multiple gap problem. You need to fill between the knee, along the leg a bit to make it look like he's flexing (Archangel are actually big show off), and for mine I also wanted to fill a bit under the chitin. Also, on the other side of the leg, there is a hole where the arm was supposed to rest (LOL, nice joke Everblight... you really mess up on that one). On the third image down, you can see that I also fill it up. Don't worry too much about that one, under the arm he will be pretty hard to spot, so just make it look smooth.
You see, pretty big roll, but I spread it all the way into the knee, under the metal part also, all from that roll.
Here you can actually see the LGS I put after the regular GS was dry.
Just another gap I filled. If you look closely, you will also see that between both photos, the metal piece on the tail seems to fit way better with the resin on the second photo. That's because Green Stuff is magical, and in no way related to the fact that the piece broke off during the filling and full of rage I take up my hobby knife to cut chunks of metal from the piece until she fits.
I played a game this week Well ok, it's not that exciting, but I got the chance to try out my Lylyth3 list against Haley3.
Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight
- Archangel
- Typhon
- Nephilim Bolt Thrower
- Naga Nightlurker
Min. Blighted Nyss Raptors
Annyssa Ryvaal
The Forsaken
Blighted Nyss Shepherd
Objective: Stockpile
Major Prime Victoria Haley
- Haley Past
- Haley Future
- Centurion
- Ironclad
Max. Storm Lances
Lieutenant Allison Jakes
- Gallant
Journeyman Warcaster
- Hunter
- Hunter
Harlan Versh, Illuminated One
Objective: Bunker
Scenario was Recon.
[Green is forest; red is a house; brown is rough terrain; yellow is a hill; grey is a trench and wall.]
I won the dice off and choose the table edge. I wanted to deny him to side with the trench, the forest and the hill, so that's the one I have chosen for myself. He deploys his cavalry behind the forest, in the centre, he places Haley and her battlegroup, with the Journeyman, Harlan and Jakes, while Gallant is more behind the rough ground. I deployed mainly my cavalry behind the trench with Annyssa (she choose his Storm Lances as Prey), the Archangel next to them to the right, with Lylyth behind my objective. My light warbeasts and the solos went between the two huge bases. His two Hunter advance deployed between the white zone and the rough terrain.
First turn:
Since I put Prey his cavalry, he decided to switch them to the other flank. First, he ran forward the three heavy jacks, but not too far out because he wanted all his army into the Temporal Distortion bubble. Haley moved up and summoned both Haley Past and Haley Future, plus cast the bubble. The cavalry ran between the jacks and the Haleys. His solos followed, and Arcane Shield is cast on the Centurion. The two Hunter moved up toward his flag, but not too far either.
On my turn, everything he has is out of range, except Haley Past that Lylyth kind of could try to kill with a super boosted Far Strike shot... But that would leave her too far ahead, alone and exposed, which is too risky. Instead, I moved toward the white zone, cast Wind Wall and reposition toward the left, just in front of the trench, since there is nothing moving toward that flag. The Archangel moved behind the forest, out of range of the Hunters. The Raptors and Annyssa moved between the table edge and the flank, looking toward the zone. Typhon ran into Lylyth Wind Wall bubble, overlooking the white zone, while my Bolt Thrower also ran into Lylyth bubble. The solos ran behind Lylyth into the trench and the Naga stay between Lylyth and the Archangel, because I don't know where I will need him.
Second turn:
My opponent decided to threaten the white zone. He ran the Ironclad between the Forest and his objective, but he doesn't touch the zone with him. The Centurion does his Imprint and ran between the wall and his objective. His Storm Lances for a line between the zone and the right flag. The Hunters shuffled next to the house, but they have no target. Jakes cast Side Kick on Gallant, who move left of the rough terrain. Harlan also put a toe into the zone. The Haleys ran behind the rough terrain, so they did nothing.
Since Major Prime Victoria wants to stay out of Lylyth reach and there a flag pretty close and open for business, I went for the scenario play. Lylyth moved forward, killed a Storm Lance with a boosted damage roll and also killed poor little Harlan. Then I triggered Blood Boon and cast Battle Host for free, and repositioned to touch the flag. The Raptors completed their pincer manoeuvre and walked to Ironclad (I could charge because of the forest) and hurt him a bit, and one of them cleverly repositioned next to the Centurion. Typhon gloriously charged across the field into the Ironclad, and killed it. In the need to protect Typhon from Gallant, the Bolt Thrower successfully pushed him back into the rough terrain. Now, to also stop the Storm Lances, the Archangel charged into them, killing the two he could engage, and repositioned to block any possibility to get to Typhon for the remaining two Storm Lances. The Naga did nothing apart from toeing the zone. The Shepherd take one of the Bolt Thrower and the Forsaken empties the Archangel, but I'm still two Fury in over.
1-0 for me on Scenario
Third turn:
The two last Storm Lances and a fully loaded Gallant charges the Archangel, but don't kill him. A Hunter shots the Archangel, but still don't kill him, although he's left with 5 health point. The Haleys moved toward the other flag, cast Ghostwalk on the Centurion and killed the Archangel with a boosted shot from Future Haley. Mean Haley, very mean bad Haley... The Centurion walk over his objective to get in melee with Typhon, but don't do much damage even with 3 focus. The last Hunter shoots into my Bolt Thrower, but don't close anything.
My opponent having only his objective and the Centurion in the zone, I have an opportunity to win on scenario right now, and it doesn't seem too hard. First, I leech from Typhon and succeeded the Threshold roll for my Bolt Thrower! I went first with Lylyth, who used her Feat and froze the Centurion, plus she casts Wraithbane on Typhon. The Shepherd take off one Fury from the Bolt Thrower, as did the Forsaken, having room for just one more. The Nage also casts Wraithbane on the Bolt Thrower. The Nephilim then moved sideways, and shoots into the jack, pushing him 3 inches, when I only needed 2. He's then out of the zone. Two of my raptors charged his objective, and funny enough, both mounts did 5 damage each! The riders quickly finish it off. I end my turn right here, scoring 1 for the objective destruction, 1 for controlling the zone and 1 last for Lylyth on the flag.
Scenario Win
(I promised people over the Facebook page that there would be fireworks...)
Happy new year !!

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