Sunday, 18 December 2016

How to build and magnetize an Archangel

Welcome, people of the interwebs !

This week, let us all take a look at the mightiest creature of all: the wild great dragon, also know as an Archangel.

So, if you are like me, when you bought that creature, it came with a very large plan explaining how to build it with much sketches and details. Don't ring a bell? Hum, maybe my memory is a bit fuzzy with this one. Anyway, I would like to take on the journey of how to build and magnetise the wing of your Archangel.

First step, you will need in your toolbox:
- 4 10mm magnet
- 1 Bowl (like a soup bowl)
- 1 Sharp modelling knife
- 1 7/16" drill bit
- 1 drill
- 1 Epoxy glue
- 1 Good ol' glue
- 1 Boiler
- 1 Archangel (obviously)
- 1 Green stuff pack (aka Milliput)
- 1 or 2 toothpicks (depends of your skill level with the Epoxy)
- Some modelling tool (ya know, that 3 tools kit that looks like a dentist arsenal ? Yeah, I'm talkin' about that)
- Some water
- A hell lot of patience

Now that you have everything handy, you shall know that you're here for a couple of hours, so maybe turn on the radio or put your favourite CD on. (I recommend Christmas music since we are in December.)

Second step, when you open the box, it should look like this:

As for any models, take the time to cut the moulding lines, and particularly with the Archangel, the moulding vents, since there is quite a few. Watch out to not cut yourself, because sometimes the knife goes faster than we expect into such resin. Very important also to regularly try the parts together to see if it fits well, or if you need to cut a little more resin. It is better if you have taken off to much rather than not enough since later we are going to back over the gap. (Don't do a butcher's work either.) Oh, very important, don't cut the stump at the end of the wings!

Once all parts are clean, fits well and you still have at least nine fingers, we can move on to step three. Which is glueing almost everything together. Start by glueing the butt on the stone. You will probably need to cut off a bit on the inside of the right knee if you didn't already. Another option is to use the boiler combined with the water to get smoking hot water, and sink the butt into it. You really need a bowl of fecking hot water for this model, because a sink hot water stream is not enough exposure for the thickness of the model. If you use the water, make sure to dry well the part where you're going to apply your good ol' glue (which is your regular modelling glue, actually). Once the butt is done, you can move the left leg. With this one, no particular problem, just glue it straights. For the left knee, you can either do it now or wait at the end to do it with the rest of the metal parts. Move on to the torso. For me, it was a pretty good fit after carving a bit here and there. Then, proceed with both arms. The right arm should be good, but the left... Let just say my Archangel have a bit of dislocated shoulder problem on that side. Just make sure the arm is well glued, as this is something we can cover with some green stuff, so no biggies.

Now the tail. I give her its own paragraph because "eeerrghhhh", what a mess... At first, I thought that the hacked parts of the tail were a miscast, then I read that it was supposed to be "battle damages", and then I realise that those are specific spots that must interact with the base for a perfect fit. Only an image can explain that clearly:

The tail is made to go on the small rock, around the blighted monolith, on the ribcage and there is even a small bump for a duo of skulls, all while coming out of your Archangel butt. There, you will need the hot water. Like really, I tried the sink and it just doesn't cut it, uses a lot of water (I'm not a Circle player, but we can still try to save a fish or two) and cools too fast. Put the tail in the water until she's like a hot noodle or an elderly twinky, whichever you prefer, ain't no time for judgement here. She will be warm enough to give you time to first dry it, then apply the glue and stick it in there. Put glue on all the points of contact (butt, rock/monolith, ribcage, skulls bump), and when glueing, apply pressure to the butt with one hand and position the tail in its place with the other. I would recommend the ribcage as a good second spot for applying pressure. You might even want to try it a first time without the glue, to check-out how it goes. Also, as if it is not hard enough already, make sure that the end of the tail is high enough for the second part of the tail since she goes downward.

Next stop, the head. This time, start with the lower jaw first and glue it on the torso. After that, do the upper jaw and finally to back head part. As usual, carve to achieve a good fit. Don't panic if there is a small gap between the upper jaw part and the back head part. You can do the left knee if he's not done already.

Now we will do the spikes on the spine. The sections go in that order, from head to tail: 4 smalls, 3 huge, 4 mediums, 3 smalls. I recommend you to start from the neck and to go down. You might need to bend some little to achieve a good fit, which is not always possible. On mine, it is as if he misses a couple of millimetres and the spikes don't come quite straight on the tail part. Do as best you can, and we will handle the rest with green stuff.

After that, glue the small wings, they fit alright. For the metal tail part, check if the tail get close enough that you can also glue it on other places than just the resin tail part. On mine, it was a toe and a rock. Maybe bend it a bit to get it to touch somewhere, because that resin part ain't going to hold all that metal part.

For the big wings, start by glueing the claws, pointy part inward. When will probably need to cut into the small metal square under the claws to get it to fit well, since it's too dangerous to try to open up the hole on the wings. For the tiny spikes on the wings, I didn't really find if there was any supposed arrangement for them, so I just glued them the longest outward and going smaller and smaller inward.

Now, go out, take a walk, eat maybe. Sleep if you haven't in the last 36 hours (that's my personal limit, after that, I start falling asleep where I'm standing without warning. Pretty freaky, don't go there unless you have to.)

Next and last part, the magnetizationneering of the wings. While being an awesome model, the Archangel is very difficult to transport and store because of his wings. But, if carefully magnetised, he can keep all his might while not being a pain in the lower back area. To keep the most support possible, you will want to keep the stump on the wings, and that mean you will need to drill into the torso to make room for the magnets. The easiest side is the right, because the hole is smaller than the drill bit you're going to use. Yes, that means you're going to make the hole bigger, but once over, it will be mostly hidden by the wing shoulder. It's very simple, just drill, blow out the resin, drop two magnets inside the hole, add the wing on top, and check if it's looking good or not. Here too, it's better if you go a bit too deep than not enough deep. For the left wing, since the hole is bigger, try to drill following the same angle as the stump goes in, and also try to not hit the border of the hole, since he is already quite big.

Now to glue the magnet and make sure everything is aligned, you actually need to glue the magnets while they are in the hole, and I recommend you do one magnet at a time, event if that mean you will lose some glue. You're working on a 100$+ model, don't grumble around about your 10$ epoxy glue tube. First, put the two magnets in the hole and don't push them to the bottom. Mix a small batch of glue, apply it with a toothpick on at the end of the stump, on the wing, but make sure there is none around the stump! Insert the wing slowly into the hole, so that the stump contact a magnet and push it down. That way, your magnet will be perfectly aligned on the stump. For the second magnet, it's trickier (weep, not tricky enough yet). Since a drill bit is like a cone, make sure there is not resin residue into the hole (easiest way is with a couple of q-tips (ears cleaning stuff) and water), make sure it is dry. Check the thickness of the stump plus the magnets, and compare it with the deepness of the hole. You will know approximately how much glue you need to put in. That's why epoxy is good, because she is thick enough to fill the gap. Mix some epoxy, put it in the hole (be light handed here, better to had some later then have too much), put the second magnet on the first one, and then put some glue on it. Proceed to slowly insert the wing on the shoulder. Once you reach the bottom, take it out. Yes, TAKE IT OUT! Now make sure that the glue on the bottom and the glue on the magnet have made contact (they should have spikes where they make contact), and also that the glue at the bottom didn't go all over the place because there is too much of it. If it is the case, try to scrape it with a clean toothpick and a wet q-tip to clean the area. After all, you don't want the wing to be glued there permanently. For the second wing, do the same thing, but try to both the magnets in a complimentary way, as they will all pull toward each other instead of each side repulsing each other (normally, the magnets are strong enough that you will see after you have done the first wing which way the magnets are attracted).

Technically, ta da !!!! You have a fully glued and magnetised Archangel. What about the green stuff part, you say? Well, that will have to be in part two, since this one is already pretty long, and will include also green stuff's stuff on Raptors and Lylyth3, because Christmas means Reindeer Riders are next in line for painting.

Sunday, 11 December 2016

What's going on in Everblight mind...

Hello folks (and folkettes, the Legion is an open community which accepts women) !

At the moment, there is some kind of big tourney coming in January (yeah, that's in a long time), and I would like to have my 2 lists fully painted for this event, since there will be a Painting category (with PP pin, and y'all know huw mich me luv PP pinz) and also extra coupon for the participation prizes, because in all seriousness my painting is a table-top level, not award winning level.

Thus, to decide what to paint, I'm trying to build 2 brand new lists that don't look like stuff I've already played in Mk3, and damn it's hard. I've already played prime Thagrosh's brick with full Ogruns and a couple of heavy beasts, Kryssa with a flying circus and a side of Swordmen, Fyanna with Proteus (for 20" drags) and Lylyth 3 Assassination medley.

I know, there is other stuff to be played, just like I could bring some other Warcaster, but not a lot of them feel competitively good ? And even then, what do would I bring with them ? Most of your beasts are a bit pillow fisted for their point cost, most of our animus are irrelevant, half our light are still useless and there is still half our units that are not very good. Don't get me wrong, there are good, powerful choices in Legion, but I kind of feel like I would like to play whatever I want and feel like I could have a chance, instead of always going for the stamped models.

Every time I try to build a list, I try to follow 3 principles, since Legion is an alpha striking army. I need a Mat fixer, to be sure to hit. I need a Damage buff, to be sure to hit hard. And I need a SPD buff, to be sure to get the alpha strike. Prime Thagrosh is kind of the exception for the last one since he can pull a brick well enough, but still.

I believe that's why Absylonia 2 is so good in Legion right now: she can answer all of them by herself, so we don't need that much support and can invest in raw power. Lylyth 3 is also very good because she fixes both SDP and Mat/Rat with her feat. Most of the time when I check a Warlock, I look at what he can answer, and if he can answer 2 or 3, he's pretty good. If he can only answer one or none, is probably subpart for a competitive level.

From there, every time I try to build a list with a caster that can't fix Mat/Rat, I always feel the need to include a Seraph, because if my beasts don't hit when they go in, I know they will be dead next turn (except like Proteus, but he's so pillow-fisted !!). That's also why I found the Blackfrost so good, because they help with 2 of the basic principle I need to get !

With that in mind, I will try to build 2 lists, right here, right now. I would really appreciate all comments and thought about both my lists, and the subject of Hordes being less good than Warmachine, because I somehow feel that if I was only facing Hordes player with my lists, I would feel like a have a lot more of possibilities, but since my choices must trade into 10-12 pts good cost-effective heavies, I feel very restricted.

List 1

Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight
- Archangel
- Typhon
- Nephilim Bolt Thrower
- Naga Nightlurker
Annyssa Ryvaal
The Forsaken
Blighted Nyss Shepherd
Min. Blighted Nyss Raptors
Obj: Stockpile

I've tried Lylyth 3 assassination before, but not with the Gargantuan. I feel like the threat range is a little bit smaller, but the list can take more punishment than one hit more glassy cannon.

List 2

Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight
- Typhon
- Carnivean
- Protector
Blighted Nyss Swordmen
- Abbot & Champion
Blackfrost Shard
Annyssa Ryvaal

In that list, I still have 12 pts, but I don't really know what to do with them... I would like a third big beast, but then I would lose some support, either Annyssa or the Blackfrost, and from experience, the current state of Thagrosh battlegroup is the maximum he can handle without any form of Fury management. Maybe a little Shredder party, with 3 little missile ? DEF 15 with FoW ain't too shabby...

If you want to follow me or comment on my list, you can do it on my Facebook Page !

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Slayer Bowl 2

Yesterday, I went to the Slayer Bowl 2, with my sexy human team (ok, only the ogre was painted, but still, what a sexy ogre).

I really enjoy playing Blood Bowl as a kind of "side hoe" game, because it's a lot less complicated than Warmachine and Hordes (from my point of view, but of course for anyone whom Blood Bowl is there "main hoe", they could see it the other way around).

I had first planned to go with my glorious Union Elf team (aka "Pro Elf"), the Rainbow Warriors, but during a practice match against the Chaos Dwarf of a fellow player, I realize that they are way too fragile, and as I bought the new Blood Bowl box, I choose to complete the Human Team by adding an Ogre from my great and venerable bits of Warhammer Fantasy (RIP, glorious game of my younger days) and 2 old human Blitzer from an older version. As such, the Reiksguard Irregulars were created !

My first game was against a Dark Elf. I tried to keep is team lock down, but thrice he succeeded in getting behind my line, and thrice he scored. His Assassin also successfully stabbed my Ogre, but he quickly regretted it when a Blitzer sent him skyrocketing the next turn. A good match, but we started the day with a loss.

My second game was against a Slann team. None from his team had the Block Skill, while 5 of mine did, including my Ogre. Winning the melee game, my opponent quickly found himself outnumbered and things got out of hand for him when I started flanking hard with my Blitzer. Overall, I scored thrice and did four casualties, while only suffering one casualty and no touchdown.

My third game was against the already mentioned Chaos Dwarf player. I wanted my revenge, but Nuffle, the God of Blood Bowl, had other plans... Most of the game was played with a 3 to 4 men disadvantage for me. My Ogre only spent 2 turns on the field, my Blitz turn (which didn't do a thing) and the last turn of the game. Nonetheless, I successfully gave my opponent a good run for his money, as I made several crazy turns of multiple 4+ dodge and pick-up, trying to throw the ball far away. I put so much pressure on him that even at 5 against 3 (1 minotaur, 3 Chaos Dwarf and a Hobgoblin vs a Blitzer, a Thrower and a Lineman), he felt it was to dangerous to stall and went directly for the touchdown. There was also many great strategic moves made on my part, such as leaving all my team on the ground before the half-time, giving him 0 possibilities of blocks. The game ended 2-0 for my opponent, but it was probably the game I enjoyed the most all day.

My final game was against an Ogre team, with 5 Ogre and 6 Snotling. This game was a massacre. Bodies were flying into the air, bones were broken, head smashed... That's on I ended with a 4-0 victory. Two of his Ogres, one while Going-For-It and one on a Both Down result, got injured while I rolled 6-6 for Armour and 6-6 for Injury ! Also, two Snotlings got crippled and a third was KO most of the match. Even the kick-off events were on my side most of the time, with two Perfect Defense and a Blitz. I suffered two casualties as well, but nothing compared to what I gave.

Overall, I finish with 2 wins and 2 loss. On the overall, I was 7 on 20, which is pretty great if you ask me since that was the first time I played that team.

Also, the Indiegogo event for my Norse Team informed me that I should receive them between the second and third week of December. That's like 2 months late, but I can't do much about it, and I still had great fun with my Human Team.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Hellfire Steamroller

Hello everyone !

If you haven't already, make sure to go like the blog Facebook Page to get all the last update and more !

No I haven't forgot you, it's just as the Steamroller was on Sunday, and I was very tired after, I didn't write the blog post yesterday. Being very creative sometimes, I'm also very mainstream some other times. That's why I went to that tournament with the same lists as last time, with Kryssa and Fyanna. Here are the battle report, with a big surprise at the end (it was even a surprise for me at that point, which is saying something !)

Game 1 - Bradigus Thorle, The Runecarver - Take and Hold

- Druid Wilder
- Megalith
- Wold Guardian
- Woldwarden
- Woldwarden
- Woldwarden
- Woldwarden
- Woldwarden
Sentry Stone & Mannikins
Sentry Stone & Mannikins
Shifting Stones
Shifting Stones

I never played against Bradigus before, but since there was so much armour in that list, and not much high Rat shooting, I went with Kryssa. Thing where going ok in the early turn. I lost a couple of Swordmen to the Mannikins, and I killed one stone and 2 Mannikins on the other before he feated. At that moment, Kryssa was hanging around his flag, camping 2. My opponent build his Synergy chain with the Woldwarden killing one Swordmen each, then Megalith was just in range of Kryssa. I tried a crazy counter charge from the Champion, just in case I spiked the dice at -8, to maybe shut down the Mind or Spirit. But I did 0 damages... He missed his charge attack (thanks Set Defence), but hitted with all the other, and with only 2 transfers, 2 attacks going through were enough to kill Kryssa. Oh well, next time I will check to distance between the big Heavy and my caster when his feat make him move 8".

0-1 Game

2 - Mr. Nobody, the Bye - Recon

As you might have guessed, we were 11 players, so I got the bye. That was ok, because I was already tired and eh, a win is a win.


Game 3 - Gorten Grundback - Extraction

- Sylys Wyshnalyrr
- Ghordson Driller
- Ghordson Driller
- Gunbunny #1
- Gunbunny #2
- Gunbunny #3
- Gunbunny #4
Kayazy Eliminators
Kayazy Eliminators
Wrong Eye & Snap Jaw
Anastasia Di Bray
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
Gorman Di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
Harlan Phineas Versh, Illuminated One
Kell Bailoch
Alten Ashley
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress
Saxon Orrik (not sure about him, but there was another solo anyway)
Objective: Fuel Cache

Since the other list of my opponent had a Galleon, I dropped Fyanna, and I was still pretty happy about my choice because I don't really know had Kryssa could have handle that list either. I choose as a Prey Alten Ashley for Annyssa, because I know that he could be a very painful model to deal with. My opponent went first, so I choose de table edge with a forest in the middle, to hide my caster into it. As a classic first turn move, my opponent ran everything forward and hid the snipers into the Fuel Cache cloud. On my turn, I did pretty much the same. I maybe put Proteus to forward, put I knew that Alten would shot him anyway. Fyanna go hide behind my objective, to protect her from Gorten feat. On his turn, all of my stuff are just out of range for his Kayazy, so he holds them back, but he shoots Proteus, causing him to lose his Spirit. He also make sure that Proteus can't reach anything, but forget that Proteus can't charge. On my turn, I switched Fury from Proteus to the Raptors and feated. Typhon moved forward and killed Alten Ashley, Kell Bailoch and a third solo who did nothing (maybe it was Orrik, maybe not, guess we will never know). All his Fury will be pull by the Forsaken. The Raptors went wild and while I wanted to charge Snap Jaw with 3 of them, only 2 could feat because of the distance and a Gunbunny in the way. Nonetheless, 2 were enough as one of them spiked the damages, and two of the unit repositionned themselves into Fyanna's feat. Annyssa killed her new Prey, Lanyssa, and choose Gorten as another Prey. One Gunbunny lost his movement also, mainly because of Typhon, but also a shot from the Seraph I believe. On my opponent third turn, he feated, catching Typhon, the Seraph and 2 Raptors. Sadly, my opponent forgot to give Focus on his jack, so both beasts survived, but the Raptors all die from either Harlan Versh (because fo Fury behind on them) and the Kayazys. Back to me, the Seraph moved back to Slipstream the Forsaken forward, thus escaping the melee range of a Kayazy. Then the Forsaken moved forward and shouted "Blight, blight everywhere !", killing 2 Kayazy and also doing 11 damages (actually only 6, because he used a Focus) on Gorten camping 4. Annyssa got into 5" of Harlan but fail to kill him because he was on a hill. Fyanna tried to kill another Kayazy, but failed to hit. Typhon received Fury and did what he knows best. He killed one Driller under the Kiss of Lyliss, and crippled both arms on the second one. Sadly, on my opponent turn, that was not enough to save him because of Sustained Attack. Rhylyss also die, with Annyssa, killed by a lucky Wrong Eye, and my Seraph barely survived with 2 healths. A Kayazy also engaged Fyanna, and a wall his made in front of Gorten with a Gunbunny, Gorman Di Wulfe and Sylys. Now for my last turn, as at that point we both have only 10 minutes left, my only option is to kill Gorten, since my opponent is also 3-0 on Scenario. I messed up my activation, since the Blackfrost, who went first, couldn't see Gorman, so they killed Sylys instead. Then, I activated the crippled Seraph, who shooted Gorman but couldn't hurt him, but I also hitted Gorten, which gived him -2 DEF, and did something like 1 damages. I was down to my last model, Fyanna, on full Fury, and Gorten on one Focus. She charged Gorman, killing him, and just made it to Gorten (forgot she had Overtake...). I bought one attack and boosted the damage roll, making 5 damages, that he used his Focus for. Bought another attack, boosted the damage roll, and here I spiked like crazy good, rolling 17 on 3 dices. Gorten was down to 1 boxe. Bought a third and last attack, hitted, boosted to roll... 2 dices landed on the table, the third one was so on fire by the tension of the situation that he jumped to the floor, but still, on the table, at -7 damages, a 3 and 4, so the third die killed him. My opponent forgot he's tough roll, but went he made it after we had complete the SR result, it was a 4, so Gorten would have been dead. Time on clock, 2 minutes.


Now here is the crazy thing (well, not as crazy as Fyanna vs Gorten crazy, but still). My lost was against the Steamroller winner, giving me 3 SoS, and the last guy was pair-down against me, giving me 2 SoS, so I also ended 2nd at that tournament ! That was a bit unexpected this time around, as I was sure that other people had better Strenght of Schedule than me. I will start believing that doing the submarine is a good way to win a odd players Steamroller. Next week, be ready for a Blood Bowl tournament battle report !

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Fyanna rocks a Steamroller [Battle Report]

- Damn, I'm so tired after a tourney, I just feel like curling up and sleep for maybe like a week... Well, until next tourney actually.


Before you go into the Battle Report, here's a big announcement ! No, I'm not pregnant... But, the Blog now have a Facebook Page, where you can directly interact with me, ask questions, tell funny stories (better be pretty funny, if not you will feel my wrath) and get the brand new Mid-Week Madness posts ! Since Facebook is easier to get into than a blog, I will be posting stuff during the week, like models I paint, crazy lists I think about, my general thought about X or Y. Lots of good stuff. You will also be able to have a notification every time I post something on the Blog. You see, there is absolutely no reason not to go and like it.


WAZZA !! No more peep talk and long introduction, let gets right into the subject. Yesterday, I went to a Steamroller. Lists are here. Now that's how it went down:

Game 1 - Moshar the Desertwalker - Recon

- Druid Wilder
- Ghetorix
- Feral Warpwolf
- Stalker Warpwolf
Max Tharn Wolf Riders
Sentry Stone & Mannikins
Sentry Stone & Mannikins
Shifting Stones
Gallows Grove
Gallows Grove
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress

Since his other list was Kaya2 with Warpwolves, I was afraid that my Kryssa list get out-threaten and I went with Fyanna since I feel she had a game against both lists.Quite frankly, I can't remember who won the roll and how it happened, but I handed up going second. Annyssa preyed upon the Wolf Riders, whom themselves preyed upon my Raptors.The game went down into an attrition pretty quickly. While Typhon managed to kill one sentry stone, I used my feat to protect him and Proteus, who were into the zone, and my Raptors that were battling against the Wolf Riders. I'm opponent made a cunning use of the Pillar of Salt by blocking my any retreat with Dodge, so even if he missed, I couldn't move Typhon back. He barely survived and Frenzied next turn because of Moshar's feat. On the turn after, Proteus killed Ghetorix, only to be kill by his Stalker the turn after. Meanwhile, on the left flank, my Raptors were left to only their Leader, but the brave Annyssa made short dispatch of his Wolf Riders. A good blast from my Forsaken also killed Lanyssa and the 3 Mannikins of the second sentry stone. The game was close to the end by then, as my opponent still had his Feral and Stalker on full health, while my only beast left was my Seraph. Moshar was hiding in a Forest, behind 3 Shifting Stone. I had to go for the assassination, as Moshar was only camping one. Fyanna killed a Shifting stone with a Gallow, which opened LOS to Moshar. I then activated my Seraph, but I moved him to hastily and ended up not having LOS to Moshar because of his objective and a Shifting Stone. That shaken my whole plan so much, that I lost it for a couple of seconds and moved on to my next activation. The Blackfrost went and I luckily hit with one Ice Cage and an Ice Bolt. My Raptor leader went and hit. By then, Moshar was down to 6 and one transfer. I had Annyssa left, and Moshar was her prey. I needed only 5 to hit but missed on the first roll. I then conceded because Fyanna was right next to his Stalker with only one transfer.

On retrospective, moving my Seraph to fast was a mistake, because he could have gone to a position with LOS. Even after my mistake, depending on the number of shots he had, I could have destroyed a second Shifting Stone and then shoot Moshar, but my concentration was totally broke down by my bad move and I just skipped his shooting.


Game 2 - Dominar Rasheth - Incursion

- Mammoth
- Titan Gladiator
- Agonizer
Max Venator Reivers
- Venator Reiver Officer and Standard
Max Praetorian Karax
Min Paingiver Beast Handlers
Swamp Gobbers Bellow Crew
Extoller Soulward
Mortitheurge Willbreaker

For this game, I choose again Fyanna, since if he dropped his Mammoth, I knew that even for Kryssa and the Angelius, it will be a nut too tough to crack, and he could really dispatch my Swordmen with some blasts. I won the dice roll, and choose my table side, which definitively gave me an edge for the Scenario, as the left flag was behind a house, so he would have to go around it, the middle flag was behind a forest, so he could see to it, and the right flag was in the middle of a plain, but eh, can't have everything for myself. There was also a wall in the middle, a bit forward of my deployment zone. His Karax moved toward the house, the Mammoth toward the centre flag and his Reiver toward the right flag. I advanced Fyanna and his beast kind of between the left and middle flag, to keep all my opportunities open. I also thought about being more aggressive with Fyanna, but since she only kept one transfer, I felt like that wouldn't be enough to protect her, and I didn't want to feat yet, so I kept her back behind the wall. My Raptors moved toward the right flag, getting on a hill, while Annyssa ran behind another house on that side of the table. Turn two, my opponent made CRA and killed 2 Raptors, and his Mammoth put a small dent into my Seraph. One Karax went around the house to toe the flag, and the other huddle the other side of the house, since there was a small area where they could be within 4 inches, but only 2 models could fit in. Rasheth feated defensively since only my Seraph was into his Control. For me, my Raptors killed 2 contesting Reivers and take the flag, and Annyssa killed the unit Officer and another dude. A Gallowed Gladiator got kill by Proteus and Typhon moved close to the middle flag without going into the forest since the Mammoth contested anyway. Some Karax also gets killed and the Gobber leader. Fyanna also dropped his feat. 1-0 on Scenario for me. His feat comes down and didn't really save anything. He CRA again to drop 1 Raptors (the one base to base with the flag, mind you). The Karax try to hurt Proteus, but the good old beast laughs at their petty attempts. The Mammoth shots wide because of the feat and put Counterblast on himself, while Agonizer hides behind him and cries. Back to me, it's Mammoth time. Rhylyss kissed the Mammoth, Typhon walked into the forest and breathed three times, Proteus charged, take the Counterblast, proceeded to hit the Garg until he was left on 1 health, Raptors charged in a Death or Glory move, and the Leader did exactly 1 damage. Fyanna then went to the middle flag. Annyssa contested the right flag. 2-0 on Scenario. My opponent still backed his Karax to the house to contest the left flag, another Raptor hit the dust. Because of Stealth, only one Reiver could shoot Annyssa and miss. Rasheth killed Vysaar with a Corruption Breath. He contested the middle flag with something, can't remember what, but probably a Karax. On my turn, Typhon moves and spray behind the house, killing most of the Karax. Sevryn and Rhylyss take up their sword and kill the Karax to take the left flag. I still hold the middle flag and Annyssa reduced the Reivers enough that they can't take the right flag any more. I went 4-0. I also have 2:56 left on my clock. With no more Karax, the Mortitheurge moved around, contested the flag, and Rasheth killed the Blackfrost with more blast stuff. The Extoller contested the middle flag. On my turn, I made it pretty quick. Typhon walked, breathed away to Mortitheurge, and a Spell Martyr ran to the flag. 5-0, game's end, 1:50 on the clock.

1-1, and even more ! I was pair up against Skorne, meaning I just made the event going from 4 to 3 games, and that would help a lot for my Strenght of Schedule.

Game 3 - Major Victoria Haley - The Pit

Major Victoria Haley
- Squire
- Dynamo
- Stormclad
- Thorn
Max Storm Lances
Major Katherine Laddermore
Gun Mage Captain Adept
Journeyman Warcaster
- Firefly

Since the event just went from 4 to 3 games, the TO ruled that no one would be list locked if he played the same list twice already. So I casually dropped Fyanna again, because his second list was Kara Sloan gunline, against which Fyanna feat makes me more confident.

I lost the dice of and my opponent choose his table-edge. The table was not very important during the game actually. I deployed a bit centrally with the Battlegroup and the Blackfrost, while my Raptors and Annyssa went in front of his flag. He also deployed centrally, with his Storm Lances in front of my Raptors. Annyssa preyed the Storm Lances. I advanced very close to the zone with both Proteus and Typhon. My Raptor advanced also very far, just outside of his shooting range. Fyanna hides behind a wall with the Succubus. He moved everything forward, also very close to the zone, and the Storm Lances got Arcane Shield on them. On my turn, the Gun Mage Captain Adept die to my Seraph and I successfully pull a Gallow on Dynamo, which Proteus killed. Typhon entered the zone also. Annyssa and the Raptors tried to kill the closest Storm Lances, but were not very good and left him on 1 . Fyanna feated and went base to base with my flag. On his turn, he feated back and used telekinesis on Proteus to turn it around. His Stormclad charged but had to boost his attack charge because of a bad roll, and left Proteus alive. His Storm Lances killed 2 Raptors also. Since he didn't go to his flag (missed about an inch), I went 1-0. Only Proteus, Typhon, the Raptors and Annyssa were under his feat. I activated the Seraph, who killed the Journeyman, thus dissipating Arcane Shield. My Raptors and Annyssa then killed 2 Storm Lances and used Reposition to move back or more on the side for Annyssa. Proteus moved around and used his Animus to inflict -2 DEF on the Stormclad and a Storm Lancer. Typhon breathed 3 times into the Stormclad and put Excessive Healing, but all his Fury would be leached by the Forsaken. 2-0 for me. On his next turn, my opponent failed to use telekinesis on Proteus because of the melee bonus and needed to use the Stormclad and a Storm Lance to kill him, while the other Storm Lances charged Typhon, doing some damages. Instead of going to his flag, he moved Haley to toe the zone, and also but Laddermore into the zone with Thorn. 3-0. New to my, I either need to clear the zone and put Fyanna in or take his flag. Since only a Squire contests his flag, I went for the latter. My 3 Raptors charged his Storm Lances, and killed the 2 on Typhon but not the third one. Annyssa then made his best move of the day, charged the last Storm Lance, killed him on impact, switched the Prey target into the Squire, shooted her two arrows into him, killed him, and Repositionned on the flag. For the sake of the Army Destroyed point, Typhon also went and killed the Stormclad before I claimed the victory with 5-0.


At the end of the day, we were only 10 players, one 3-0, four 2-1, four 1-2 and 1 0-3. The thing his, because I was pair up on my second game, my Strenght of Schedule got better, since that guy also happened to finish 2-1, and my only loss was against the Champion. So I placed Second and got a sweet and shiny little medal ! I literally live for those little things, since I play more for the glory than the rest.Also, this is already a big SR report, so my in deep thought of Fyanna will have to be for another time, but let just say she's great.

Furthermore, as stated in the first sentence, I have yet another Steamroller next Sunday, although I think this one don't have the shiny medals... So stay tuned on the Facebook page to see what I intend to bring !

Sunday, 13 November 2016

And the Destroyer award goes to...

*Whistling* - Heigh-ho, heigh-ho. It's home from work we go... Popopom pom pom...

- Oh, I haven't seen you there ! Stop hiding in shadowy corners and actually come in ! It's warmer inside anyway. [Disclaimer: if you are from Australia, this won't make sense.] So, it has been what, one or two weeks now ? Fault's on me, of course, but yeck, what can I say ? I just feel like I don't have enough content, and I don't want to bore you with uninteresting babbling.

Nonetheless, last week, I went to a painting class, and that was very enlightening, to say the least. Did you all know about that wet pallet tricks, and never bother to tell me for so long ? That is just revolutionary ! And of course, I've learnt some other stuff, like doing several thin-coat to achieve shadow and all. So maybe if I feel more confident and that my models are looking better, I'll start posting them on the blog.

My journeyman league always finished yesterday. Even do there is still an ending-Steamroller to go, I already won 4 Destroyer Points, which is enough to claim the title of Master of Destruction, or whatever the name is. For those of you who wonder what my list was, I will post it here further down a couple lines, because she also the list I will take to the Steamroller. Mind you, my local Press Gangster made so change to the regular rule, and each week we could take out one card, so you won't see those shredders and the Bolt Thrower (who actually carried my list for the first 2 weeks of the League).

For the next week event, the terrible STEAMROLLER OF THE END OF THE JOURNEYMAN LEAGUE, here what I plan to take.

Legion of Everblight - Flying Circus

Theme: No Theme Selected
75 / 75 Army

Fuel Cache - Steamroller Objective

Kryssa, Conviction of Everblight - WB: +31
-    Succubus - PC: 4
-    Angelius - PC: 17 (Battlegroup Points Used: 17)
-    Seraph - PC: 14 (Battlegroup Points Used: 14)
-    Neraph - PC: 12
-    Angelius - PC: 17

Blighted Nyss Warlord - PC: 5
Blighted Nyss Sorceress & Hellion - PC: 6
Spell Martyr - PC: 1

Blackfrost Shard - Sevryn, Rhylyss & Vysarr: 9
Blighted Nyss Swordsmen - Leader & 9 Grunts: 15
-    Blighted Nyss Swordsmen Abbot & Champion - Abbot & Champion: 6


Legion of Everblight - Dixie Salad

Theme: No Theme Selected
75 / 75 Army

Bunker - Steamroller Objective

Fyanna, Torment of Everblight - WB: +28
-    Succubus - PC: 4
-    Proteus - PC: 19 (Battlegroup Points Used: 19)
-    Seraph - PC: 14 (Battlegroup Points Used: 9)
-    Typhon - PC: 24

Annyssa Ryvaal - PC: 8
Spell Martyr - PC: 1
Spell Martyr - PC: 1
Spell Martyr - PC: 1
The Forsaken - PC: 4

Blackfrost Shard - Sevryn, Rhylyss & Vysarr: 9
Blighted Nyss Raptors - Leader & 4 Grunts: 18

I really like Flying Circus, because she's all about Alpha Strike, and has a tremendous (yep, I've followed the US presidential) amount of threat range. The list relies on high defence to survive (everything being 14 base, and 73% of the time, 16), and when the feat comes around, it usually cripples the opponent army so much that they can't recover. I know some people disagree, and don't think Kryssa can work that way, but since I'm 13-2 with her, I'll keep it that way. Also, she actually has some scenario play with the dual Angelius.

My second list, Dixie Salad, named in honour of an inside joke between Mr Vachon and myself about the cabbage salad from Dixie-Lee restaurant food chain's, present mainly in the Canadian mainland maritime area, is kind of my cat in the hat. As of this moment, I don't have either Fyanna nor Proteus, but they are both underway. If they don't arrive in time, I will have to change the list to a boring Lylyth3 Assassination list, but for now, I'm confident. The list is kind of a Hordes drop, because of the Raptors, but if my opponents have few 'jacks, or if the assassination potential seems good, I would also drop it in Warmachine. The idea is very simple: cast Gallow trough a Spell Martyr to give Proteus a 15-20" threat range, with Slipstream of course. Even, if possible, don't Gallow and cast Admonition on Proteus to protect him from retaliation. The list is geared to maximise Fyanna feat, with Typhon being 16-18 and Proteus 14-18(20), and Def 17+ for the rest. Also, Typhon alone can take down a Colossal with Kiss and Fury. So yeah, I feel good about the list.

Comment like subscribe (is that a thing with a blog ? Meh, never mind captain...) !

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

To infinity, and beyond !


Yes, hello people of the world, I'm back at it again this week, even if a little late. To keep you updated on my Journeyman League, I have currently 2 Destroyer points, week 1 and week 3. Two different guys have the others two, and I plan to get (or at least try my hardest and send out some sexy female assassins if need be) week 4 and 5, since if I reach 4 Destroyer points, I would win the Destroyer award. This is why I push the most I can to paint some models to get easy victories since this Sunday I only scored 1-1, which is definitively not enough to get me the point this week.

Good looking, aren't they ? Those are work in progress, but I expect to finish them either Friday or Saturday.So eh, that's all for Legion this week sadly, 'cause if you didn't know, that blog is not all about Legion ! Well, up to now, it was pretty much only Legion, but this is Durgil's Adventure blog, and I'm planning to go on more adventure in the following month ! One of these is the new Hordes faction !!

After Privateer Press posted on Tumblr (what the heck, Tumblr ? What kind of social media is that ?), I created a post about it on the main forum, because I'm so excited !! I mean, look at the thematic. Those Grimkin gobbers/thingies have a nice Celtic, Germanic, Gaelic folklore vibe to hit, with a fairy idea, kind of, because in those cultures, the faeries are not always nice people. And that really appeal to me since the great-great-great-grand-father of my grandmother on my mother side was Hugh Blackburn, from Scotland ! I still have a reddish beard in summer because of him, so yeah, always stay true to your roots.That's why I'm already stacking for them, to try to buy the whole faction when she comes out. And I also have other personal projects for next summer, so I must really plan well.

Also, more close in time, I have a very nice looking Norse Bloodbowl team that I shall receive very soon. The Indiegogo project from Meiko Miniatures was saying the team would be shipped in October, but now that we are at the end of the month, I think they will be ship in November. There is also a new Bloodbowl version coming from Games-Workshop, but I don't really trust them since the Great Fallout Of Fantasy. Meh, will see about that one.

I also want to start making my own terrains to play with, in a Privateer Press style. So look forward to see more stuff about that in a near (well, month-wise...) future.

Thanks for tuning in ! See you next week.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Journeyman Update - Week 3

First of all, shame on me for not posting last week. I let every single one of you down. Although I had a good reason, since I didn't really play (one game only during the week, and a 0 pts game, so nothing much happened) and while I usually play on Sunday, I was visiting a friend for the weekend, 'cause yep, for those of you who wonder, it is possible to have some kind of social life and being a very intense wargamer. Just need to write down a list of who are more important than the games, and who is not, and plan your activity accordingly. Anyway, a little update on that Journeyman thingy: a won the Destroyer Point for the first week, but not for the Battlegroup Tournament, since I was visiting said friend (you can realise how much important he must be if he scores higher than a tournament with Destroyer Point). I also didn't get the one for the second week since people usually play on Sunday. BUT, for the third week, I came right back in the fray with 3 games today ! Let see how everything went out.

- Succubus
- Angelius
- Angelius
- Neraph
- Shredder (yes yes, I know, but he is leaving next week, I promise)
Nyss Sorceress on Helion
Spell Martyr
Objective: Fuel Cache

Game 1 - Bane Witch Agathia - Take and Hold

- Barathrum
- Reaper
- Deathripper
Max Mechanitralls
Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls
Satyxis Gunslingers
Warwitch Siren

I believe this was my second game into Cryx since Mk3 and my first against the Battlebox caster. With Wind Ravager, I could totally shut down his Reaper, which gave me the drop on him, and after two turns of mulching through his undead, he committed his 'jacks, which were promptly killed by the Neraph and an Angelius, under Kryssa's Feat. At some point, he needed to move in Agathia, since almost everything else was dead, and she got her butt kicked by an Angelius.

Game 2 - Beast Master Xekaar - Recon

- Titan Gladiator
- Titan Bronzeback
- Titan Cannoneer
- Basilisk Krea
Min Paingiver Beast Handlers

I was going first, and I knew that with his Feat, my opponent would be able to score big time on the scenario, since he was able to basically deny me the zone for 1 turn. I rolled pretty hot dies for my Angelius spits, and the Bronzeback was already pretty injured before the melee started. As expected, my opponent Feated early, and I left him the zone, with one small Shredder hidden behind the Fuel Cache cloud, which let him contest the zone since my opponent couldn't see him. He still scored 1 for my objective, though. Next turn, I feated and the first Angelius killed the Bronzeback while pocking once into the Gladiator. Then, my second Angelius charged the Gladiator, and when I rolled a swooping triple 6 for damage (which meant 25 total damages, with Armour Piercing), my opponent gave me the game. I still had my Neraph to activate, but he basically just lost all his punch.

Game 3 - Forge Master Syntherion - Entrenched

- Cipher
- Monitor
- Diffuser
- Galvanizer
- Corollary
2x Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex
Optifex Directive

I was going first again, and I moved toward my own zone. Then, my opponent did the same toward his zone, with the Algorithmic dudes moving one into his zone and the other toward mine. On my turn, my Angelius each killed one of the Algorithmic guys, and I moved into the zone to be ready to score. I didn't move toward him because apart from my Feat, he got a lot more punch than me and decent threat range. On his turn, he sent a violent rip saw into my Neraph, causing 11 damages and crippling the Body, but that was all. To my surprise, he didn't send an Optifex to contest my, so we both scored one. Back to me, the Shredder ran into melee with the Cipher and contested his zone, while the Neraph got healed and did the so-called "Coyote Manoeuver", and he killed the Galvanizer before running back to safety. The rest of my army shuffle a bit around, and an Optifex caught fire. I take the lead with 2-1. On his turn, a boosted lucky roll failed to score 12, so his whole plan to kill my Neraph crumbled. Actually, with all his shoot boosted, he didn't succeed any of them. He killed the Shredder and ran the last Optifex into my zone, so it was 2-2. My opponent has left open Syntherion, so I tried the assassination with the Neraph. Kryssa feated and killed the Optifex, to score, and I kept 4 Fury on her, just in case. The Neraph put Syntherion on fire and left him with one health, and no Focus... The Cipher is killed by an Angelius but reconstructed, and I failed to hit Syntherion with the Sorceress spray. 3-2 on scenario for me. The fire stayed on Syntherion, and I rolled double 6 for damage, which burnt him to death.

Three jolly victories for Everblight today !
Next week, the Shredder goes away, and he is replaced with a Min Swordmen units and the Blackfrost Shard.

Any thought or comments ? Feel free to leave them here !

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Journeyman League Mk3 - Legion

HI EVERYONE !!! I know, I know, you probably all missed me a lot (I have faith in you), but because of my job, it's very hard to have content for the blog when I'm working. That's why you didn't get anything for 2 months.

My job is also the reason I didn't go to the big event that was plan last week, for which I had tried Kryssa here. Nonetheless, I just started a Journeyman League, with Legion of course. I must say, I was every hesitant to embark on a Journeyman League this time for some personal matter, but mainly because I felt like the Legion Battlegroup sucked ass. Somehow, even after today (Sunday is usually the "Let gets together and play mini day" in my area), I still feel like he is waaaaaayyy not on the same level of the other Battleboxes, but hey, what can I do ?

To begin with, my local Press Ganster has made a couple of nice change to the Journeyman Package. 1- Every week is +15pts. 2- Every week, you can swap out one card (except caster). 3- For the painting, 1 model is 1 Victory, 5 is 2 Victory, 10 is 3, 15 is 4 and so on. Minors change really, but that means that I will be able to build my Flying Circus in the Journeyman League ! Every week, I will be tweaking my list toward that goal.

So after week one, it should start to be fun to play, because today was somehow weird...

Game 1 - Magnus the Traitor

I tried to play the "Bolt Thrower pushes you back and run" game, but it failed miserably when Magnus feated and run everything in my face. Sadly for him, he only camped 3, so I charged everything in with Kryssa and the Neraph under the Feat, and Magnus was bygone.

Game 2 - Xekaar

Here, since a full confrontation is absolutely not an option with the Legion Battlegroup, I tried the attrition again, moving at first forward then back. There was a nice house in the middle of the table that was perfect to hide from him. I successfully cast Howling Flame on his caster, which he transferred to the Savage, but my Neraph sneakedly (or is it sneakely ? [my grammar correction software say it is sneakily, oh well we learn every day, folks]) flew over the house and butchered the Savage before sprinting back to safety behind the house. The Reaver was the next one to hit the ground, also diminished Transferred Howling Flame, when a bolt came crashing through his skull. After that, I still had my Feat left, while his was spent, so I just waited for him to come foward and kill the Gladiator.
Disclosure, I got some really hot dices in this game, while my opponent did not, but it was pretty funny to see a Gladiator uses 4 Fury to kill a Shredder.

Game 3 - Syntherion

Well well well, guess what was my strategie here ? Yes, the same boring shoot and move back stuff. Some poor dices on my opponent part left my Neraph on a few boxes, but still with the Feat and Kryssa, he pounded to ground his heavy, while my Bolt Thrower killed the Galvanizer in melee (he had only 4 boxes remaining, so it was an easy kill). After that, the Diffuser charged Kryssa, who survived easily, and proceed to mulsh the three legged robot, leaving with Def 5, enough for a shot in melee from the Bolt Thrower, giving me the game.

So yeah, 3-0 with that crappy Battlebox. Why am I complaining you say ? Because I can tell that my opponents didn't really enjoy their game that much, and I was forced to play that way if I wanted the wins, because there is not enough power in the Battlegroup to pull out much damages.

You will also notice the almost total absence of the Shredder from that report. That would be because they, unsurprisely, didn't do a freaking thing except blocking my opponent advance. They do die well enough, though.

And sadly, for the next week, since I can only trade out one element and I need something more powerful in there, the Bolt Thrower would gives his place to an Angelius, a Nyss Sorceress and a Spell Martyr.

Stay tuned for next week !

Monday, 8 August 2016

Kryssa, Battle Box warlock of Everblight

Yep, you guessed it right, today is all about the latest girl in Everblight haram, Kryssa. She has been bullied around quite a lot since she came out, and I believe that needs to change, first because she's a blighted nyss being and therefore bullying her is like bullying Everblight himself, but also because, heck, she might be alright after all. Let now dive into it!

Her principal competition as a Warlock is Bethayne. As a matter of fact, this is the main reason Kryssa is downgraded. People always compare their feats and spell list, and Bethayne seems to come out on top in both department. I, for one, believe otherwise. Let start by looking at their feats: Kryssa's one is simple, plus 3 STR for everyone in 12" (the Continuous Fire is anecdotic because you can't realistically rely on it, and usually stuff die on Kryssa's feat). That's a good feat right there ! Now the Bethayne's one, warrior models gain Flank [Friendly Faction Warbeast]. A lot of people say it's better, because of the MAT bonus and that a dice is 3,5 instead of just 3. But the thing is, only warrior models get the bonus, and have you see a lot of those around recently ? You probably haven't, because there is just so much infantry hate in the game at the moment that almost no one (except Cephalyx) brings infantry units, Legion includes. I played against Bethayne the other day, and only 3 models had the bonus, while in the same situation, two of his beast would have had to bonus if it was Kryssa plus the 3 warrior models. And trust me, my opponent didn't waste his feat, because it was the only turn where he could hope to do so damage in melee before I completely remove his chances. Just think how strong epic Absylonia feat his, but now instead of Flight and Range 2, it's one more STR on every model. Personally, I would give the Feat part to Kryssa, just for the reason that our Beasts also have the bonus, which makes for a better combine arm then Bethayne.
Now the Spell List: they both have Cloak of Ash, so no need to discuss that one (they both like it equally). Invocation of Blood compete with Quickness has movement shenanigan, but while Quickness is more versatile, Invocation is more powerful. Venoms and Howling Flames are about the same, but the Bethayne's spray is a bit better because it costs less and she always has a good arc node. Tactical supremacy is a good spell, as is Disintegration, but they have very different roles. Overall, I would give the Spell List to Bethayne, because she has more good spells and also more Fury to manage them. Now if we look the warlock as a whole, Bethayne needs several beasts with a long melee range to trigger his feat, but she only provides 20 warbeast points, and she also wants a good chunk of infantry to pull the feat. Also, she's the squishiest of the squishy, won't do work by herself, and while Belphy has some game, you pay for him with fewer warbeast points. On the other hand, Kryssa has 31 warbeast points, which is plenty to take whatever she wants, and she wants about anything really (except what's in the Battle Box, that's just... argh !!). She can do some work by herself, even if it's only to use in last resort, and she can take a couple of hits. That's why, overall, in the current meta, I would place Kryssa equal if not over Bethayne as a warlock.

Now people might say: "U don't know what you're talking about ! Kryssa can't even do a soufflé !".
That's why I have decided to test her out on Sunday night against the Piggys of a local player.

Here's the list I made up for her:

Kryssa's Flying Circus
Kryssa, Conviction of Everblight
- Succubus
- Angelius
- Angelius
- Seraph
- Neraph
Max Blighted Nyss Swordmen
- Abbot & Champion
Blackfrost Shard
Blighted Nyss Warlord
Blighted Nyss Sorceress & Helion
Spell Martyr
Fuel Cache

I know it's probably not optimum. I'm very unsure about the Spell Martyr, I think he will just be shot off the board in no time, but I figured out that a Shepherd couldn't keep up with the battlegroup. The objective is to make out the most out of her feat, with P+S 17 Armour Piercing attacks, most probably charging for free (the Sorceress will also be the main target for the Succubus cloud since the cloud will stick to her and will also help her survive). That's all very theoretical, but we will see. If all go along the plan, the Swordmen will be defence 16, and the Blackfrost will have Tactical supremacy, so they can go more forward while casting and moving back. My main concern is Alten Ashley, because he can really ruin my day but 3 of my beasts can simply walk and boost a shot at him, so I should be okay.


So now I'm after the game. Here's the debriefing.

- War Hog
- War Hog
- Battleboar
Max Brigand
- Warlord
Min Bog Trog Ambusher
Min Bog Trog Ambusher
Razorback Crew
Razorback Crew
Bog Trog Mist Speaker
Totem Hunter
Gobber River
Gobber River
Effigy of Valour

The scenario we played was Extraction, and my opponent won the roll-off and choose his table edge. On his side of the table, there was a hill on the left and a wall and a forest on the right. On my side, there was a house and a wall on the left and a rough terrain on the right. Straight in the middle, a forest. I setup my battlegroup a mostly in the middle toward the right, and the Swordmen on the left, with the Blackfrost in the middle, behind my lines. My opponent place Helga in the middle, with the Battleboar behind her and both of them surrounded by Brigand. There were a War Hog and a Razorback Crew on each flank, with 4 Gobber on the left flank and 2 others Gobber with the Totem Hunter on the right. One unit of Bog Trog was also in the middle, in AD, and the other in ambush. His prey were Kryssa for the Totem Hunter and an Angelius for the Brigands.

My first turn, I ran forward, staying out of the Razorback range, so he couldn't aim. I cast Ashen Veil on the Swordmen and Tactical Supremacy on the Blackfrost. His first turn, he also ran forward, going pass the middle of the board with his Bog Trog, on which he cast Defender Wards. On my second turn, some of Swordmen charged forward, killing a Gobber and a couple of Bog Trog. My Seraph killed another Gobbo and the Totem Hunter, while an Angelius casually killed two Bog Trog. Kryssa arced a Howling Flame through the Spell Martyr. I missed his Warlord but killed 2 Brigands, another Bog Trog and but some damaged on a War Hog. The Blackfrost killed the last Bog Trog with an Ice Bolt. On his second turn, the other Bog Trog unit entered on the right side of the table and ran to engage my Sorceress which was touching the flag. He got some lucky roll to hit on my Swordmen with the left Gobbos and killed two of them. The Brigands moved forward and took a couple of shot into the preyed Angelius, but he stayed fully operational. The Razorback shooted my Neraph. His warbeasts all moved forward. On my turn three, the Blackfrost cast an Ice Cage and the Kiss on the left War Hog, the Seraph put Flare on the right War Hog and killed the Warlord and then Kryssa feated. My Swordmen charged the Brigands to open up the charge lane for my flying Circus, and also killed the left Razorback. First, the Neraph charged the damaged War Hog, which was under the Kiss, and kill him. Second, an Angelius charged his Battle Boar, and under the feat I got a lucky roll of 14 on the Armour Piercing attack and one-shooted the pig. Third, the other Angelius charged his last War Hog and killed him too. On my opponent third turn, without any Warbeasts left alive and only 2 Brigands, he tried to kill Kryssa with Helga, but since Helga was behind his objective, he would have needed to cast both Dash and Cyclone then charged Kryssa with 2 Fury, while I was also camping 2. Plus, he also had to open up the charge lane, because a DEF 16 Swordmen was in the way. He decided to instead give me the game.

Overall, Kryssa did exactly what I was expecting her to do. She hit so hard that my opponent could come back in the game. Her main weakness was also very apparent: she's a very "easy" target after her feat because she needs to be forward and in the middle to make the most of it. I was thinking that maybe a should change the Neraph for a Protector, thus giving her that most needed protection against retaliation after the feat, but losing the Neraph, which is a melee beast (and kind of good with the Kiss, the Feat and the Sorceress), for a support beast, I'm not sure it his worth. Well, time will tell, as I plan to play that list again, since I had great fun with it.

Thanks for reading !
See you next week !

Sunday, 31 July 2016

First Mk3 Steamroller

Ho-di-oh folks !
Yesterday, as you might know, I went to a Steamroller. If you want to check out the list I'd take just click here. Without further mumbling from me, here is the story of my latest adventure.

First Round - Entrenched


Jarl, Devil of Thornwood
- Bomber
- Rök
- Mulg
- Axer
- Runebearer
- Pyre
- Pyre
Min Stone + Elder
Gobber Chief

Since Trolls tend to have a High Armour and his second list had a Glacier King, I went with my pThag list. I won the roll-off and choose my table side for the wall and trench, letting my opponent go first. He moved pretty aggressively with his heavies and Pyres, so I went forward a little but didn't run much, because I didn't want to end up in reach of his heavies. His second turn, he moved forward again, staying just out of reach of my warspears, but still threatening both zones. I realised that I can't keep back for an eternity, and moved forward a bit, to bait him. Toward his zone, I sent the Carnivean with the Warmongers and toward mine the Warspear and Typhon. As expected, he charged with a Pyre in my warspear and Jarl started shooting off my Warmongers and scored a CP for him. On my turn, I killed the Pyre and put Thagrosh into my zone to start scoring also, while the Warmongers contested his zone. On his turn, he sent Mulg after Typhon, but the great dragon shrugg off the attack, since Mulg had lost is Mind to some well placed Typhon breathes the turn before. Jarl killed the last Warmonger with the help of his Bomber. Back to me, I don't have any other choice but to move my Carnivean into his zone to contest, and I'm hoping he can survive the Bomber. Typhon helped by the Blackfrost finish off Mulg. Back to him, he cast Primal on his Bomber and Axer and sadly kill the Carnivean. I didn't think about it before, but he snacked with his Bomber, so the Carnivean was removed from play, and I couldn't feat him back. The second Pyre rush into the few Warspears I have left, and then only my unit leader remain. Currently, it is 3-2 on scenario for him, but his caster his a bit exposed, so I tried to kill him with Typhon, but missed the first spray (even boosted) so Jarl dodged 2" away. For the sake of it, Thagrosh charged and killed the Pyre troll before lobbing an Obliteration into Horgle face, killing him outright. And then lost on Scenario, because he scored on my turn then on his turn. 5-3 CP.

Looking back to the game, I'd hold back too much during the first turn and I should have been more aggressive, especially during my first turn. I was really afraid of Mulg, because with his caster he treatened 13", but thinking back, sending Mulg into my Warspears like that would had meant that either Mulg was out of Control, or his caster was very forward. Overall, my opponent was a great guy and a very good player, and the game was a great game until the end.


Second Round - The Pit


Borka the Kegslayer
-Keg Carrier
Max Long Riders

Since I was in the "Loser Bracket", I already knew that the best I could do was getting 3-1, so I didn't care much and choose to send Lylyth3, even if I knew that Borka had Wind Wall, because I figured that I could try to beat him on scenario. I won the first roll and choose to go first. He chooses his table edge but I didn't really mind since the Lylyth list I played have Pathfinder and Eyeless Sight everywhere. First turn I moved forward pretty aggressively and cast Battlehost, which I upkeeped all game. After turn one, all my army was already at the zone or a bit more forward on the flank toward his flag. His moved as fast as he could do keep up, but he also but his cavalry in the front, but not far enough to touch the zone, and but Wind Wall on Borka. On my turn, I feated, froze all his army except Borka & Keg-guy and a Mauler hiding behind his cavalry. I also killed the Storm Troll and a Long Rider. On his turn, he had shaken off all the Stationary he could, but the Long Riders still blocked him, and he was alreay hot on fury. He moved all he could forward, and even his Earthborn ran to engage Lylyth. He didn't cast Wind Wall do, because he cast a couple of Rush to help his beat moving forward. On my turn, there was 4-5 of his beast into the zone, so I knew that my only option was the assassination, and Wind Wall was not up, so yeah for me ! The assassination basically takes me an eternity to achieve, and he succeeded two tough roll thanks to Stumbling Drunk, but he was so far behing his beasts that he couldn't transfer anymore. After all my Striders, Raptors and Angelius had a go at it, at last, a well-placed shot from my Bolt Thrower put him out of his misery.

At the beginning of this game, I was unsure how Lylyth would play into a Beast heavy list with a Wind Walled caster, and I knew that this would have been a pThag's drop usually, but I really wanted to try Lylyth 3. At the end, the Clock was 40 minutes left for him, and 5 for me, so that also mean that I will need to step up my game but for a first game, that's ok.


Third round - Extraction

Circle of Orboros

Kromac the Ravenous
-Druid Wilder
-Feral Warpwolf
-Warpwolf Stalker
-Wild Argus
Sentry Stone & Mannikins
Sentry Stone & Mannikins
Shifting Stones
Warpborn Skinwalkers

My opponent had only one list, so I had the chance to choose mine knowing exactly what I would be facing. So I choose pThag because I felt like he was the good answer. He won the roll and choose to go first, so I set up and the side with a forest touching a flag, so I could score while being in safety. He made a classic opening move, rushing forward with everything, casting Warpath also. I did about the same, my Carnivean was on the right flank, with Typhon and Warmongers in the middle and Warspears and my left flank behind the forest. On his turn, he killed 2 Ogruns with the Mannikins, rolling hot dice and so triggered 2 Warpath move. His Argus slammed one of my Warmongers and used Dopplerbark so I can't run or charge with the Carnivean. He also moved Kromac very close to the right flag and hide him behind a Sentry Stone forest and two Skinwalkers, because he had no Fury left on him (he upkept Warpath, cast Bestial and Wild Aggression). On my turn, since Kromac was empty, my Carnivean walked up around the Argus and targeted a Skinwalker with his spray and a boosted to hit and damage on Kromac, doing 11 damages. Typhon walked up also and sprayed toward a Mannikins and Kromac, boosting roll to hit Kromac, and finished him.

In this game, my opponent made a mistake, moving as forward as he did, he should have camped at least 2. The game would probably have been very different otherwise. It's no great play from me, just an early assassination.


Third Round - Take and Hold

Legion of Everblight

Bethayne, Voice of Everblight
-Nephilim Bloodseer
Max Nyss Swordmen
-Abbot and Champion
Max Raptors
Blackfrost Shard
Grotesque Assassin
Fyanna the Lash

His other list was Absy2 with an Archangel and some more Heavies, so I dropped Lylyth3, 'coz why not, let's try her out again. He won the roll, so he chooses to go first and I picked up the side of the board. They were a bit similar, mine had a forest to the right while his side had a forest in the middle. First turn, he ran with everything and hid Bethayne behind the forest, where she will stay for about the whole game. My first turn, I moved Lylyth forward and kill both the Assassin and a Raptor before shuffeling back. The Deathstalkers killed 1 Swordmen and I sent 3 Scouts to jam his raptor in melee. My opponent his still moving forward, but didn't feat. He ran with the Swordmen to engage my Deathstalkers, the Raek leapt and kill to of my jamming scout. 2 raptors charged my Scouts and one the Angelius, while the last one battle against a jamming Scout. Zuriel also charged forward, and breathed, killing another Scouts. On my turn, I'm thinking about using my feat, but nay, better keep it to make it count since I believe I can win the attrition war. With a bunch of Swordmen on my left flank, I decided that the smart move would be to move my army to the right. I first activated my Scouts to do some melee then my Raptors put some damage on Zuriel. My Angelius also charged Zuriel, and I got triple 6 on my Armour Piercing attack, so Zuriel died, and the Angelius crippled the Mind and Body of the Raek. Annyssa walked his raptor and shoot one down, before reforming toward my flag. Lylyth moved right and had some shoot into the Swordmen and Belphagor. On his next turn, my opponent used his feat, but he only managed to kill the Angelius, Annyssa and another Scout, but did engage my Bolt Thrower with a Swordmen. On my next turn, since a lot of my stuff survive, I moving again way to the right, keeping just outside of the killbox. Overall, my Bolt Thrower killed the pesky swordman engaging him and shot at Belphagor but did low damage. I killed the Blackfrost and the Raek and his last Raptor, plus Lylyth shoot 3 times Belphagor, leaving him on 6, with only his Spirit working. On his turn, he had only a few minutes left on his Clock, so he decided to go dominate his Flag and hoped that he could rush his turn to win or that I would Clock myself since I only had 10 minutes left also. That was all I have been waiting for all game. Lylyth  trampled over to of my Scouts and Fyanna to take position, feated and miss her first shot, but hit with the second, forcing a transfer, hit with the last, doing 15 damage (loaded dice right there), forcing a transfer on Belphagor who die and she still lost 9, but gained a Fury to transfer. I moving in with my 4 last Raptors, hit with first one, forcing his last tranfer, then he concided me with 52 seconds on my Clock to do the last 3 Raptors, which I would had the time to do.So even if I won, several things that I didn't though off during the game because I was tire: Apparition on the Seraph, buying one last attack on the Raek with the Angelius, 'coz he was so dead anyway, better positionning my beasts. My opponent did the right thing, though, but if Bethayne hadn't went out for the flag, I would have want through his Swordmen with Lylyth and Belphagor wouldn't have survived one more turn either, so I was winning on Attrition.


Overall, I finished the day fifth out of sixteen, so not bad ! Even the guy that beat me finished sixth so... that's a personal victory right there !

Thanks for reading guys !

As always, comments are always welcome.

See you next week !

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Lists & Meta: First Mk3 Steamroller incoming

Hello back people around the world !

This week, let's talk a bit about the general Meta in Mk3 up to now and what I plan to bring to next week Steamroller.

So, Mk3, eh ? That thing hits the Meta pretty hard. From what I have seen people play and what I play meself, Mk3 seem to favour High Armour Skew and Gunline. But why is that so ? Well I believe it is so for quite simple reasons actually. It's all part of the natural human defense mechanism, and Privateer Press changes. The main change is that every war-something can bring about two Heavies for free, depending of the cost of these, and usually a Heavy have around 18-19 ARM. Also, I believe that Warmachine is the great winner over Hordes. Some will argue that in Mk2, Fury was better because the beasts could do stuffs AND the Warlock could still have full Fury every turn... until beasts die, and you couldn't transfer anymore and you didn't even have Fury point anymore, where a Warcaster always had his full Focus no matter what. Although I will admit that a well managed Fury stack in Mk2 was a bit better than a Focus stack, the change to these systems are disproportionate. They fixed the problem of late game Fury vs Focus with Spirit Bond, but Power Up is just so good that now Focus roll over Fury, specially with Fury management tools being turn down. Players are taking to the table loads of 'jacks while Hordes supporters usually bring about the same number of beasts as before. The absence of beast marshal don't help either. So if there is more 'jacks out there, and that they are usually well armoured, and maybe a bit undercosted for some, you have the heart of the Armour Skew. The Gunline part is easier to see. Lots of models have seen their DEF going down a point (especially the 14-15 DEF fringe), and people being afraid of the change, if you kill it from afar, it can't hurt you. Having that in mind, we can proceed to the lists creation part.

If we can expect Armour Skew and Gunline, we shall have something to counter them. This is way for my next week Steamroller, I plan to go with my regular Thagrosh Brick and a brand new and shiny Lylyth 3 "Can't touch this" list.

Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight
Max Warspears
Max Warmongers
Blackfrost Shard
Warmonger War Chief

This list is tested and trusted. She's herself an Armour Skew, but mainly she hits like a brick and counter others Armour Skew and can deal with some Gunlines (that's actually what I would drops against eCaine, just because Thag can survive eCaine feat's more easily than Lylyth).

The "Can't touch this" is exactly what the name says. A list to control the game, threaten the Assassination and counter Gunline.

Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight
-Nephilim Bolt Thrower
-Naga Nightlurker
Max Raptors
Strider Scouts
-Officer & Musician
Annyssa Ryvaal
Nyss Sorceress on Hellion

This list can pretty much go against anything that doesn't have a colossal. The strategy is to protect the Sorceress with Lylyth Wind Wall while she herself cast Wind Ravager to have a big bubble of no shooting. The Deathstalkers and Scouts all have Stealth, so except against Sloan, there good to go, and the rest of the army move forward hidden either in Lylyth's bubble or deep into Sorceress' bubble so they can't be shoot at. There also a lot of assassination possibility, either with poisonous arrows from the Raptors, Lylyth herself for the "weaker" 'caster, and even the sling-shooted Angelius: cast Battlehost and freeze all models between Angi and the opponent caster and use Seraph or Lylyth to slipstream him forward if needed. That's an Angelius with 16" threat range, charging for free. Other games options include freezing opponent army to take zones/flags, then on his turn can't do much, then back on your turn use Repulse, Thunderbolt, whatever to push him out of zone, which usually if you dominate central zone and have kill the objectives, should give the victory.

I'm actually quite pumped for the next week Steamroller ! Lots of people from out of town, that I've never play against before. I just received by mail my Nyss Sorceress and she had a Mk1 stats card ! From the look of it, she must have been bonker good, but she also costed 45 pts, so meh... Trying to keep up the painting a bit, but I also need to learn the Morse Code for my job... Oh well, sometimes we must do what we have to do to make more money to buy more minis.

Thanks for reading ! See you next week, with some bat'reps !

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Gettin' Ready for the Big Day !

"Ya' know, all these stories start almost the same. It's Friday night, feeling a bit lonely. You decide to go out with the crew (or your "squad" if you're a young-adult with to much swag). While blathering gibberish around a table, you glance at her from the corner of your eyes. She's just sitting there, with some other random hotties, but you don't mine them. You wonder how she is, how it's like to be with her, maybe even to play with her. Your friend next to you told you that you should think twice about this, she's too sophisticated for you, kind of out of your league. But damn them all, the odds favour the bold, you make your move. [...] It's getting late, the venue is closing. You bring her back to your place, smoothly, a bit nervous. You don't really know what's to expect from her, so promising, so mysterious. It's gonna be a short night of sleep for sure. [...] Next morning, you wake up. She's still there, waiting for you, maybe on your nightstand, maybe on your desk. You just bought your first Battlebox."

Feeling uncomfortable and mildly aroused ? Yeah that's normal, after all, that was a sweet love story I just told you there.Once you purchase your first battlebox, you will probably be looking forward for your first game already, unless you want to paint them first, which is ok too. You'll probably buy some supports and a unit or two, and getting THE THING that make your faction sooooo goooood, because L3G1T W1LL, who have 40 000 posts on the forum and always comments his wisdom on every guys' army list threads, told you how awesome it is. Then one day, when you will feel confident enough, and will have enough models, you may try to go to a Steamroller !!! [dramatic music, then pause]

So how to get ready for the bid day ? (Ok, I will gave it to you, that was a veeeery long intro for the main topic, but eh, she was cool.) First stop, quite obviously, know what the rules gonna be. Even when an event is labelled a Steamroller, there is as much variants as there is Press Gansters out there. Will it be one or two list ? Are character models restricted ? Will there be a deathclock ? It's very important that you consider all of that, 'coz you don't want to have to change stuff or try to adapt 10 minutes before the first game of the day.

Second thing, if the Steamroller you attend allow 2 lists, you should bring 2. You can always bring only one, but you will probably get beat-up all day long, since every opponents with 2 lists will choose the best of his list against your. Of course, if you only have enough stuff for one, you don't really have a choice, but don't expect to win the day.

Thirdingly, play what you know rather then an Internet list. I know you can find the list of some top players in the Interweb, but that don't mean you either know or have the skillz to play that list, which might lead you to lose. Nothing can beat your own experience with a list.

Now that you know the three secret tips to manage your way into a Steamroller, I hope you will have a good time !

PS: Also, I believe I just succeeded to post three weeks in a row ! I will try to keep it up and post every weed-end, either Saturday or Sunday (and exceptionally Monday if I had an event on the Sunday).

You should also be able to comment directly on the blog now without the need to register, so feel free to leave comments (for now I don't have to approve comments, they should go up as soon as you write them, because we're all grown up and I don't want to have to watch over you).

Thanks for reading and tune in next for a pre-Steamroller briefing !

Monday, 11 July 2016

Mk3 Full Steam Event debriefing

Hi-di-ho people !

Yesterday was the Mk3 Full Steam event in my city, and as you all know, I had set myself the objective to fully paint my army list, which one week ago add only Thagrosh painted. [Here the pre-event post: click me !!! ]Well after a week of intense painting (something around 10-12h of painting everyday, except last sunday and friday where I only could do about 6 hours because of other obligations), at 0130 EST on the day of the event, I finished my army ! Also, a tip for you all, don't spray varnish in the same room you sleep half'n'hour before going to bed.

Moving forward, after a buzzing night of sleep, I set sail for the Full Steam, confident that a fully painted army should prevail upon weak half painted army. There was 14 players at the event, with a nice mix between Hordes and Warmachines.

My first opponent was playing Minions:

Maelok the Dreadbound
-Blackhide Wrastler
-Blind Walker
-Swamp Horror
Gator Posses
Gator Bokor & Shamblerz
Witch Doctor
Wrong Eye & Snapjaw

Scenario was Close Quarter from the rulebook. I won the dice roll choose the table edge with a wall to cover Thagrosh and a hill close to me flag. Trully the only thing I cared for all day was first, having fun, both in close second place were the super-shiny Marshall Points, which I add already 3 for my painted army and a outstandingly sexy Everblight Necklace of Cunning. My opponent moving forward pretty aggressively, using it's feat on second turn defensively to add +2 ARM to almost all of army. He also placed the Shamblerz as meat shield for his beasts. Sadly for them, Typhon made a happy BBQ of the unit, including the Bokor (my opponent failing all his Tough rolls safe one helped me a bit here). That was 2 juicy Marshall Points in my back-pocket right there. On my third turn, I had a chance for the Assassination, and since it was 1-0 for me on Scenario, and I wasn't sure I could clear flags, I want for hit. Blackfrost cast one Ice Cage with the Kiss, then Typhon engaged the Blind Walker and sprayed through him 3 fiery spray in the face of Maelok, leaving on a few boxes and no Fury. Thagrosh walked up, shouted to Maelok "You fell into a burning ring of fire and it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire !!!" and breathed him to death with a boosted spray.

1-0 for Everblight
8 Marshall Points

Second game was against Everblight:

Absolynia, Terror of Everblight
-Forsaken x2
-Shepherd x2

Sceanrio was Throw Down. Once again I won the roll off, and I choose my table edge, since I really wanted to go second to clear zone and score points first. Here again, pretty aggressive opening move from my opponent, while I move forward more consciously. I do leave him the first strike, which the Angelius hurting Typhon, Raek killing a Warmonger and KD another one and his Typhon breathing away a Warspear (which he couldn't 'coz of Draconic Blessing on them, but hey, should had know me spell better). Like a vengeful spirit, the counter attack cripple his army, as I kill in one turn Typhon (only with the Assault attack, not even close combat !), the Angelius and the Raek, plus a Shepherd and a Forsaken. But woh, what's that ? Yep, 2 more points marshalled for me. My opponent tried a charge with Zuriel on Thagrosh, but I was camping 4 so yeah, it failed. He also placed his protector straight between my Protector and Absy, which would be his doom. On my turn, Typhon backstrike Zuriel into Shredder's meal, Thagrosh cast Draconic Blessing on my Carni and Twisted Form on his Protector. My Protector slammed his Protector on Absy, which resulted in both of them being KD. "Carni came in like a wrecking ball, he never hits so hard in love !" One-hit-wonder, at dices plus five, did 17 damages. And even more nice, I only lose 5 Ogruns, 'coz I'm Unstoppable !!!

2-0 Everblight
13 Marshall Points

Third'n'last game against Cryx:

Lich Lord Venethrax

Before hand, I would like to talk about a funny fact. At that point, we were three guys undefeated, my opponent, my arch-nemesis Joce and myself, and the three of us had all went to bed pass 0200 and had pretty little sleep. By this empiric demonstration, I can safely assume that the less you sleep, the best you perform.

Scenario was Hold the Doo.. oups no sorry Hold the Line. My opponent won the dice roll but choose to go first, I learned afterward that he was going for the win in 25 minutes by casterkill. I pick the table edge with a wall for Thagrosh and a Forest. That game was a bloodbath. At the end, he was down to Nightmare, a Stalker, a Deathripper and the Scavenger, while I still had the Carnivean, my Protector, my Warspear Chieftan, the Warchief, the Blackfrost and 3 Warmongers. The thing is, Venethrax charged nearly killed Typhon, but he camped 2 Focus and forgot to Feat. Typhon was then killed by a charging Scavenger. On my turn, I fully leached the Carni, who was on 4 Fury and blocking his only counter-charging model with my Protector. The Blackfrost landed one Ice Cage and the Kiss on Venethrax. Thagrosh killed Cankerworm and say "Where not going to take it anymore !". Carni walked to Venethrax and killed him in 3 bites, the last one boosted.

3-0 Everblight
14 Marshall Points

I would like to thanks my local PressGanster Pascal Coulombe for the event.

Here a photo of the happy army.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Full Steam and Painting

Hi everyone ! If there is still anyone on this blog...

HeLLOoooo !!! [oooh] [ooh] [oh] [h]

Damn that echo is deep... So, first of all, about that ND Open thingy, my main computer somehow crash for another unknown reason (he does that like once or twice a year, but this time it's look more serious since hitting the case ain't solving 'thing), and the draft was on it so... as soon as I get my hand on the hard-drive, I will post it.

Since Mk3, I have been quite busy actually. Between camping trip, drinking nights and job related stuffs, I managed to get 4 games ! To my good surprise, I'm also undefeated in Mk3 so far, and I intend to keep it that way by any mean possible, including quiting the game.

Just kidding people, stay calm, I hope you didn't flip your table too hard for that one. Right now I'm playing a Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight list with Typhon and some Ogruns.

Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight
- Typhon
- Carnivean
- Protector
Max Warspears
- UA
Max Warmongers
Blackfrost Shard

That's also the list that I want to play for my Local Full Steam event next Sunday ! And since I got my eyes on the Marshall Award, I need to be able to get the most Marshall points possible ! Which mean that I'm currently trying to paint 11 ogruns and 3 beasts in a week to get those juicy Marshall points. It's in moment like these that I almost regret to decide to do Non-Metalic-Metal for my Legion, since it's very time consuming to do the 7 steps only for the gold/brass part. But so for I doing great, and I guess that if I keep up the good work (aka, in-line-painting), I hope I will succeed.

I'll keep you updated on that Full Steam event and the painting.


Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Mk3 Leaked Legion Deck Review - Part One

Yesterday, someone made a hole in the MK3 piping and there have been quite a big leak. Having now half of the full picture, since I still miss the core rules, I feel confident enough to put out a preliminary review of the Legion of Everblight. In the meantime, there will be some spoilers, but there is no link toward the leak in this post, all information gathered here are still considered rumours until the final release of the official cards, and the analysis is solely based upon my understanding, my personal opinion and my gaming experience. Also, there will probably be more than one post about this, ‘cause there is a lot so talk about.

Let start by the more important models of the faction, the Warlocks:

Absylonia, Terror of Everblight, aka Abby1
  • -       Statswise, some minors change: -1DEF, +1ARM, -1SPD, -2RAT (but that one is irrelevant). The important part I feel is the back of the card. She keeps Resourceful and now gives Ashen Veil to all the Forsaken plus she has straight out Grievous Wounds, no more critical. Sadly, she loses Reach for Ashen Veil, and the Flight mutation’s also gives here +1SPD. Feat stays the same (except she doesn’t need to cut) and for her spells, loses Carnivore for Hyper-Aggressive and traded Playing God for something kind of similar.
  • -       Miss Abby was not very much played before, meanly because of the awesomeness of some others casters. Now, even if the loss of Reach is sad, I believe she will see more play. Hyper-Aggressive will let her run large battlegroup, and that’s what she wants. She still does nothing for units, but now that Forsaken are DEF15 with her, she will probably become the new Beast Heavy caster. Also, having Ashen Veil and the DEF bonus will help her survivability a lot. Don’t know if she going to be the new superstar, be she sure picks up good stuff.

Absylonia, Daughter of Everblight, aka Abby2
  • -       Statswise, she is same same, but different, but still same. (Sorry, I had to plug that line from The Interview). She trades Teleport for Reposition 5”, keeps all her other spells and gains Hex Bolt. Feat is the same same, but different, but still same!
  • -       Abby2 was play before, and she will still be play. She does loose some treat, because now she can only back up to 5” instead of 8, and she can be freestriked while doing so. Hex Bolt is also kind of ok, I guess. There is nothing spectacular about that spell, and it has a very short range. We will have to see, but I have the feeling that she will play mostly the same, just maybe a bit less aggressively.

Bethyane, Voice of Everblight & Belphagor, Sleeping Bag of Everblight
  • -       Statswise, she picks up +1ARM, and still has a Berlin Wall’s of text so that basically, she can go hide inside Belphagor while Belphy becomes the warlock rulewise. She also has 20 Beast points, so I believe she kind of has more of it even with the change to point cost. She loses Gallows, Eruption and Carni for Disintegration (-2ARM), Venom (Corrosive Spray) and Invocation of Blood (help her go hide, or let Belphy think he is a heavy if she’s hiding). New feat that everyone knows about, since PP gives it in the Insider.
  • -       Oh my gawd, where to start. Before she only wanted magical stuff for her feat, which limited was you would take with her. Now, she would love to have a couple of infantries, with several light beasts. Maybe a heavy, but no more, because the feat need several beasts to cover the board. You might even want to play Lessers with her, because their small bases will let you put more models against stuff like heavy. Also, her new spells list is very nice, especially for Disintegration. That means she can really run some lights around, and even tackle a Colossal. She will gets a lot more of play.
  • -       Belphagor on its own is a light tank. He hits squishily at range, and can do some works against lights and infantries. Despite losing -1DEF and -1ARM, he’s still a “free” channeler that Bethayne can use to cast Disintegration or Venom.

Lylyth, Herald of Everlight, aka Lylyth1
  • -       Statswise, she is unchanged. She loses Bushwhack for Prowl, and now instead of having Witchmark and Blood Lure on each arrow, she must choose between the two, or the new shiny Inflict Pain. She trades Bad Blood for Pursuit, and Eruption is less violent. Feat stays the same.
  • -       Eeergh… What was wrong with her that she needed to be tune down?? Having to choose between Blood Lure and Witch mark is sad. First, that mean you need to hit a model twice to have both effect, which against Warcaster level model’s she will need to boost (so I guess she will only need to boost once, since after both boosted shots she won’t have enough fury left for Parasite [ok, she will be at 0 Fury, so unless it is a 100% assassination run, you won’t do it]). Sure if you input Far Strike, she gains range, but she’s already low on Fury, and Parasite+Far Strike leave her on 1 Fury, before any boosting. Maybe on her feat turn she can do some work, since her attack will be boosted. Also, Inflict Pain… what a crappy ability for her. She’s not a random solo that can lose his activation trying something, she’s a warlock, so why not something that also affect Focus? The only useful thing you could do with it is max out an enemy beast to stop from transferring, if the transfer mechanism stays the same. ‘ part from that, the warlock will only cut 1 or take a Threshold test at 1Fury. So, if you haven’t already realised, Lylyth1 was not very play, and that probably won’t change.

Lylyth, Shadow of Everblight, aka Lylyth2
  • -       Statswise, Cool Lylyth gains Stealth (take that, prowling Lylyth1), and keeps all of her sweet killing abilities. She loses Shadow Pack and Pursuit for Mirage and Soothing Song. Her feat now gives Gunfighter instead of Snipe, and everyone get a second attack.
  • -       I believe PP messed up who was who between Lylyth1 and Lylyth2. She was already hated for her feat, and while the Snipe part is gone, which was somehow expected (well not necessarily that part, but Lylyth2 was expecting change in general), she seems as powerful if not more. Soothing Song will still let here run heavy on Beast and Mirage couple very nicely with the new Back Strike bonus will wreak havoc. The Feat affecting all models is just awesome. Deathstalker with extra attack? Raptors with extra poisonous attack?? Man, that’s just mean against infantry armies and Hordes in general. He believes she will stays one of our powerhouse.

Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight, aka Lylyth3
  • -       Statswise, she gets +1DEF, and also the Battle Engine abilities seem to be on the card now. She loses the Blade but can make charge attack with the mount. Spells list is the same, as is the Feat.
  • -       Frankly, I guess the DEF bonus is nice. My main idea is that with Far Strike being an animus and ROF 3, she will hit from further away and overall gained from the change to the rest of the Faction. Maybe more play, but not sure. That will depend of how the other warlocks fare and how Battle Engine works now.

Thagrosh, Prophet of Everglight, aka pThag
  • -       Statswise, he is mostly the same, with some noticeable exception, he gains Tough, his Athanc gives him full Fury, not just 1, he can’t Feat back a huge base and Bad Blood become Twisted Form, which is different, but ultimately looks better.
  • -       Everblight sure loves his Prophet, since even if he didn’t really need any change, he gets goodies!! Sure, not much, but still. The Athanc part is really nice and will come handy, plus he can play beast heavy and forward, transferring like a no brainer and still having full fury (probably not the best tactic, but still). That also means that even if Thag is left alone, he’s still a brute and can kill you. Bonus, you don’t need to feel bad if you don’t bring that stupid Blightbringer, he can’t feat it back anyway. Thag was a mid-tier caster before, but I feel that with the tuning down of some big names and he’s slight upgrade, he will see table here and there.

Thagrosh, Messiah of Everblight, aka eThag
  • -       Statswise, eThag is better: gains Tough, loses cold on the breath (but keeps critical freeze), the new Athanc rule of pThag, Blood Spawn on any damages. The rest is the same.
  • -       I expect eThag to be, with Abby1, the other beast heavy warlock, principally because of the number of warbeast points he can bring (even if everyone went up, it’s still feel like it is a lot for what he can do by himself). Plus, he still only like to play with beasts, even if Dragon’s Blood can affect unit. Will he see more games? I believe so, just because that still want to run a lot of beasts will probably take him.

Vayl, Disciple of Everblight, aka pVayl
  • -       Statswise, Miss Winter Mk2 gains +1ARM, which she needed with Tenacity running away. Talion is more user friendly, since she can now transfer up to 5 damages, so if you take 7, you pass 5 and keep 2. Her spells list doesn’t change much, except that Rampager is gone, with nothing to take its place, and Incite is now 4 Fury but affects every model, so meh, guess it is ok. The big change appears on her Feat. She can’t move now, but all your army in 16” around her can. That’s so movement shenanigan right there.
  • -       Truly, pVayl was an awesome (and some creepy guys might even say handsome) warlock, which needed to be tamed. I feel she’s down a notch, but still very good. Incite is kind of a double edged blade. 9” is not that big for a bubble, and even if it gives the bonus to warrior models, there aren’t so much of them that are going to be able to get in the bubble, since you also need the enemy into that bubble. But hey, since she loses Rampager, it’s not like she has any other nice spells to cast now. Although there is one crazy thing she can do, since Far Strike exist… She can make any model at 6+12=18” of her an arc node and throw boosted Hoarfrost the ruin the day of a lot of people. I think she will be less played, but that’s because some other caster get better, and she feels like she’s more at a “Good” level rather than a “BOOM!! DIE MOTHAF**KA!!” level.

Vayl, Consul of Everblight, aka eVayl
  • -       Statswise, she’s the same, but gets Reload 2 instead of ROF 3. Her feat is the same too, but her spells list has some change. Chasten instead of Purification, Deadly Storm instead of Obliteration (POW 13 Cloud Effect) and Boundless Charge instead of Refuge.
  • -       Ouch, she has taken the nerf bat full in her face. Didn’t anybody tell PP that you can’t beat up a lady? First off, she will play very differently than before. Her Feat is less powerful since she loses her most potent spells, and Deadly Storm is nothing near Obliteration, because once you land one, you give Concealment to your target. Just how silly is that? She won’t be assassinating anything soon with that spell. At least, between Fury 8 and other stuff in Legion, she will probably have no problem to use Chasten, even if it is not as good as Purification. The problem with her now is that… She loses all of her tricks, and doesn’t get any new ones. Her spells list seem like a bunch of random stuffs throw together, and even if she can do something for units and beasts here and there, it’s just feel weird. She doesn’t support beasts that much, neither does she support infantry. Before, she had games on her own, but not anymore. Time will tell, but I foresee the shelf in a near future.

Rhyas, Sigil of Everblight
  • -       Statswise, she gains +1STR and finally overcome her old nemesis: walls no longer stop her. The rest is unchanged.
  • -       Rhyas does get better, but was it enough? Pathfinder was a given, and +1STR is cute, but I believe straight Decapitation would have been better, and would have let her see the table some more. With absolutely 0 changes, the downgrade of the Ogruns and the loss of Rearguard, I don’t know if she will really be more played. It feels like PP missed a nice opportunity to put her on the same level as the other Warlocks in the faction. I’m a bit disappointed with her; I was expecting the “Wow factor”, but nope.

Saeryn, Omen of Everblight
  • -       Statswise, Saeryn is unchanged. Her only spell that changed his Blight Bringer, and it is straight up better, since from looking at it, you don’t need to place it on a warbeast. Don’t know if you just place the AOE inside the 10” range or if it is an Offensive spell that PP forgets to mark, but both ways are good. Her Feat now gives +3ARM to everyone and the battlegroup gets Retaliatory Strike. Different, but nice.
  • -       Saeryn might see more play, but I’m not sure. Her feat is kind of the permanent pThag debuff bubble, plus Retaliatory Strike. Her spells list is ok, nothing extravagant. She has become an all-around caster. She might have her days, but I doubt that she will rock tournaments.

Saeryn & Rhyas, Talons of Everblight, aka The Twins
  • -       Statswise, they are the same that there regular version, except this Rhyas doesn’t have Pathfinder (maybe Mk4?). They do have lost their Bond of Blood. All their spells are the same, but Marked for Death no longer allow ignoring LOS. The Feat also state that if they hurt each other’s, they can’t feat.
  • -       Another weird move from PP here. The Twins weren’t play a lot, maybe because of other better choices. At least, Saeryn feels more powerful than her Omen form. The new beast points allowance will also help with the Fury, and they probably can run a huge battlegroup like no brainer, but they do nothing for the beasts.

Kallus, Wrath of Everblight
  • -       No change at all. Like not even a little thing.
  • -       He was already a good caster, but not a lot of people play him because of his Feat, that require a least a dozen of incubi. That will probably be the same thing. Except that PP made the marketing move to not raise the PC of Incubi, hoping people will buy them, and then play Kallus. Maybe it will work, maybe it won’t. I hope it does, because with the changes made to Ogruns, there is not much reason to play Kallus anymore (and I’m not even speaking about Legionnaires: what a joke they are…).

Kryssa, Conviction of Everblight
  • -       Statswise, well she not there before, so yep, that’s about it…
  • -       She should have been named Convection of Everblight, because she lit everything on fire. Her spells list is great for a combine arms list, and that’s also what she wants! Between Tactical Supremacy for movement shenanigan and Ashen Veil to help delivers units, she is a very good support warlock. Howling Flames is a bit so-so because of her Fury and Quickness is situational, and she won’t do a lot of work by herself since she need to Crit for the Sustained Attack, but her Feat is just amazing. +3STR in Legion is very powerful, and only for this Feat, she will see the table (and also because she is the battlebox caster, that will help, too).

 Overall, the Legion Warlocks all seem more on the same level, put there is still some betters than others. If I had to do a Top 5, it will be pThag, Bethayne, Kryssa, Lylyth2 and pVayl, in no specific order. And my Top of the worst will be eVayl, Lylyth1 and that's it. The rest are all good casters, and not very far from some in my personal Top 5.

So yeah, that’s about it for now. In the next days, I will cover the full faction, but I think that all the casters is a good start. Of course, I didn’t go very deep with each of them: that would take a lot more time. But I will! As I will play them, I will try to do posts about what works with them and what doesn’t. Hope you enjoy this short review. For these still expecting my after-tournament report on the ND Open, it is underway, but with the finals, I didn’t have much time to write.