Yesterday was the Mk3 Full Steam event in my city, and as you all know, I had set myself the objective to fully paint my army list, which one week ago add only Thagrosh painted. [Here the pre-event post: click me !!! ]Well after a week of intense painting (something around 10-12h of painting everyday, except last sunday and friday where I only could do about 6 hours because of other obligations), at 0130 EST on the day of the event, I finished my army ! Also, a tip for you all, don't spray varnish in the same room you sleep half'n'hour before going to bed.
Moving forward, after a buzzing night of sleep, I set sail for the Full Steam, confident that a fully painted army should prevail upon weak half painted army. There was 14 players at the event, with a nice mix between Hordes and Warmachines.
My first opponent was playing Minions:
Maelok the Dreadbound
-Blackhide Wrastler
-Blind Walker
-Swamp Horror
Gator Posses
Gator Bokor & Shamblerz
Witch Doctor
Wrong Eye & Snapjaw
Scenario was Close Quarter from the rulebook. I won the dice roll choose the table edge with a wall to cover Thagrosh and a hill close to me flag. Trully the only thing I cared for all day was first, having fun, both in close second place were the super-shiny Marshall Points, which I add already 3 for my painted army and a outstandingly sexy Everblight Necklace of Cunning. My opponent moving forward pretty aggressively, using it's feat on second turn defensively to add +2 ARM to almost all of army. He also placed the Shamblerz as meat shield for his beasts. Sadly for them, Typhon made a happy BBQ of the unit, including the Bokor (my opponent failing all his Tough rolls safe one helped me a bit here). That was 2 juicy Marshall Points in my back-pocket right there. On my third turn, I had a chance for the Assassination, and since it was 1-0 for me on Scenario, and I wasn't sure I could clear flags, I want for hit. Blackfrost cast one Ice Cage with the Kiss, then Typhon engaged the Blind Walker and sprayed through him 3 fiery spray in the face of Maelok, leaving on a few boxes and no Fury. Thagrosh walked up, shouted to Maelok "You fell into a burning ring of fire and it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire !!!" and breathed him to death with a boosted spray.
1-0 for Everblight
8 Marshall Points
Second game was against Everblight:
Absolynia, Terror of Everblight
-Forsaken x2
-Shepherd x2
Sceanrio was Throw Down. Once again I won the roll off, and I choose my table edge, since I really wanted to go second to clear zone and score points first. Here again, pretty aggressive opening move from my opponent, while I move forward more consciously. I do leave him the first strike, which the Angelius hurting Typhon, Raek killing a Warmonger and KD another one and his Typhon breathing away a Warspear (which he couldn't 'coz of Draconic Blessing on them, but hey, should had know me spell better). Like a vengeful spirit, the counter attack cripple his army, as I kill in one turn Typhon (only with the Assault attack, not even close combat !), the Angelius and the Raek, plus a Shepherd and a Forsaken. But woh, what's that ? Yep, 2 more points marshalled for me. My opponent tried a charge with Zuriel on Thagrosh, but I was camping 4 so yeah, it failed. He also placed his protector straight between my Protector and Absy, which would be his doom. On my turn, Typhon backstrike Zuriel into Shredder's meal, Thagrosh cast Draconic Blessing on my Carni and Twisted Form on his Protector. My Protector slammed his Protector on Absy, which resulted in both of them being KD. "Carni came in like a wrecking ball, he never hits so hard in love !" One-hit-wonder, at dices plus five, did 17 damages. And even more nice, I only lose 5 Ogruns, 'coz I'm Unstoppable !!!
2-0 Everblight
13 Marshall Points
Third'n'last game against Cryx:
Lich Lord Venethrax
Before hand, I would like to talk about a funny fact. At that point, we were three guys undefeated, my opponent, my arch-nemesis Joce and myself, and the three of us had all went to bed pass 0200 and had pretty little sleep. By this empiric demonstration, I can safely assume that the less you sleep, the best you perform.
Scenario was Hold the Doo.. oups no sorry Hold the Line. My opponent won the dice roll but choose to go first, I learned afterward that he was going for the win in 25 minutes by casterkill. I pick the table edge with a wall for Thagrosh and a Forest. That game was a bloodbath. At the end, he was down to Nightmare, a Stalker, a Deathripper and the Scavenger, while I still had the Carnivean, my Protector, my Warspear Chieftan, the Warchief, the Blackfrost and 3 Warmongers. The thing is, Venethrax charged nearly killed Typhon, but he camped 2 Focus and forgot to Feat. Typhon was then killed by a charging Scavenger. On my turn, I fully leached the Carni, who was on 4 Fury and blocking his only counter-charging model with my Protector. The Blackfrost landed one Ice Cage and the Kiss on Venethrax. Thagrosh killed Cankerworm and say "Where not going to take it anymore !". Carni walked to Venethrax and killed him in 3 bites, the last one boosted.
3-0 Everblight
14 Marshall Points
I would like to thanks my local PressGanster Pascal Coulombe for the event.
Here a photo of the happy army.

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