Hello everyone !
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No I haven't forgot you, it's just as the Steamroller was on Sunday, and I was very tired after, I didn't write the blog post yesterday. Being very creative sometimes, I'm also very mainstream some other times. That's why I went to that tournament with the same lists as last time, with Kryssa and Fyanna. Here are the battle report, with a big surprise at the end (it was even a surprise for me at that point, which is saying something !)
Game 1 - Bradigus Thorle, The Runecarver - Take and Hold
- Druid Wilder
- Megalith
- Wold Guardian
- Woldwarden
- Woldwarden
- Woldwarden
- Woldwarden
- Woldwarden
Sentry Stone & Mannikins
Sentry Stone & Mannikins
Shifting Stones
Shifting Stones
I never played against Bradigus before, but since there was so much armour in that list, and not much high Rat shooting, I went with Kryssa. Thing where going ok in the early turn. I lost a couple of Swordmen to the Mannikins, and I killed one stone and 2 Mannikins on the other before he feated. At that moment, Kryssa was hanging around his flag, camping 2. My opponent build his Synergy chain with the Woldwarden killing one Swordmen each, then Megalith was just in range of Kryssa. I tried a crazy counter charge from the Champion, just in case I spiked the dice at -8, to maybe shut down the Mind or Spirit. But I did 0 damages... He missed his charge attack (thanks Set Defence), but hitted with all the other, and with only 2 transfers, 2 attacks going through were enough to kill Kryssa. Oh well, next time I will check to distance between the big Heavy and my caster when his feat make him move 8".
0-1 Game
2 - Mr. Nobody, the Bye - Recon
As you might have guessed, we were 11 players, so I got the bye. That was ok, because I was already tired and eh, a win is a win.
Game 3 - Gorten Grundback - Extraction
- Sylys Wyshnalyrr
- Ghordson Driller
- Ghordson Driller
- Gunbunny #1
- Gunbunny #2
- Gunbunny #3
- Gunbunny #4
Kayazy Eliminators
Kayazy Eliminators
Wrong Eye & Snap Jaw
Anastasia Di Bray
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
Gorman Di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
Harlan Phineas Versh, Illuminated One
Kell Bailoch
Alten Ashley
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress
Saxon Orrik (not sure about him, but there was another solo anyway)
Objective: Fuel Cache
Since the other list of my opponent had a Galleon, I dropped Fyanna, and I was still pretty happy about my choice because I don't really know had Kryssa could have handle that list either. I choose as a Prey Alten Ashley for Annyssa, because I know that he could be a very painful model to deal with. My opponent went first, so I choose de table edge with a forest in the middle, to hide my caster into it. As a classic first turn move, my opponent ran everything forward and hid the snipers into the Fuel Cache cloud. On my turn, I did pretty much the same. I maybe put Proteus to forward, put I knew that Alten would shot him anyway. Fyanna go hide behind my objective, to protect her from Gorten feat. On his turn, all of my stuff are just out of range for his Kayazy, so he holds them back, but he shoots Proteus, causing him to lose his Spirit. He also make sure that Proteus can't reach anything, but forget that Proteus can't charge. On my turn, I switched Fury from Proteus to the Raptors and feated. Typhon moved forward and killed Alten Ashley, Kell Bailoch and a third solo who did nothing (maybe it was Orrik, maybe not, guess we will never know). All his Fury will be pull by the Forsaken. The Raptors went wild and while I wanted to charge Snap Jaw with 3 of them, only 2 could feat because of the distance and a Gunbunny in the way. Nonetheless, 2 were enough as one of them spiked the damages, and two of the unit repositionned themselves into Fyanna's feat. Annyssa killed her new Prey, Lanyssa, and choose Gorten as another Prey. One Gunbunny lost his movement also, mainly because of Typhon, but also a shot from the Seraph I believe. On my opponent third turn, he feated, catching Typhon, the Seraph and 2 Raptors. Sadly, my opponent forgot to give Focus on his jack, so both beasts survived, but the Raptors all die from either Harlan Versh (because fo Fury behind on them) and the Kayazys. Back to me, the Seraph moved back to Slipstream the Forsaken forward, thus escaping the melee range of a Kayazy. Then the Forsaken moved forward and shouted "Blight, blight everywhere !", killing 2 Kayazy and also doing 11 damages (actually only 6, because he used a Focus) on Gorten camping 4. Annyssa got into 5" of Harlan but fail to kill him because he was on a hill. Fyanna tried to kill another Kayazy, but failed to hit. Typhon received Fury and did what he knows best. He killed one Driller under the Kiss of Lyliss, and crippled both arms on the second one. Sadly, on my opponent turn, that was not enough to save him because of Sustained Attack. Rhylyss also die, with Annyssa, killed by a lucky Wrong Eye, and my Seraph barely survived with 2 healths. A Kayazy also engaged Fyanna, and a wall his made in front of Gorten with a Gunbunny, Gorman Di Wulfe and Sylys. Now for my last turn, as at that point we both have only 10 minutes left, my only option is to kill Gorten, since my opponent is also 3-0 on Scenario. I messed up my activation, since the Blackfrost, who went first, couldn't see Gorman, so they killed Sylys instead. Then, I activated the crippled Seraph, who shooted Gorman but couldn't hurt him, but I also hitted Gorten, which gived him -2 DEF, and did something like 1 damages. I was down to my last model, Fyanna, on full Fury, and Gorten on one Focus. She charged Gorman, killing him, and just made it to Gorten (forgot she had Overtake...). I bought one attack and boosted the damage roll, making 5 damages, that he used his Focus for. Bought another attack, boosted the damage roll, and here I spiked like crazy good, rolling 17 on 3 dices. Gorten was down to 1 boxe. Bought a third and last attack, hitted, boosted to roll... 2 dices landed on the table, the third one was so on fire by the tension of the situation that he jumped to the floor, but still, on the table, at -7 damages, a 3 and 4, so the third die killed him. My opponent forgot he's tough roll, but went he made it after we had complete the SR result, it was a 4, so Gorten would have been dead. Time on clock, 2 minutes.
Now here is the crazy thing (well, not as crazy as Fyanna vs Gorten crazy, but still). My lost was against the Steamroller winner, giving me 3 SoS, and the last guy was pair-down against me, giving me 2 SoS, so I also ended 2nd at that tournament ! That was a bit unexpected this time around, as I was sure that other people had better Strenght of Schedule than me. I will start believing that doing the submarine is a good way to win a odd players Steamroller. Next week, be ready for a Blood Bowl tournament battle report !
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