- Succubus
- Angelius
- Angelius
- Neraph
- Shredder (yes yes, I know, but he is leaving next week, I promise)
Nyss Sorceress on Helion
Spell Martyr
Objective: Fuel Cache
Game 1 - Bane Witch Agathia - Take and Hold
- Barathrum
- Reaper
- Deathripper
Max Mechanitralls
Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls
Satyxis Gunslingers
Warwitch Siren
I believe this was my second game into Cryx since Mk3 and my first against the Battlebox caster. With Wind Ravager, I could totally shut down his Reaper, which gave me the drop on him, and after two turns of mulching through his undead, he committed his 'jacks, which were promptly killed by the Neraph and an Angelius, under Kryssa's Feat. At some point, he needed to move in Agathia, since almost everything else was dead, and she got her butt kicked by an Angelius.
Game 2 - Beast Master Xekaar - Recon
- Titan Gladiator
- Titan Bronzeback
- Titan Cannoneer
- Basilisk Krea
Min Paingiver Beast Handlers
I was going first, and I knew that with his Feat, my opponent would be able to score big time on the scenario, since he was able to basically deny me the zone for 1 turn. I rolled pretty hot dies for my Angelius spits, and the Bronzeback was already pretty injured before the melee started. As expected, my opponent Feated early, and I left him the zone, with one small Shredder hidden behind the Fuel Cache cloud, which let him contest the zone since my opponent couldn't see him. He still scored 1 for my objective, though. Next turn, I feated and the first Angelius killed the Bronzeback while pocking once into the Gladiator. Then, my second Angelius charged the Gladiator, and when I rolled a swooping triple 6 for damage (which meant 25 total damages, with Armour Piercing), my opponent gave me the game. I still had my Neraph to activate, but he basically just lost all his punch.

Game 3 - Forge Master Syntherion - Entrenched
- Cipher
- Monitor
- Diffuser
- Galvanizer
- Corollary
2x Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex
Optifex Directive
I was going first again, and I moved toward my own zone. Then, my opponent did the same toward his zone, with the Algorithmic dudes moving one into his zone and the other toward mine. On my turn, my Angelius each killed one of the Algorithmic guys, and I moved into the zone to be ready to score. I didn't move toward him because apart from my Feat, he got a lot more punch than me and decent threat range. On his turn, he sent a violent rip saw into my Neraph, causing 11 damages and crippling the Body, but that was all. To my surprise, he didn't send an Optifex to contest my, so we both scored one. Back to me, the Shredder ran into melee with the Cipher and contested his zone, while the Neraph got healed and did the so-called "Coyote Manoeuver", and he killed the Galvanizer before running back to safety. The rest of my army shuffle a bit around, and an Optifex caught fire. I take the lead with 2-1. On his turn, a boosted lucky roll failed to score 12, so his whole plan to kill my Neraph crumbled. Actually, with all his shoot boosted, he didn't succeed any of them. He killed the Shredder and ran the last Optifex into my zone, so it was 2-2. My opponent has left open Syntherion, so I tried the assassination with the Neraph. Kryssa feated and killed the Optifex, to score, and I kept 4 Fury on her, just in case. The Neraph put Syntherion on fire and left him with one health, and no Focus... The Cipher is killed by an Angelius but reconstructed, and I failed to hit Syntherion with the Sorceress spray. 3-2 on scenario for me. The fire stayed on Syntherion, and I rolled double 6 for damage, which burnt him to death.
Three jolly victories for Everblight today !
Next week, the Shredder goes away, and he is replaced with a Min Swordmen units and the Blackfrost Shard.
Any thought or comments ? Feel free to leave them here !
Great write up, thanks! Fun to see Legion working out pretty nicely under Kryssa.
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