Sunday, 12 March 2017

There's something lurking in the corner...

Guess who's back, back again
Durgil's back, tell a friend
Guess who's back,
guess who's back,
guess who's back,
guess who's back,
guess who's back.
guess who's back...

So let me explain something very important. I'm a sailor, and as such, I have a hard time to produce blog posts while I'm at sea. And since I graduate from Maritime School last Spring, I'm still trying to get a regular job on a schedule, which is kind of hard. Therefore, I apologise to everyone who follows my blog for the letdown. I will try to warn in advance when the blog will be down, and maybe I will be able to produce articles in advance at some point (for my sea period), but for now, this is it.

So, I will be at sea from March 22th to April 19th, so don't expect much from me between those two dates.

Now more on the subject, Grymkin are around the corner and since I like the faction feels, I've given a shot at that CID thing.

Here a battle report of the game I played this morning !

Theme: Bump In The Night
The Heretic +29
- Cage Rager 14
- Skin & Moans 15
- Skin & Moans 15
- 2x Crabbits 7
Max. Hollowmen 14
- Lantern Man 0
Min. Dread Rots 7
Min. Dread Rots 7
Murder Crows 9
Murder Crows 9
Lord Longfellow 0
Trapperkin 3
Trapperkin 3
Cask Imp 1

Theme: Forges of War
Adeptis Rahn +26
- Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker 0
- Discordia 18
- Hydra 15
- Manticore 14
- Manticore 14
- Griffon 8
- Chimera 8
House Shyeel Battle Mages 10
House Shyeel Battle Mages 10
House Shyeel Artificer 0
Arcanist Mechanik 0
Arcanist Mechanik 2
Arcanist Mechanik 2

Scenario: Incursion
My opponent won the first roll and decide to go first, so I choose the side with a hill. I also choose the Arcana Ruins and The Shadow, plus Reckoning since it is the Trump Arcana.

This is after the deployment. As you can see, I use my Legion models for the Grymkin. Scythean/Ravagore are Skin & Moans, Zuriel is the Cage Rager, Swordmen are Dread Rots, empty bases lead by a Pot Grunt are Murder Crows, Shredders are Crabbits, Lylyth2 is Longfellow, Thagrosh1 is The Heretic, The Forsaken are Trapperkin, the Gobber is the Cask Imp and the mix of shooters are the Hollowmen, lead by a Spell Martyr as Lantern Man. Of course, one unit of Murder Crows is in Ambush and the other Prey on Discordia.

The general strategy of the list is to have a unit of Dread Rots to fuel each Skin & Moans, and use the Murder Crows as heavy hitters with the Skin & Moans. My opponent sadly doesn't have much living, but we will try our best.

At the end of both first turn, the Grymkin army is doing great, withstanding 0 casualty so far. The Griffon has the "No Charge" spell and the Murder Crows have Fury. The Cask Imp rolled 1 so he didn't go very far.

After my opponent second turn, the evil Shyeel Mages have killed 4 Dread Rots and Discordia killed 1 Hollowman, and I triggered Reckoning on Discordia at that moment. Sadly she also hit The Heretic, so he won't be able to cast next turn. The Griffon take a defensive stance between the obstruction to block the way for my second unit of Murder Crows, while a Manticore face my Murder Crows and place a covering fire between her and the obstruction, so I don't run in her backfield. A crabbit jump in to protect Longfellow from the Hydra shot. The Cask Imp die to a Mage spell.

Vendetta, vendetta !! I kept the second Murder Crows in reserve. I used the Hollowmen in CRA against Discordia, but I forgot the +2 to hit and miss 3 of my 4 CRA, doing only 3 damages. On the plus side, Longfellow showed them how to do it by doing a lot of damages. A Skin and Moans went next an killed Discordia with his two initial (including a charge attack). The Murder Crows prey went on the Manticore in front of them (niark niark niark, my cunning plan is coming into place) and the general army Reckoning went to the Chimera. My second Skin & Moans charged the Chimera, killed it, and the Reckoning went on the Manticore. Now the trap is all set, and 4 Murder Crows charge the Manticore with MAT 12 P+S 18. She died. She died reaaaall good. The Reckoning went on the black Shyeel Mages and the Murder Crows prey on the white Shyeel Mages. The last 2 Dread Rots on the left issued a Run/Charge Order, and with killed 1 Mages, giving the corpse to the Skin & Moans. I also get 1 Scenario point for the right flag.

On my opponent third turn, he killed the left Dread Rots first, then used his Feat. He cast Chain Blast into the bundle of Hollowmen, but I used Ruin to counter it. He then cast it again and killed Longfellow with 4 Hollowmen, but failed to use Telekinesis on the right Skin & Moans. Rahn was left with 0 Focus. The Hydra attacked the right Skin & Moans and closed his Spirit, while the Manticore attacked the left Skin & Moans. Both 'jacks had some buff on them, like +2 damage and some extra Focus from the Arcanist. The right Dread Rots are reduced to the leader only, but the Murder Crows hold on, losing no one.

Since Rahn is empty and very close to a Skin & Moans, an assassination opportunity arise. Since he used Telekinesis, The Heretic can also do it ! The Dread Rots leader charge the Shyeel Arcanist and killed it, giving a Corpse to the Skin & Moans and opening a nice way for the TK. The Heretic healed the Skin & Moans for 1 in the Spirit, did a boosted TK into Rahn, which hit, and a second on the Skin & Moans. Now I tried to maximise damage on Rahn by killing my own Dread Rots with the Hollowmen and did a CRA on Rahn, for a whopping total of 1 damage. My Skin & Moans then charged Rahn, who was presenting is back. He died to the initial, but I still boosted the charge attack to be sure.

** RED **


** ORANGE **

Reckoning: While playing this power, it clearly felt to my as having a Feat Power Level, which is a bit too much, since I also had two other arcanas. On the other side, since it's a Trump Arcana, he is limited to The Heretic, but still feel very strong, as he allowed my to mulch through my opponent 'jack without any dice spike.

** YELLOW **

Murder Crows: In this game, they killed a Manticore with a kind of "gotcha" move and probably that this won't happen every game, but their potential with The Heretic seems maybe a bit too much for 9 pts. Maybe if Reckoning was straight Prey effect instead of just the wording, so it won't stack with the Murder Crows, that could be an interesting option.

The Heretic: I discussed the warlock with my opponent after the game, and while he didn't seem overpowered, both Reckoning and the Godlike ability were pivotal to the Grymkin Victory. His general power level feels strong, but maybe cutting back on Warbeast Point could be an option, or changing Fury for a +2 Str effect instead. Also, if the Reckoning is toned down, he would feel more reasonable.

Cask Imp: He's a nice little solo, and I would need to give him more table time, but I feel like he is too easy to kill.

** GREEN **

Dread Rots: They felt just right for the point cost. They die easily, but are cheap.

Lord Longfellow: Expensive solo that delivers, and that's how we like them.

Skin & Moans: Powerful, but they have a low ARM and SPD. Plus Corpse are not that easy to get so they felt just right.

Crabbit: They are basically Shield Guard and nothing else, but they protect key pieces.

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