Wednesday, 26 October 2016

To infinity, and beyond !


Yes, hello people of the world, I'm back at it again this week, even if a little late. To keep you updated on my Journeyman League, I have currently 2 Destroyer points, week 1 and week 3. Two different guys have the others two, and I plan to get (or at least try my hardest and send out some sexy female assassins if need be) week 4 and 5, since if I reach 4 Destroyer points, I would win the Destroyer award. This is why I push the most I can to paint some models to get easy victories since this Sunday I only scored 1-1, which is definitively not enough to get me the point this week.

Good looking, aren't they ? Those are work in progress, but I expect to finish them either Friday or Saturday.So eh, that's all for Legion this week sadly, 'cause if you didn't know, that blog is not all about Legion ! Well, up to now, it was pretty much only Legion, but this is Durgil's Adventure blog, and I'm planning to go on more adventure in the following month ! One of these is the new Hordes faction !!

After Privateer Press posted on Tumblr (what the heck, Tumblr ? What kind of social media is that ?), I created a post about it on the main forum, because I'm so excited !! I mean, look at the thematic. Those Grimkin gobbers/thingies have a nice Celtic, Germanic, Gaelic folklore vibe to hit, with a fairy idea, kind of, because in those cultures, the faeries are not always nice people. And that really appeal to me since the great-great-great-grand-father of my grandmother on my mother side was Hugh Blackburn, from Scotland ! I still have a reddish beard in summer because of him, so yeah, always stay true to your roots.That's why I'm already stacking for them, to try to buy the whole faction when she comes out. And I also have other personal projects for next summer, so I must really plan well.

Also, more close in time, I have a very nice looking Norse Bloodbowl team that I shall receive very soon. The Indiegogo project from Meiko Miniatures was saying the team would be shipped in October, but now that we are at the end of the month, I think they will be ship in November. There is also a new Bloodbowl version coming from Games-Workshop, but I don't really trust them since the Great Fallout Of Fantasy. Meh, will see about that one.

I also want to start making my own terrains to play with, in a Privateer Press style. So look forward to see more stuff about that in a near (well, month-wise...) future.

Thanks for tuning in ! See you next week.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Journeyman Update - Week 3

First of all, shame on me for not posting last week. I let every single one of you down. Although I had a good reason, since I didn't really play (one game only during the week, and a 0 pts game, so nothing much happened) and while I usually play on Sunday, I was visiting a friend for the weekend, 'cause yep, for those of you who wonder, it is possible to have some kind of social life and being a very intense wargamer. Just need to write down a list of who are more important than the games, and who is not, and plan your activity accordingly. Anyway, a little update on that Journeyman thingy: a won the Destroyer Point for the first week, but not for the Battlegroup Tournament, since I was visiting said friend (you can realise how much important he must be if he scores higher than a tournament with Destroyer Point). I also didn't get the one for the second week since people usually play on Sunday. BUT, for the third week, I came right back in the fray with 3 games today ! Let see how everything went out.

- Succubus
- Angelius
- Angelius
- Neraph
- Shredder (yes yes, I know, but he is leaving next week, I promise)
Nyss Sorceress on Helion
Spell Martyr
Objective: Fuel Cache

Game 1 - Bane Witch Agathia - Take and Hold

- Barathrum
- Reaper
- Deathripper
Max Mechanitralls
Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls
Satyxis Gunslingers
Warwitch Siren

I believe this was my second game into Cryx since Mk3 and my first against the Battlebox caster. With Wind Ravager, I could totally shut down his Reaper, which gave me the drop on him, and after two turns of mulching through his undead, he committed his 'jacks, which were promptly killed by the Neraph and an Angelius, under Kryssa's Feat. At some point, he needed to move in Agathia, since almost everything else was dead, and she got her butt kicked by an Angelius.

Game 2 - Beast Master Xekaar - Recon

- Titan Gladiator
- Titan Bronzeback
- Titan Cannoneer
- Basilisk Krea
Min Paingiver Beast Handlers

I was going first, and I knew that with his Feat, my opponent would be able to score big time on the scenario, since he was able to basically deny me the zone for 1 turn. I rolled pretty hot dies for my Angelius spits, and the Bronzeback was already pretty injured before the melee started. As expected, my opponent Feated early, and I left him the zone, with one small Shredder hidden behind the Fuel Cache cloud, which let him contest the zone since my opponent couldn't see him. He still scored 1 for my objective, though. Next turn, I feated and the first Angelius killed the Bronzeback while pocking once into the Gladiator. Then, my second Angelius charged the Gladiator, and when I rolled a swooping triple 6 for damage (which meant 25 total damages, with Armour Piercing), my opponent gave me the game. I still had my Neraph to activate, but he basically just lost all his punch.

Game 3 - Forge Master Syntherion - Entrenched

- Cipher
- Monitor
- Diffuser
- Galvanizer
- Corollary
2x Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex
Optifex Directive

I was going first again, and I moved toward my own zone. Then, my opponent did the same toward his zone, with the Algorithmic dudes moving one into his zone and the other toward mine. On my turn, my Angelius each killed one of the Algorithmic guys, and I moved into the zone to be ready to score. I didn't move toward him because apart from my Feat, he got a lot more punch than me and decent threat range. On his turn, he sent a violent rip saw into my Neraph, causing 11 damages and crippling the Body, but that was all. To my surprise, he didn't send an Optifex to contest my, so we both scored one. Back to me, the Shredder ran into melee with the Cipher and contested his zone, while the Neraph got healed and did the so-called "Coyote Manoeuver", and he killed the Galvanizer before running back to safety. The rest of my army shuffle a bit around, and an Optifex caught fire. I take the lead with 2-1. On his turn, a boosted lucky roll failed to score 12, so his whole plan to kill my Neraph crumbled. Actually, with all his shoot boosted, he didn't succeed any of them. He killed the Shredder and ran the last Optifex into my zone, so it was 2-2. My opponent has left open Syntherion, so I tried the assassination with the Neraph. Kryssa feated and killed the Optifex, to score, and I kept 4 Fury on her, just in case. The Neraph put Syntherion on fire and left him with one health, and no Focus... The Cipher is killed by an Angelius but reconstructed, and I failed to hit Syntherion with the Sorceress spray. 3-2 on scenario for me. The fire stayed on Syntherion, and I rolled double 6 for damage, which burnt him to death.

Three jolly victories for Everblight today !
Next week, the Shredder goes away, and he is replaced with a Min Swordmen units and the Blackfrost Shard.

Any thought or comments ? Feel free to leave them here !

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Journeyman League Mk3 - Legion

HI EVERYONE !!! I know, I know, you probably all missed me a lot (I have faith in you), but because of my job, it's very hard to have content for the blog when I'm working. That's why you didn't get anything for 2 months.

My job is also the reason I didn't go to the big event that was plan last week, for which I had tried Kryssa here. Nonetheless, I just started a Journeyman League, with Legion of course. I must say, I was every hesitant to embark on a Journeyman League this time for some personal matter, but mainly because I felt like the Legion Battlegroup sucked ass. Somehow, even after today (Sunday is usually the "Let gets together and play mini day" in my area), I still feel like he is waaaaaayyy not on the same level of the other Battleboxes, but hey, what can I do ?

To begin with, my local Press Ganster has made a couple of nice change to the Journeyman Package. 1- Every week is +15pts. 2- Every week, you can swap out one card (except caster). 3- For the painting, 1 model is 1 Victory, 5 is 2 Victory, 10 is 3, 15 is 4 and so on. Minors change really, but that means that I will be able to build my Flying Circus in the Journeyman League ! Every week, I will be tweaking my list toward that goal.

So after week one, it should start to be fun to play, because today was somehow weird...

Game 1 - Magnus the Traitor

I tried to play the "Bolt Thrower pushes you back and run" game, but it failed miserably when Magnus feated and run everything in my face. Sadly for him, he only camped 3, so I charged everything in with Kryssa and the Neraph under the Feat, and Magnus was bygone.

Game 2 - Xekaar

Here, since a full confrontation is absolutely not an option with the Legion Battlegroup, I tried the attrition again, moving at first forward then back. There was a nice house in the middle of the table that was perfect to hide from him. I successfully cast Howling Flame on his caster, which he transferred to the Savage, but my Neraph sneakedly (or is it sneakely ? [my grammar correction software say it is sneakily, oh well we learn every day, folks]) flew over the house and butchered the Savage before sprinting back to safety behind the house. The Reaver was the next one to hit the ground, also diminished Transferred Howling Flame, when a bolt came crashing through his skull. After that, I still had my Feat left, while his was spent, so I just waited for him to come foward and kill the Gladiator.
Disclosure, I got some really hot dices in this game, while my opponent did not, but it was pretty funny to see a Gladiator uses 4 Fury to kill a Shredder.

Game 3 - Syntherion

Well well well, guess what was my strategie here ? Yes, the same boring shoot and move back stuff. Some poor dices on my opponent part left my Neraph on a few boxes, but still with the Feat and Kryssa, he pounded to ground his heavy, while my Bolt Thrower killed the Galvanizer in melee (he had only 4 boxes remaining, so it was an easy kill). After that, the Diffuser charged Kryssa, who survived easily, and proceed to mulsh the three legged robot, leaving with Def 5, enough for a shot in melee from the Bolt Thrower, giving me the game.

So yeah, 3-0 with that crappy Battlebox. Why am I complaining you say ? Because I can tell that my opponents didn't really enjoy their game that much, and I was forced to play that way if I wanted the wins, because there is not enough power in the Battlegroup to pull out much damages.

You will also notice the almost total absence of the Shredder from that report. That would be because they, unsurprisely, didn't do a freaking thing except blocking my opponent advance. They do die well enough, though.

And sadly, for the next week, since I can only trade out one element and I need something more powerful in there, the Bolt Thrower would gives his place to an Angelius, a Nyss Sorceress and a Spell Martyr.

Stay tuned for next week !