Yes, hello people of the world, I'm back at it again this week, even if a little late. To keep you updated on my Journeyman League, I have currently 2 Destroyer points, week 1 and week 3. Two different guys have the others two, and I plan to get (or at least try my hardest and send out some sexy female assassins if need be) week 4 and 5, since if I reach 4 Destroyer points, I would win the Destroyer award. This is why I push the most I can to paint some models to get easy victories since this Sunday I only scored 1-1, which is definitively not enough to get me the point this week.

Good looking, aren't they ? Those are work in progress, but I expect to finish them either Friday or Saturday.So eh, that's all for Legion this week sadly, 'cause if you didn't know, that blog is not all about Legion ! Well, up to now, it was pretty much only Legion, but this is Durgil's Adventure blog, and I'm planning to go on more adventure in the following month ! One of these is the new Hordes faction !!

After Privateer Press posted on Tumblr (what the heck, Tumblr ? What kind of social media is that ?), I created a post about it on the main forum, because I'm so excited !! I mean, look at the thematic. Those Grimkin gobbers/thingies have a nice Celtic, Germanic, Gaelic folklore vibe to hit, with a fairy idea, kind of, because in those cultures, the faeries are not always nice people. And that really appeal to me since the great-great-great-grand-father of my grandmother on my mother side was Hugh Blackburn, from Scotland ! I still have a reddish beard in summer because of him, so yeah, always stay true to your roots.That's why I'm already stacking for them, to try to buy the whole faction when she comes out. And I also have other personal projects for next summer, so I must really plan well.

Also, more close in time, I have a very nice looking Norse Bloodbowl team that I shall receive very soon. The Indiegogo project from Meiko Miniatures was saying the team would be shipped in October, but now that we are at the end of the month, I think they will be ship in November. There is also a new Bloodbowl version coming from Games-Workshop, but I don't really trust them since the Great Fallout Of Fantasy. Meh, will see about that one.
I also want to start making my own terrains to play with, in a Privateer Press style. So look forward to see more stuff about that in a near (well, month-wise...) future.
Thanks for tuning in ! See you next week.