Good day kidz !
Eh... Ok then.
How's everything going people around the world ! (Maybe I should get a standardised introduction, would be easier than something different each week.) Sadly this week, I didn't have any tournament to report for Warmachine, but I did a small tournament of Blood Bowl, 'cause Super Bowl. Still, that's ok because my great friends at Privateer Press just released Kallus and Azrael on War Room ! It was all planned, really. (I have contacts in very high place.)
Let's all dig into that shall ya: I'll assume that all me reader having seen what Kallus abilities are and will go straight into what I think.
He's awesome. He has SPD buff, damages buff and with the Free Fury for the charge either help out do more damage or hit better. Just fantastic ! He just happen to resolve my problem to never now what to play in pair with Lylyth 3. (I had a nice Bethayne list in mind that I will still try to build anyway, but OH ME GAWD KALLUS DEUS.) I think the best way to illustrate what he can do his with a could list:
Kallus, Devastation of Everblight
- Succubus
- Carnivean
- Proteus
- Seraph
- Harrier
- Harrier
Blighted Nyss Swordmen
- Abbot & Champion
Blackfrost Shard
Min. Croak Raiders
Blighted Nyss Shepherd
I wouldn't believe I would say that, but here the Swordmen can easily be replaced by Legionnaire & Farilor. Either you have 12 models 5 damage dice with 13" threat range with Overtake/Cleave or 12 models 4 damage dice with 16" threat range with Vengeance (could give you 2 attacks in a turn). Sure, Swordmen seem like hurting more and the Legionnaires need Vengeance to be triggered, but they survive a lot better to AOE. I just don't own them, but if I did, I would try them out. The Seraph here could also be traded for just about anything. I don't feel like Slipstream is such a big deal here, and since I really want the Kiss of Lyliss, an Ice Cage is just as good as Flare.
What I really like is the potential of the list. The Carnivean with free charge can really crush another heavy to piece, and Proteus just need one enemy model on fire to charge 17" away, (putting him at 13" from his start, so he could still be him Kallus range, and once over there, you can totally by a tentacles attack, drag in a second model, and just let the Swordmen follow up (who can now charge both enemies with +3 SPD since Proteus hit both). The Harrier are there to set-up the Feat, charging way outside off Kallus Control Range to put stuff on fire. Just watch out to not block Proteus drag with them. The Min Croak is there to help too. The Succubus is there for upkeeping Blazing Path (why not) and put Kallus at DEF 15, since he is on the low side (can go at ARM 20 if needed with the Carni animus).
Maybe not the greatest list, but a very fun list to try. Also as a gift, here are 5 songs that I personally selected which are perfect to play when you use Kallus Feat:
Ring of Fire [a classic, really]
House of Fire [a bit more hardcore; probably need 4-5 heavies in your list to use that one]
I See Fire [just make sure your opponent don't start crying with that one]
Just Like Fire [for all the special snowflake out there]
Fire [I mean, if you're into THAT, go nutz]
Now, let's move on to Azrael. And I promise I won't make any Smurf jokes.
As any heavy in Legion, he's not cheap, with a whopping 21 pts. Still, fully worth his price on paper. He's RAT 6 is great to hit without the need to boost, so he can do all his shoot with boosted damage and have Fury to spare. He also has one big thing going for him: his spear doesn't have a damage type. Even if she has Continuous Fire, she's not Damage Type Fire, so he goes in the lovely basket with the Naga and the Bolt Thrower of untyped damage on ranged beast. As for his defensive ability, DEF 12 is ok for a heavy warbeast (against MAT 6, expect one attacks to miss from your opponent), but he has 32 boxes (only Typhon has so much) and ARM 18. Plus "Its burn!" can act as a good deterrent against infantry: Azrael won't die in one hit, so troopers will catch on fire !
I'm already planning a change to my usual Lylyth 3 list with him.
Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight
- Archangel
- Azrael
- Nephilim Bolt Thrower
- Naga Nightlurker
Min. Raptors
The Forsaken
That leave me with 3 pts, so maybe I'll take out the Shepherd for a Succubus. That mean I also switch out Typhon, but that way I gain 2" on threat range, untyped damage, and while I lose an attack, 2x17 or 3x14 do about the same, and that allow me to drop that list against "anti-fire" army like Menoth or Troll because I still can assassinate without fire with Azrael, unlike with Typhon.
About that Blood Bowl event, I finished second, losing in the final. I played my brand new team of Norse (whom, with Pro Elf, are my favourite team), and you be sure to see some painted photo of them in the next few weeks ! For the record, I went 3-1 against Goblins, 1-0 against Underworld and lost 2-1 against Chaos Dwarf. Had great fun,anyone !
though, and I would recommend Blood Bowl to