Sunday, 18 December 2016

How to build and magnetize an Archangel

Welcome, people of the interwebs !

This week, let us all take a look at the mightiest creature of all: the wild great dragon, also know as an Archangel.

So, if you are like me, when you bought that creature, it came with a very large plan explaining how to build it with much sketches and details. Don't ring a bell? Hum, maybe my memory is a bit fuzzy with this one. Anyway, I would like to take on the journey of how to build and magnetise the wing of your Archangel.

First step, you will need in your toolbox:
- 4 10mm magnet
- 1 Bowl (like a soup bowl)
- 1 Sharp modelling knife
- 1 7/16" drill bit
- 1 drill
- 1 Epoxy glue
- 1 Good ol' glue
- 1 Boiler
- 1 Archangel (obviously)
- 1 Green stuff pack (aka Milliput)
- 1 or 2 toothpicks (depends of your skill level with the Epoxy)
- Some modelling tool (ya know, that 3 tools kit that looks like a dentist arsenal ? Yeah, I'm talkin' about that)
- Some water
- A hell lot of patience

Now that you have everything handy, you shall know that you're here for a couple of hours, so maybe turn on the radio or put your favourite CD on. (I recommend Christmas music since we are in December.)

Second step, when you open the box, it should look like this:

As for any models, take the time to cut the moulding lines, and particularly with the Archangel, the moulding vents, since there is quite a few. Watch out to not cut yourself, because sometimes the knife goes faster than we expect into such resin. Very important also to regularly try the parts together to see if it fits well, or if you need to cut a little more resin. It is better if you have taken off to much rather than not enough since later we are going to back over the gap. (Don't do a butcher's work either.) Oh, very important, don't cut the stump at the end of the wings!

Once all parts are clean, fits well and you still have at least nine fingers, we can move on to step three. Which is glueing almost everything together. Start by glueing the butt on the stone. You will probably need to cut off a bit on the inside of the right knee if you didn't already. Another option is to use the boiler combined with the water to get smoking hot water, and sink the butt into it. You really need a bowl of fecking hot water for this model, because a sink hot water stream is not enough exposure for the thickness of the model. If you use the water, make sure to dry well the part where you're going to apply your good ol' glue (which is your regular modelling glue, actually). Once the butt is done, you can move the left leg. With this one, no particular problem, just glue it straights. For the left knee, you can either do it now or wait at the end to do it with the rest of the metal parts. Move on to the torso. For me, it was a pretty good fit after carving a bit here and there. Then, proceed with both arms. The right arm should be good, but the left... Let just say my Archangel have a bit of dislocated shoulder problem on that side. Just make sure the arm is well glued, as this is something we can cover with some green stuff, so no biggies.

Now the tail. I give her its own paragraph because "eeerrghhhh", what a mess... At first, I thought that the hacked parts of the tail were a miscast, then I read that it was supposed to be "battle damages", and then I realise that those are specific spots that must interact with the base for a perfect fit. Only an image can explain that clearly:

The tail is made to go on the small rock, around the blighted monolith, on the ribcage and there is even a small bump for a duo of skulls, all while coming out of your Archangel butt. There, you will need the hot water. Like really, I tried the sink and it just doesn't cut it, uses a lot of water (I'm not a Circle player, but we can still try to save a fish or two) and cools too fast. Put the tail in the water until she's like a hot noodle or an elderly twinky, whichever you prefer, ain't no time for judgement here. She will be warm enough to give you time to first dry it, then apply the glue and stick it in there. Put glue on all the points of contact (butt, rock/monolith, ribcage, skulls bump), and when glueing, apply pressure to the butt with one hand and position the tail in its place with the other. I would recommend the ribcage as a good second spot for applying pressure. You might even want to try it a first time without the glue, to check-out how it goes. Also, as if it is not hard enough already, make sure that the end of the tail is high enough for the second part of the tail since she goes downward.

Next stop, the head. This time, start with the lower jaw first and glue it on the torso. After that, do the upper jaw and finally to back head part. As usual, carve to achieve a good fit. Don't panic if there is a small gap between the upper jaw part and the back head part. You can do the left knee if he's not done already.

Now we will do the spikes on the spine. The sections go in that order, from head to tail: 4 smalls, 3 huge, 4 mediums, 3 smalls. I recommend you to start from the neck and to go down. You might need to bend some little to achieve a good fit, which is not always possible. On mine, it is as if he misses a couple of millimetres and the spikes don't come quite straight on the tail part. Do as best you can, and we will handle the rest with green stuff.

After that, glue the small wings, they fit alright. For the metal tail part, check if the tail get close enough that you can also glue it on other places than just the resin tail part. On mine, it was a toe and a rock. Maybe bend it a bit to get it to touch somewhere, because that resin part ain't going to hold all that metal part.

For the big wings, start by glueing the claws, pointy part inward. When will probably need to cut into the small metal square under the claws to get it to fit well, since it's too dangerous to try to open up the hole on the wings. For the tiny spikes on the wings, I didn't really find if there was any supposed arrangement for them, so I just glued them the longest outward and going smaller and smaller inward.

Now, go out, take a walk, eat maybe. Sleep if you haven't in the last 36 hours (that's my personal limit, after that, I start falling asleep where I'm standing without warning. Pretty freaky, don't go there unless you have to.)

Next and last part, the magnetizationneering of the wings. While being an awesome model, the Archangel is very difficult to transport and store because of his wings. But, if carefully magnetised, he can keep all his might while not being a pain in the lower back area. To keep the most support possible, you will want to keep the stump on the wings, and that mean you will need to drill into the torso to make room for the magnets. The easiest side is the right, because the hole is smaller than the drill bit you're going to use. Yes, that means you're going to make the hole bigger, but once over, it will be mostly hidden by the wing shoulder. It's very simple, just drill, blow out the resin, drop two magnets inside the hole, add the wing on top, and check if it's looking good or not. Here too, it's better if you go a bit too deep than not enough deep. For the left wing, since the hole is bigger, try to drill following the same angle as the stump goes in, and also try to not hit the border of the hole, since he is already quite big.

Now to glue the magnet and make sure everything is aligned, you actually need to glue the magnets while they are in the hole, and I recommend you do one magnet at a time, event if that mean you will lose some glue. You're working on a 100$+ model, don't grumble around about your 10$ epoxy glue tube. First, put the two magnets in the hole and don't push them to the bottom. Mix a small batch of glue, apply it with a toothpick on at the end of the stump, on the wing, but make sure there is none around the stump! Insert the wing slowly into the hole, so that the stump contact a magnet and push it down. That way, your magnet will be perfectly aligned on the stump. For the second magnet, it's trickier (weep, not tricky enough yet). Since a drill bit is like a cone, make sure there is not resin residue into the hole (easiest way is with a couple of q-tips (ears cleaning stuff) and water), make sure it is dry. Check the thickness of the stump plus the magnets, and compare it with the deepness of the hole. You will know approximately how much glue you need to put in. That's why epoxy is good, because she is thick enough to fill the gap. Mix some epoxy, put it in the hole (be light handed here, better to had some later then have too much), put the second magnet on the first one, and then put some glue on it. Proceed to slowly insert the wing on the shoulder. Once you reach the bottom, take it out. Yes, TAKE IT OUT! Now make sure that the glue on the bottom and the glue on the magnet have made contact (they should have spikes where they make contact), and also that the glue at the bottom didn't go all over the place because there is too much of it. If it is the case, try to scrape it with a clean toothpick and a wet q-tip to clean the area. After all, you don't want the wing to be glued there permanently. For the second wing, do the same thing, but try to both the magnets in a complimentary way, as they will all pull toward each other instead of each side repulsing each other (normally, the magnets are strong enough that you will see after you have done the first wing which way the magnets are attracted).

Technically, ta da !!!! You have a fully glued and magnetised Archangel. What about the green stuff part, you say? Well, that will have to be in part two, since this one is already pretty long, and will include also green stuff's stuff on Raptors and Lylyth3, because Christmas means Reindeer Riders are next in line for painting.

Sunday, 11 December 2016

What's going on in Everblight mind...

Hello folks (and folkettes, the Legion is an open community which accepts women) !

At the moment, there is some kind of big tourney coming in January (yeah, that's in a long time), and I would like to have my 2 lists fully painted for this event, since there will be a Painting category (with PP pin, and y'all know huw mich me luv PP pinz) and also extra coupon for the participation prizes, because in all seriousness my painting is a table-top level, not award winning level.

Thus, to decide what to paint, I'm trying to build 2 brand new lists that don't look like stuff I've already played in Mk3, and damn it's hard. I've already played prime Thagrosh's brick with full Ogruns and a couple of heavy beasts, Kryssa with a flying circus and a side of Swordmen, Fyanna with Proteus (for 20" drags) and Lylyth 3 Assassination medley.

I know, there is other stuff to be played, just like I could bring some other Warcaster, but not a lot of them feel competitively good ? And even then, what do would I bring with them ? Most of your beasts are a bit pillow fisted for their point cost, most of our animus are irrelevant, half our light are still useless and there is still half our units that are not very good. Don't get me wrong, there are good, powerful choices in Legion, but I kind of feel like I would like to play whatever I want and feel like I could have a chance, instead of always going for the stamped models.

Every time I try to build a list, I try to follow 3 principles, since Legion is an alpha striking army. I need a Mat fixer, to be sure to hit. I need a Damage buff, to be sure to hit hard. And I need a SPD buff, to be sure to get the alpha strike. Prime Thagrosh is kind of the exception for the last one since he can pull a brick well enough, but still.

I believe that's why Absylonia 2 is so good in Legion right now: she can answer all of them by herself, so we don't need that much support and can invest in raw power. Lylyth 3 is also very good because she fixes both SDP and Mat/Rat with her feat. Most of the time when I check a Warlock, I look at what he can answer, and if he can answer 2 or 3, he's pretty good. If he can only answer one or none, is probably subpart for a competitive level.

From there, every time I try to build a list with a caster that can't fix Mat/Rat, I always feel the need to include a Seraph, because if my beasts don't hit when they go in, I know they will be dead next turn (except like Proteus, but he's so pillow-fisted !!). That's also why I found the Blackfrost so good, because they help with 2 of the basic principle I need to get !

With that in mind, I will try to build 2 lists, right here, right now. I would really appreciate all comments and thought about both my lists, and the subject of Hordes being less good than Warmachine, because I somehow feel that if I was only facing Hordes player with my lists, I would feel like a have a lot more of possibilities, but since my choices must trade into 10-12 pts good cost-effective heavies, I feel very restricted.

List 1

Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight
- Archangel
- Typhon
- Nephilim Bolt Thrower
- Naga Nightlurker
Annyssa Ryvaal
The Forsaken
Blighted Nyss Shepherd
Min. Blighted Nyss Raptors
Obj: Stockpile

I've tried Lylyth 3 assassination before, but not with the Gargantuan. I feel like the threat range is a little bit smaller, but the list can take more punishment than one hit more glassy cannon.

List 2

Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight
- Typhon
- Carnivean
- Protector
Blighted Nyss Swordmen
- Abbot & Champion
Blackfrost Shard
Annyssa Ryvaal

In that list, I still have 12 pts, but I don't really know what to do with them... I would like a third big beast, but then I would lose some support, either Annyssa or the Blackfrost, and from experience, the current state of Thagrosh battlegroup is the maximum he can handle without any form of Fury management. Maybe a little Shredder party, with 3 little missile ? DEF 15 with FoW ain't too shabby...

If you want to follow me or comment on my list, you can do it on my Facebook Page !

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Slayer Bowl 2

Yesterday, I went to the Slayer Bowl 2, with my sexy human team (ok, only the ogre was painted, but still, what a sexy ogre).

I really enjoy playing Blood Bowl as a kind of "side hoe" game, because it's a lot less complicated than Warmachine and Hordes (from my point of view, but of course for anyone whom Blood Bowl is there "main hoe", they could see it the other way around).

I had first planned to go with my glorious Union Elf team (aka "Pro Elf"), the Rainbow Warriors, but during a practice match against the Chaos Dwarf of a fellow player, I realize that they are way too fragile, and as I bought the new Blood Bowl box, I choose to complete the Human Team by adding an Ogre from my great and venerable bits of Warhammer Fantasy (RIP, glorious game of my younger days) and 2 old human Blitzer from an older version. As such, the Reiksguard Irregulars were created !

My first game was against a Dark Elf. I tried to keep is team lock down, but thrice he succeeded in getting behind my line, and thrice he scored. His Assassin also successfully stabbed my Ogre, but he quickly regretted it when a Blitzer sent him skyrocketing the next turn. A good match, but we started the day with a loss.

My second game was against a Slann team. None from his team had the Block Skill, while 5 of mine did, including my Ogre. Winning the melee game, my opponent quickly found himself outnumbered and things got out of hand for him when I started flanking hard with my Blitzer. Overall, I scored thrice and did four casualties, while only suffering one casualty and no touchdown.

My third game was against the already mentioned Chaos Dwarf player. I wanted my revenge, but Nuffle, the God of Blood Bowl, had other plans... Most of the game was played with a 3 to 4 men disadvantage for me. My Ogre only spent 2 turns on the field, my Blitz turn (which didn't do a thing) and the last turn of the game. Nonetheless, I successfully gave my opponent a good run for his money, as I made several crazy turns of multiple 4+ dodge and pick-up, trying to throw the ball far away. I put so much pressure on him that even at 5 against 3 (1 minotaur, 3 Chaos Dwarf and a Hobgoblin vs a Blitzer, a Thrower and a Lineman), he felt it was to dangerous to stall and went directly for the touchdown. There was also many great strategic moves made on my part, such as leaving all my team on the ground before the half-time, giving him 0 possibilities of blocks. The game ended 2-0 for my opponent, but it was probably the game I enjoyed the most all day.

My final game was against an Ogre team, with 5 Ogre and 6 Snotling. This game was a massacre. Bodies were flying into the air, bones were broken, head smashed... That's on I ended with a 4-0 victory. Two of his Ogres, one while Going-For-It and one on a Both Down result, got injured while I rolled 6-6 for Armour and 6-6 for Injury ! Also, two Snotlings got crippled and a third was KO most of the match. Even the kick-off events were on my side most of the time, with two Perfect Defense and a Blitz. I suffered two casualties as well, but nothing compared to what I gave.

Overall, I finish with 2 wins and 2 loss. On the overall, I was 7 on 20, which is pretty great if you ask me since that was the first time I played that team.

Also, the Indiegogo event for my Norse Team informed me that I should receive them between the second and third week of December. That's like 2 months late, but I can't do much about it, and I still had great fun with my Human Team.